The Fabulous Songbook

(scroll down or click here for index)

What's new?
Last updated on 04.14.08 - posted Blue Sky by The Allman Brothers Band and Brilliant Mistake by Elvis Costello.

What is this?
This is the time-tested songbook which I used as a camp counselor, music teacher and all-around girl-geek with a guitar. It started as a typed, three-hole notebook of songs in the late '70s & has now found its way to the 21st century Internet with many additions in recent years.

Profound thanks must be given to Barbara Damon (a.k.a. "BD"), who taught me nearly all of the 'way cool camp and children's songs in that wonderful, time-tested, oral tradition way. New kudos must also be showered upon the many people who shared corrections, songs & suggestions and led to the new & improved version of The Fabulous Songbook. (Especially Austrian Michael Hirn, who sent his Diverse Lieder and the gentleman from Italy who send his Canzoniere Straniere - I am still looking for your email to cite you by name!) Finally, many thanks to Gunther Anderson and HIS magnificent songbook! If you cannot find it here, you will probably find it on his site.

If I missed any tunes that should be included, please let me know (via dink (at) media (dot) mit (dot) edu)! I am especially looking to expand the collection of roots songs, old blues, nifty old folk songs, work songs, sea shanties, pub songs and children's tunes. Enlighten me! Teach me something new! Please email me (via dink (at) media (dot) mit (dot) edu) any new tunes. Including the chords and/or a sound file is always appreciated.

Note to lawyers and any other litigious-minded folk: I am not trying to screw anyone out of royalties, etc. I have posted these only as a helpful resources for teachers, camp counselors and people who like to "sing along with Mitch". If you do not want your work posted to these pages, please just email me (via dink (at) media (dot) mit (dot) edu) and I shall remove or amend it as you choose. Really. Just like I did with my link to Lord Of The Dance; or note the extensive copyright information added to Kookaburra per request of the publishing company. And civility in correspondence is always appreciated...

Per many requests, I have provided the songbook files in toto: First is the Traditional Songbook (as in traditional, roots & children's songs) in .sit & .zip formats. And the Newer Songbook (as in most songs written in the past 50-60 years and those traditional songs that are a bit "spicy" to sing around kids) in .sit & .zip formats. All categorization of songs is pretty arbitrary...c'est la vie! Finally, the Complete Songbook (as in the entire caboodle) in .sit & .zip formats.

# Songs
A Songs
B Songs
Big Kid Ballads
Big Kid Singalongs
Blues & Standards
C Songs
Call & Response
Campfire Ballads
Campfire Singalongs
Circle Games
Classic Kids Songs
D Songs
E Songs
F Songs
Foreign Songs
G Songs
Good, Old-Fashioned
Gospel Tunes

Guitar Instrumentals
H Songs
Hand Games
I Songs
Indie Artists
J Songs
K Songs
L Songs
Lullabyes & Graces
M Songs
Make 'Em Up
Metal, Hard, Grunge
& Prog Rock

Motion Songs
N Songs
O Songs
Old Chestnuts
On And On Songs
P Songs
Part Songs & Rounds
Patriotic Songs
Protest, Political &
Social Commentary Songs

Q Songs
R Songs
S Songs
Sea Shanties & Pub Songs
Silly Songs
T Songs
U Songs
U.S. Folk Songs
V Songs
W Songs
X Songs
Y Songs
Z Songs

Back to the Songbook Index.

This page's content is copyrighted ©1977-2008 by Kristin C. Hall. Please drop me a line (via "dink (at) media (dot) mit (dot) edu") if you wish to use it or link to it or correct it! Please send comments, suggestions, fixes and general mischievious mayhem to the web diva via the above email address. (sorry, spambots have forced me to remove my automatic mail link.) Many thanks...and enjoy!

Note to lawyers and any other litigious-minded folk:
I am not trying to screw anyone out of royalties, etc. I have posted these only as a helpful resources for teachers, camp counselors and people who like to "sing along with Mitch", if you will. If you do not want your work posted to these pages, please just email me (via "dink (at) media (dot) mit (dot) edu") and I shall remove it.