The Dunklee family is one which became much easier to research with the advent of the Vital Records on CD-ROM.
Variations on the family name include: Dancklee, Dantclee, Denkle, Denkler, Dunclee, Dundkley, Dunklee, Dunkley,
Dunkcle, Dunkle, Dunklee, Dunkler, Duntclee & Duntlee. In fact, the family name of this own branch went from
"Dunckly" to "Dunckley" to "Dunkle" and finally "Dunklee" in the few generations below.
Luckily, with the "search" function on CD-ROM, one could check all variations of the name across entire counties
in a fraction of the time it would take via book. As such, I have included the surnames as they appeared on the various
vital records. Currently, I do not know Elnathanšs parentage and the identity of the original emigrant, but I trust that
shall come with time.
Generation | Husband |
Wife | Person #s |
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all the content on this page is copyrighted ©1992-2002 by Kristin C. Hall.
many thanks!
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