For example, Samuel Augustus Maverick (1803-1870) took an active part in establishing the Republic of Texas[5]. Legend has it that he refused to brand his cattle, leading to the knowledge that if one saw an unbranded cow in that area it was known "a Maverick". This word then entered the American Lexicon as a word meaning "renegade" and was embraced by Texans -- and later Americans -- everywhere. Meanwhile, his namesake relative, Samuel Maverick (born 1602), not only was one of the three founders of the Anglo-American colony in the Boston area -- establishing settlement there before 1626 -- but is responsible for writing the report which eventually brought the Winthrop Fleet and The Great Migrants to the area to found New England (essentially, the first "the streets are paved with gold" pamphlet of colonial America in order to attract migrants). To this day, an area of East Boston, Suffolk co., MA is known as "Maverick Square". Yet another Samuel Maverick was one of the five Bostonians who was killed during The Boston Massacre of 5 March 1770, thus becoming one of the martyrs whose deaths would spur the American Revolution in the Boston area just over five years later.
There is a 17th century connection between Mavericks and the Johnson family of Haverhill, Essex co., MA. Three marriages between the families occurred during that time[27]. Boston, Suffolk co., MA & Haverhill are not geographically close. It would be interesting to discover the connection.
Finally, Mary Gye, the wife of The Reverend John Maverick and mother of Moses & Elias Maverick is the key to an extraordinary genealogy in her own right. I have traced her ancestry through most of the royal houses of Europe to the year 384 C.E. It is an amazing line.
Name variations in the records include: Mathericke, Mauverick, Mauvericke, Mavarick, Mavereek, Maverreck, Maverick, Mavericke, Maverieke, Maverik, Maverike, Mavireck & Mavreick.
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