BIRTH & BAPTISM | William was born in 1618[2] and was baptized in Charlton-Musgrove, Somersetshire, England on 8 November 1618[3,4]. |
DEATH | William died in Gloucester, Essex co., MA on 20 August 1693 as "Haskall, William, Cap't."; he was 75[2]. |
MIGRATION & RESIDENCE | William probably came over with the rest of his siblings, his mother and stepfather in 1636[5]. On his daughter Ruth's marriage certificate, he is listed as being of Gloucester, Essex co., MA[8]. |
MILITARY | He earned the senior title of "Captain" in the militia. |
MARRIAGE | On 6 November 1643 when William was 25, he married Mary TIBBOT, daughter of Walter TIBBOT & Mary [surname not known], in Gloucester, Essex co., MA[2,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18]. Their marriage record reads "Hascall, Will[iam], and Marie Tybb[ot, T.C.], d. Wa[l]ter". |
CHILDREN | 12. | i. | Deacon William HASKELL | Deacon William was born on 26 August 1644 in Gloucester, Essex co., MA as "Hascall, Will[iam], s. Will[iam] and Marie"[20]. On 3d:3m(May):1667 when William was 22, he married Mary BROWNE, in Gloucester, Essex co., MA as "Hascall, William jr.,"[21]. |
13. | ii. | Joseph HASKELL | Joseph was born on 2 June 1646 in Gloucester, Essex co., MA as "Hascall, Joseph, s. Will[iam] and Marie"[22] and died on 12 November 1727; he was 81. Joseph married Mary GRAVES, daughter of Mark GRAVES. |
14. | iii. | Benjamin HASKELL | Benjamin was born circa 1646 and died in 1727; he was 81. Benjamin first married Mary RIGGS, who died in 1697, and second married Emma BOND. |
15. | iv. | John HASKELL | John was born circa 1646 and died in 1718; he was 72. He was left "my farme at chebake" [Chebacco, Ipswich, Essex co., MA] by his grandfather Walter Tibbott[23]. John married Mary BAKER. |
16. | v. | Ruth HASKELL | Please see her own page. |
17. | vi. | Mark HASKELL | Mark was born on 8 April 1658 and died circa 1697; he was 38. He married Elizabeth GIDINS/GIDDINGS. |
18. | vii. | Sarah HASKELL | Sarah was born in 1660 and died in Gloucester, Essex co., MA on 20 February 1690; she was 30[19]. She married Edward HARADEN. |
19. | viii. | Elinor HASKELL | Elinor was born in 1663 and married Jacob GRIGGS. |
20. | ix. | Mary HASKELL | Mary was born on 28 June 1660 in Gloucester, Essex co., MA as "Hauscall, Mary"[40] and died in 1737; she was 76. She married Edward DODGE. |
GENERATION | Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great (G8) Grandfather |
1. Edward Carroll Death Record,
19 October 1899, Lynn, Essex co., MA,
1866, 192, p. 186, #337.
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