A |
(Allerton, Ollerton, Ellerton, Alderton) MADDISON side |
2 lines, 3 generations, mid-1500s-1699 |
(Alley, Alie, Ally, Alle, Aile) MADDISON side |
3 lines, 3 generations, circa 1644/1649-1727 |
(Amaseen, Amazean, Amazeen, Amenseene, Amensene, Amenteene, Amicene, Amosen, Amoseen, Amusseen, Ammazeen, Ammisoone) HALL side |
(Anster) MADDISON side |
B |
(Barnard, Barnerd, Barnot, Barnott, Barnet, Bernard, Barnod) MADDISON side |
(Barnes, Barns) MADDISON side |
(Baset, Basset, Bassett, Bassit) MADDISON side |
and Salem Witch Hysteria Victims 5 generations, circa 1600-after 1735 |
(Batchelder) HALL side |
(Baynton, Baytun, Baytum, Batrum) MADDISON side |
3 generations, 1400s |
(Beck) HALL side |
4 generations, circa 1617-1822 |
3 generations, circa 1590/1595-1687 |
(Benford, Benfield, Bedford, Perley) MADDISON side |
(Benyson) MADDISON side |
(A Barrow, A-Barrow, Abarrow, Barrow, Barry, Bary, Beary, Bearry, Berry, Berrey, Bery, O'Barry, Upbarron) MADDISON side |
(Barrey, Barry, Berrey, Berry, Berrye) HALL side |
(Bill) MADDISON side |
3 generations, 1590/1595-1704/5 |
(Bixby, Baxby and over 40 other variations) MADDISON side |
(Boardman, Boarman, Bordman, Boman, Boreman, Boadman, Bourdman) MADDISON side |
(Booth, Boothe, Bowth, Buth) MADDISON side |
(Bowers, Bower) MADDISON side |
(Breed, Bread, Breede, Breade, Brid, Broad, Braid, Bred, LeBred) MADDISON side |
(Brookings, Brookin, Brooklin) HALL side |
(Brooks) MADDISON side |
(Brown, Browne) MADDISON side |
(Brown) HALL side |
(Bucknam) MADDISON side |
(Burchsted, Burchstead) MADDISON side |
(Berell, Borrell, Borrill, Burall, Burrell, Burrial, Burril, Burrill, Burwell) MADDISON side |
(Butterfield) MADDISON side |
C |
(Carroll, O'Carroll) MADDISON side |
3 generations, circa 1820-present |
(Carter or Knight) MADDISON side |
(Cate) MADDISON side |
(Chadwell, Chadwill, Chatwell) HALL side |
(Cheaver, Cheavers, Cheever, Cheevers, Cheevor, Chevar, Cheveer, Chever, Chevers, Chevor, Chiveer, Chiveers, Chivers and Shivers) MADDISON side |
(Clifford) HALL side |
(Coates, Coats, Coots, Coatts, Cotes, Cates, Cootts) HALL side and MADDISON side |
(Cockworthy) MADDISON side |
2 generations, 1400s |
(Cogswell, Coggswell, Cosewell, Cogshall, Cogswel, Coggeshall, Hoggeshale, Cogesholl, Cogeshole, Coggashael, Cogshol, Coxhall, Cockshall, Coggshale) MADDISON side |
6 generations, before 1581-after 1709 |
(Collin, Collins, Colins, Collens, Collince, Collings, Coollens) MADDISON side |
3 generations, circa 1606-1742/3 |
(Cook, Cooke) MADDISON side |
(Cooper, Coper) MADDISON side |
(Cortes, Cortis, Corties, Courties, Curtious, Courtis, Courtiss, Curteis, Curtes, Curtess, Curtic, Curtice, Curties, Curtis, Curtise, Curtiss, Curttice) MADDISON side |
(Cortes, Cortis, Corties, Courties, Curtious, Courtis, Courtiss, Curteis, Curtes, Curtess, Curtic, Curtice, Curties, Curtis, Curtise, Curtiss, Curttice) MADDISON side |
(Cushman, Cuchman, Couchman, Cowchman, Cutchman, Cutchiman, Crocheman, Coachman, Churchman) MADDISON side |
6 generations, late 1400s-after 1695 |
(Cutter, Cuter) MADDISON side |
D |
(Davis) MADDISON side |
(de Fothill, de Toothill) MADDISON side |
(de la Mare, Delamare, Lenham, Mare) MADDISON side |
2 generations, 1400s |
(de Windebanke) MADDISON side |
(de Woodhouse) MADDISON side |
(Douing, Dowing, Downeing, Downeinge, Downen, Downin, Downind, Downing, Downinge) MADDISON side |
(Dowrish) MADDISON side |
2 generations, circa 1532 - 1603/4 |
(Driver, Dryver) MADDISON side |
(Dancklee, Dantclee, Denkle, Denkler, Dunclee, Dundkley, Dunklee, Dunkley, Dunkcle, Dunkle, Dunklee, Dunkler, Duntclee, Duntlee) MADDISON side |
E |
(Echyyngham, Echyngham, Echngham, Etchingham) MADDISON side |
2 generations - late 1300s-1444 |
(Amory, Emerey, Emerie, Emery, Emerye, Emmerrry, Emmery, Emmorie, Emory, Emorye, Emrye, Emry, Emrye) MADDISON side |
5 generations, mid 1500s-early 1700s |
F |
(Farrar, Farrer, Fairer, Farrow, Farar, Pharoah, Pharrer) MADDISON side |
(Farringdon, Farrington, Farrinton) MADDISON side |
2 generations, late 1400s-mid 1500s |
(Ffarington, Farrington, Farington, Farrinton, Farinton, Fareington) MADDISON side |
2 lines, 4 generations, 1588-1760 |
(Fitt, Fitts, Fitt, Fitz, Fitch, Fits) MADDISON side |
(Flood, Floyd, Fludd) HALL side |
2 generations, circa 1590-after 1661 |
(Forsdick, Forsdike, Forsditch, Fosdeck, Fosdick, Fosdicke, Fosdik) MADDISON side |
2 generations, 1584-1681 |
(Foss, Fost, Frost) HALL side |
(Foule) MADDISON side |
(French) MADDISON side |
(French) MADDISON side |
2 generations, circa 1604-1729 |
(Frost, Foss, Fost) MADDISON side |
(Frost, Fost, Foss)
G |
(Galley) MADDISON side |
(Gater, Gates) MADDISON side |
(Gare, Garey, Gary, Gearie, Geare, Geary, Geere, Geerie, Geri, Gerre, Gerry, Greare) MADDISON side |
(Geffords, Giffard, Gifford, Giffords, Jefferds, Jeffers, Jeffords) MADDISON side |
(Giles, Gyles, Gyels, Gyells, Geils, Gile, Guild, Gyle, Gilles) MADDISON side |
5 generations, circa 1610-after 1740 |
(Gilman) MADDISON side |
(Gedhill) MADDISON side |
(Gedhill) MADDISON side |
(Goff, Goffe, Goss, Gosse) MADDISON side |
(Goodridg, Goodridge, Goodrich, Goodridge, Goodricke, Goodrick, Gouteridge, Gudderidge, Gutterig, Gutteridge, Guttridge) MADDISON side |
(Gold, Gool, Goold, Goole, Gould) MADDISON side |
(Grafton) MADDISON side |
(Grant) HALL side |
(Grantham) MADDISON side |
(Graues, Grave, Graves, Gravs, Greaves) MADDISON side |
(Greene, Green) MADDISON side |
(Grover, Gover) MADDISON side |
3 generations, circa 1600-1749 |
(Gee, Geeye, Gey, Gie, Guy, Guye, Gye) MADDISON side |
4 generations, circa 1470-after 1666 |
H |
(Haines) HALL side |
(Hale, Hall, Halle and Hull) HALL side |
(Hale, Hall, Halle and Hull) MADDISON side |
(de Rastich, de Rastrich, Hansen, Hanson) MADDISON side |
(Harre) MADDISON side |
(Harris) MADDISON side |
2 generations, mid-1500s - 1697 |
(Hartt, Hart) HALL side |
(Achetell, Ascall, Askell, Askill, Hascal, Hascall, Hascoll, Haskal, Haskall, Haskel, Haskele, Haskell, Haskill, Haskol, Haskul, Hauscall, Hurscarl) MADDISON side |
(Hawkes, Hawks, Hauks, Hawk, Howkes, Hoaks, Haukes, Haucks) MADDISON side |
(Alse, Eals, Alice, Eels; Henley) HALL side |
(Hickins; Hickens) HALL side |
(Hilliard) MADDISON side |
(Hills) MADDISON side |
(Hodgman, Hodgeman, Webber, Weber) MADDISON side |
(Holden) MADDISON side |
(Holland) MADDISON side |
(Holst, Holt, Holz) HALL side |
Hood, Hud) MADDISON side |
(House) MADDISON side |
(How, Howe) MADDISON side |
(Howe) HALL side |
(Hubbard) MADDISON side |
I |
(Yuerye, Iuerye, Iverye, Ivorie, Ivorye, Iuorie, Ivory, Iuory, Juorie, Iverie, Iuarye, Iuarie, Iurery, Iveri, Ivere, Ivery, Ivories) HALL side and MADDISON side |
J |
(James, Jeames) MADDISON side |
(Johnson, Johnston, Jonson) MADDISON side |
(Johnson, Johnston, Jonson) HALL side |
K |
(Kitchin, Kitchen, Kitching, Chicken, Kitchens, Kitchings, Kitchins, Kittchen, Kittchens, Kittchins) MADDISON side |
(Knower) MADDISON side |
L |
(Lathrop, Lowthrop, Lothrop, Lowthropp, Lauthrrop) MADDISON side |
(Larned, Learned, Learnard, Larnard, Lerned, Larnet, Larnett, Lernett) MADDISON side |
(Leesone, Leazing, Lesson) HALL side |
(Leffingwell, Lepingwell, Epingwell) MADDISON side |
(Lide, Lieds, Leeds) MADDISON side |
(Lansey, Lindsay, Lindsey, Lindsy, Linesy, Linsay, Linsday, Lindsy, Linsee, Linseie, Linsey, Linssey, Linssy, Linsy, Linzy, Lyndsey, Lynsdy, Lynsee, Lynsey, Lynssy, Lynsye & Lynzey) MADDISON side |
(Blancpied, Lightfoot, Lightfoote, Littfoot, Whitford, Whitefoot, Whitfoot, Witfoot, Witford) MADDISON side |
(Lobdel, Lobdell, Lobden, Lobdale, Lopdell, Lobdel, Lobdele, Lobdell, Lobden, Lobdil, Lobdill, Lobdin, Lopdell) MADDISON side |
(Locke) HALL side |
(Lockwood, Lockewood) MADDISON side |
3 generations, circa 1580-1700 |
(Laithrop, Larthroup, Lathopp, Lathrop, Lawthrop, Lawthrope, Lawthropp, Lawthrup, Laythorp, Laythrop, Lothoerup, Lothorp, Lothrop, Lotrop, Lowthrop, Lowthrope, Lowthropp, Lowthroppe) MADDISON side |
(Lind, Linde, Lynd, Lynde) MADDISON side |
M |
(Maddison) MADDISON side |
(Mallet) MADDISON side |
(Marsh, March, Marche, Mash) MADDISON side |
(Marshall) MADDISON side |
(Marshall) MADDISON side |
(Mason) MADDISON side |
(Mathericke, Mauverick, Mauvericke, Mavarick, Mavereek, Maverreck, Maverick, Mavericke, Maverieke, Maverik, Maverike, Mavireck, Mavreick) MADDISON side |
5 generations, 2 lines, earlyn 1500s-1711 |
(McCarthy) MADDISON side |
2 generations, 1800s |
(Meloon) HALL side |
(Middlebrook, Middlebook) MADDISON side |
(Michel, Michell, Michil, Michill, Mitchael, Mitcheell, Mitchel, Mitchel, Mitchell, Mitchil, Mitchill, Mytchall) MADDISON side |
(More, Moor, Moors, Moore, Moores, Mooers, Mowre, Mowear, Mower and even Mare) HALL side |
(Morrill, Morrell, Morrel, Morell, Morrol and Morel) MADDISON side |
3 generations - circa 1565-1662 |
(Mower, More, Moor, Moore, Mowre, Mower) MADDISON side |
N |
(Neale, Neal) HALL side |
9 generations, 1566-1914 |
(Neate) HALL side |
(Morrill, Morrell, Morrel, Morell, Morrol and Morel) HALL side |
LINE 1 (Newhall to Newhall direct, via Thomas) MADDISON side |
LINE 2 (Newhall to Newhall direct, via Anthony) MADDISON side |
LINE 3 (Newhall to Newhall direct, via Thomas) MADDISON side |
LINE 4 (Newhall to Newhall direct, via Thomas) MADDISON side |
LINE 5 (Newhall to Newhall via Carroll, Mower, Breed, Bassett & Hood) MADDISON side |
LINE 6 (Newhall to Newhall via Carroll, Mower, Breed & Hood) MADDISON side |
LINE 7 (Newhall to Newhall via Breed & Farrington) MADDISON side |
LINE 8 (Newhall to Newhall via Carroll, Mower, Burrill & Farrington) MADDISON side |
(Newman) MADDISON side |
(Normanton, Norminton) MADDISON side |
(Norris) MADDISON side |
HALL side |
O |
(Connor, Connors, O'Connell, O'Conner, O'Conners & O'Connors, O'Connor) MADDISON side |
(Odearn, Odiarne, Odierna, Odierne, Odyarne, Odyerne, Hodierne, Hodyern, Ordean, Odeon, Odien, Oden, Odion, Odean, Odeane, Ordorne, Odium) HALL side |
(Olsdotter) HALL side |
P |
(Page) MADDISON side |
(Paul) MADDISON side |
(Pendleon, Wood or Woodard) MADDISON side |
(Perkins, Pirkins, Perkyn, Perkyns, Parkyns, Pierrekin, Pierkyn, Perdins, Purkins) MADDISON side |
20 generations, ca. 1312/1320-ca. 1700 |
(Pierce) MADDISON side |
(Pearc, Pearce, Pearse, Peirc, Peirce, Peirs, Peirse, Perce, Pers, Pierc, Pierce, Piers, Pierse, Pirce, Perice, Piercce) MADDISON side |
(Pierce, Pearse) HALL side |
(Potter, Poter) MADDISON side |
(Potter, Poter) MADDISON side |
([Pratt?!]) MADDISON side |
(Preush, Preist, Prest, Priest, Preast, Preest, Priesst) MADDISON side |
(Prichard) MADDISON side |
(Pritchett, Pratchett) MADDISON side |
(de Probus, Le Prouz, Prous, Prouse, Proutz, Prouz, Prowse) MADDISON side |
13 generations, late 1100s-mid 1500s |
(Pryor) MADDISON side |
R |
(Radford) MADDISON side |
2 generations - 1400s |
(Ran, Rand, Rande) MADDISON side |
(Riall, Royal, Ryall) MADDISON side |
only generation, circa 1605-1691 |
(Roberts) HALL side |
(Ross) HALL side |
S |
(Salway or Bartell) MADDISON side |
(Saigent, Sargant, Sargante, Sargaent, Sargaint, Sargant, Sargante, Sargeant, Sargen, Sargent, Sargents, Sarjant, Sarjeant, Sarjent, Seargant, Seargante, Seargeant, Seargent, Sergant, Sergants, Sergeant, Sergent, Searjeant, Serjant and Serjeant) MADDISON side |
(Saigent, Sargant, Sargante, Sargaent, Sargaint, Sargant, Sargante, Sargeant, Sargen, Sargent, Sargents, Sarjant, Sarjeant, Sarjent, Seargant, Seargante, Seargeant, Seargent, Sergant, Sergants, Sergeant, Sergent, Searjeant, Serjant and Serjeant) MADDISON side |
(Sanders, Saunders) MADDISON side |
Sanders, Saunders) HALL side |
(Saville, Seville) MADDISON side |
(Sawbridge) MADDISON side |
(Sawer, Sawey, Sawier, Sawyear, Sawyer, Sawyr, Sayer, Saywer) MADDISON side |
(Scales, Scails, Scals, Skeels, Skales, Sceales, Scaels) MADDISON side |
(Savon, Savor, Seaber, Seaver, Seavers, Seeva & Sever) MADDISON side |
3 generations, circa 1609-1727 |
(Selsby, Silsbe, Silsbee, Silsbery, Silsbey, Silsby, Silsebey) MADDISON side |
(Sisley, Sisly) MADDISON side |
(Smeht, Smeth, Smeidt, Smith and Smyth) MADDISON side |
(Smeht, Smeth, Smeidt, Smith and Smyth) MADDISON side |
(South) MADDISON side |
(Spencer) MADDISON side |
2 generations - 1400s-1500s |
(Sprage, Sprague, Spraige, Spreague) MADDISON side |
5 generations, circa 1576-1751/2 |
(Stevenson) MADDISON side |
(Stower, Stowers) MADDISON side |
4 generations, circa 1560/1565-1736 |
(de Styuecle, Stucle,. Stucley, Stuckley, Stukeley) MADDISON side |
[gen. 2] Trent, Somerset, England; Great Glen, Leicestershire, England; Merston, Sussex, England; Glen Magna, Leicester, England; [gen. 3] Affeton, East & West Wolrington, Bradford Tracy, Brigerule, Meshaw and Thelbridge, all in Devonshire, England; [gen. 4] Affeton, Devonshire, England; East & West Wolrington, Devonshire, England; Bradford Tracy, Devonshire, England; Huntshaw, Devonshire, England; MeshawDevonshire, England; Trent, Somerset, England; Chilton Cantelowe, Somerset, England; Preston, Dorset, England; Halfhyde, Dorset, England; St. Mary Blanford; Dorset, England; [gen. 5] Affeton, Devonshire, England; East and West Wolrington, Devonshire, England; Mewshaw, Devonshire, England; Bridgerule, Devonshire, England; Drayford, Devonshire, England; Huntshaw, Devonshire, England; Thelbridge, Devonshire, England; Studlegh, Devonshire, England; Bradford Tracy, Devonshire, England; Pyllaven, Devonshire, England; [gen. 6] possibly Sandford, Devonshire, England |
6 generations, mid 1300s-mid 1500s |
(Svensson) HALL side |
(Swacy, Swacie, Swase, Swasey, Swasy, Swaysey, Swazey, Sweazy, Sweasey, Sweese, Swezey) MADDISON side |
(Sweetser) MADDISON side |
T |
(Temple) MADDISON side |
(Temple) MADDISON side |
(Thomas) MADDISON side |
(Thompson) MADDISON side |
(Tibbet, Tibbot, Tybbit, Tybott) MADDISON side |
(Toleman, Toalman, Tolman) MADDISON side |
(Tredick) HALL side |
(Tucke) MADDISON side |
(Tufts) MADDISON side |
(Tuttle) MADDISON side |
W |
(Waite, Wait, Waight, Wayte, Waitt, Wayt, Wate) MADDISON side |
(Walford) HALL side |
2 lines, 3 generations, circa 1599-after 1718 |
(Walker) HALL side |
(Walker) MADDISON side |
(Ward) MADDISON side |
(Warren) MADDISON side |
(West) HALL side |
(Wheeler) MADDISON side |
(White) MADDISON side |
(Wigglesworth, Wiglesworth, Wiglsworth) MADDISON side |
(Williams, Willyams) MADDISON side |
(Williams, Willyams) MADDISON side |
(Wilson, Willson, Wollson, Woolson, Wilcon) MADDISON side |
(Wood, Wode) MADDISON side |
2 generations - 1400s |
(Woodman) MADDISON side |
(Wright, Wrighte) MADDISON side |
Y |
(Yaton, Yeaten, Yeating, Yeaton, Yeatten, Yeatton, Yeten, Yetten, Yetter, Yetting and Yetton) HALL side |
(for a full accounting of all seven Yeaton Generations, read the Yeaton Family Report) |