BIRTH, DEATH & BURIAL | was born circa 1613 in Winnissimmet (now Chelsea), Suffolk co., MA[1] and died in Reading, Middlesex co., MA on 7 September 1697; she was 84[1,13,27,28,29]. This record is found in the Wakefield, Middlesex co., MA vital records as ³Maverreck, Anna, w. of Elias..a. 84 y.² and in the Reading, Middlesex co., MA vital records as ³Maverick Annah². Anna is buried in Reading, Middlesex co., MA[27]. |
CONFIRMATION OF PARENTAGE | Torrey confirms Anna¹s parentage with his entry, which reads: ³Anna/Ann/Anne? HARRIS (-1697), dau wid Elizabeth HARRIS/Thomas HARRIS & Eliz.²[13] |
RESIDENCE | In the records, she is listed as being of Charlestown, Winnisimmet and Reading[30]. |
CHURCH MEMBERSHIP | She was admitted to the Church at Charlestown, Suffolk co., MA on 7d:8m:1639[27]. |
MARRIAGE | Before 1635 when Anna was 22, she married Elias MAVERICK, son of Reverend John MAVERICK & Mary GYE, in Dorchester or Charlestown, Suffolk co., MA[13,24,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45]. The Maverick and especially the Gye families are illustrious. |
i. | John MAVERICK |
ii. | Abigail MAVERICK |
iii. | Elizabeth MAVERICK |
iv. | Sarah MAVERICK |
v. | Elias MAVERICK |
vi. | Peter MAVERICK |
vii. | James MAVERICK |
viii. | mary MAVERICK |
ix. | Ruth MAVERICK | Please see her own page. |
x. | Paul MAVERICK |
xi. | Rebecca MAVERICK |
GENERATION | Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great (G8) Grandfather |
1. Edward Carroll Death Record,
19 October 1899, Lynn, Essex co., MA,
1866, 192, p. 186, #337.
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