BIRTH & BAPTISM | John was born in 1599 in Romsey, Hampshire, England[2] and was baptized there on 29 March 1599[1,3]. |
DEATH | John died in Newbury, Essex co., MA on 3 November 1683; he was 84[3,4]. |
OCCUPATION | John was a Carpenter in England; a Carpenter & Innkeeper here[2]. |
EDUCATION | He could and did sign his name to various documents, including as a witness on 26 March 1662[5,6]. |
MIGRATION | John (and presumably, his family) migrated in 1635, aboard the James[2]. On 5 April 1635, "John Emery and Anthony Emery of Romsey, carpenters" were enrolled at Southampton for passage to New England on the James of London[11,38]. Some sources -- such as Coldham -- list only his brother Anthony; but others -- such as Drake -- list them both. |
CITIZENSHIP | John made Freeman on 2 June 1641 as the 3rd in a sequence of 4 Newbury men[6,8]. He took the Oath of Allegiance near the end of his life in November 1678 as "John Emery Sr., 80"[6,9]. |
He must have been admitted to the Newbury church before he made Freeman on 2 June 1641[2].
However, on 5 May 1663, John Emery was hauled into court for "entertaining Quakers" and for
stating that "if they came to his house they should be welcome and he would not forbid
them"[49,50]. Henry Jaques, constable of Newbury, came to court in May 1663 and
presented John Emery, "for as much as John emerie Sr. is one of our grand jury men this last year
for our town of Newbury and he himself having broken the law as I do understand in entertaining of
travellers and quakers into his house and one Mr. Greenland in all which disorder he have boldly
insisted whereby reproach and scandal is come upon our town to the dishonor of God and damage and
hurt to some of our neighbors"[49,51].
"...As early as 1669 and continuing into the events of 1671, John Emery was active in his opposition to the Rev. Mr. Parker[52]. John Emery, Sr. appears in a 1671 list of member os the Newbury church, one of the documents presented in the course of this controversy[49,53]..." |
Once in America, John settled in Newbury, Essex co., MA[2]. On 19 May 1655, "John Emery of
Newbury ..., carpenter," with "Mary my wife," sold to "William Boynton of Rowley one
freehold or liberty of commonage that was John Webster's of Ipswich"[6,39].
On 28 Feb 1672/3, "John Emery Senior of Newbury" exchanged land with Nathaniel Merrill, Emery receiving "a parcel of land containing by estimation three acres ... as it lyeth in the salt marshes in Newbury," and Merrill receiving a parcel of salt marsh[6,40]. On 10 July 1675, "John Emry Senior of Newbury ..., carpenter, " deeded to "my son Jonathan Emry ... the one half of my living or land in Nubury unto me belonging together with one half of my housing and all other privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging"; acknowledgid 19 March 1678/9 by "John Emry Senior & Mary his wife"[6,39]. In a Newbury tax list of 7 October 1676, John Emery was assessed at £6 18s. 6d[6,41]. |
John served both the town & his neighbors over the years. He was on the Ipswich petit jury on 26
September 1648, 29 March 1659, 27 March 1660, 26 March 1672, 24 September 1672, 30 September 1673, 28
September 1675, 24 September 1678[6,42] and on the Grand jury on 30 September 1651, 30
September 1662 and 24 September 1667[6,43]. He was appointed Newbury constable on 27
March 1655[6,44] and Clerk of the market on 25 March 1656[6,45].
Inventory on the estate of Samuel Scullard of Newbery was taken by Stephen Kent, John Merrell & John Emery Sr. on 7 April 1647[46]. "John Emmerry, sr." and John Eaton, sr. took inventory on 8 Sept 1663 on the estate of Theophilus Shatswell[47]. "John Emmerry, sr." and Abraham Toppan Sr. took inventory on the estate of Robert Rogers of Newbury...attested to by the widow Susanah Rogers in Ipswich Court on 27:7:1664[48]. |
Anderson, et. al. make this pithy statement: "Over the years John Emery expended considerable
energy on the affairs of his stepchildren.[7]" He spent much time in the Courts over
affairs of theirs and his own. John, himself, had an affair with the wife of one Henry Travers, for
which he was hauled into court & convicted. On 29 September 1646, "John Emery, for his miscarriage
with the wife of Henry Travers, fined £3 or to be whipped, and pay witness fee to Christopher
Bartlet. bound to good behavior and not to frequent the company of the wife of Henry Travers."[10,11]
On 25 March 1651, John deposed in the case between his son-in-law John Chater & Nathaniel Weare over steers[7,12]. On 28 March 1654, John joined a "class action suit" of sorts with the other leading men of the town to sue John Merrill for selling town lands without permission to do so[7,13]. Along with most of the men in Newbury, John signed & supported a petition praising Lieutenant Robert Pike of Salisbury, Essex co., MA[14]. On 19 October 1654, the General Court instituted investigations into the answers of men who refused to repudiate their signatures; John's name was first on this list[15]. When confronted by the commissioners to answer for his signature, "John Emerry demanded their commission and a sight of the petition before he would answer. He then said that the commissioners had no power to demand who brought the petition to him, and hearing John Bond answer, he told him that he was a wise man, in a bold manner."[7,16] On 9 April 1657, he was one of several Newbury men who testified on behalf of "their neighbor William Titcomb" that they "had known him for years, and observed him to be honest and christianlike in his conversation, and not a liar."[7] "On 19 October 1658, the 'Court, having heard the case relating to the military company petition of Newbury, preferred by John Emory, Senior, who, with his sons, John Emery, Junior, & John Webster & Solomon Keyes, have been so busy & forward to disturb the peace of the place by their actings in several respect, & occasioned much trouble to this Court in reference thereto, judge it meet to order that the said John emery, Senior, John Emery, Junior, John Webster, & Solomon Keyes be severally admonished to beware of the like sinful practices for time to come, which this Court will not bear; and that they pay the several charges of their neighbors the last Court & this, in coming for relief from such under courses"[7,17] On 14 October 1651, in "answer to the petition of John Emery, of Newbery, power is granted him, according to his desire, to sell a certain island which was left to three of his wife's children, & alsoe a house & six acres of land which was bound to make good twenty pounds to other three of her children, provided he give security to the County Court at Ipswich to pay the children the full price the land shall be sold for, & make the three children's twenty nobles apiece eight pounds apiece, & pay the daughters their portions at eighteen years, & the sons at twenty-one years old"[7,18] On 30 March 1669, "John Emery, bringing in acquittances of the discharge of the portions ordered by the court, was to have his deed delivered, but one being incomplete, he and his son John Emery, jr., bound themselves to bring in an acquittance from the youngest child of John Webster"[19,20]. On 25 March 1662, "John Emery and wife Mary" sued James Merrick for "detaining and keeping Issraell Webster, son of the said Mary Emery, without consent of John Emery and wife Mary, or any other person who had oversight of him". The case was withdrawn[21,22]. On 25 November 1662, "Israell and Nathan Webster, sons of John Webster, deceased, presenting their desires in writing, together with their mother's consent, with John Cheny, sr., Rob[er]t Long and W[illia]m Elsly as witnesses, and said Israell Webster being present in Court and manifesting his desire also, that his father-in-law John Emory and brother-in-law John Emory, jr., might be appointed guardians, the court appointed them guardians, and also ordered that the bond given into Ipswich court for security for the children's portions remain in full force."[22,23]. Robert Anderson, et. al. provide this terse discussin of a rather interesting case involving the Emery family "...On 31 March 1663, Henry Greenland was charged with soliciting Mary, the wife of John Rolfe, and found guilty. The extensive testimony in the case revealed that John Emery's step-daughter, Elizabeth Webster, was a maid in the Rolfe household and had witnessed several untoward passages instigated by Greenland. John Emery, on the other hand, had turned a deaf ear on Mrs. Rolfe's pleas for assistance even when Greenland had pulled her down into his sickbed in Emery's presence. Emery and his household paid several fines as a result of their behavior in these events..."[22,24] Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, in her book Good Wives... describes it better: "...In the spring of 1663 John Rolfe, a Newbury fisherman, went off to Nantucket, leaving behind a comely and "merily disposed" young wife named Mary. Being "a verie loving husband," Rolfe arranged for Mary to "live Cherfully as he thought and want for nothing" in his absence. Betty Webster, a single woman in the neighborhood, agreed to stay with Mary. Betty's stepfather, goodman John Emery, promised to be a father to both. But Rolfe's careful arrangements proved a snaere. No sooner had he sailed out of Newbury harbor than two strangers from old England sailed in. Henry Greenland and John Cordin, physicians and gentlemen, came to lodge at the Emery house. Mary confided to Betty Webster that "Mr Cording was as pretty a Carriadg man as Ever shee saw in hir life." But Greenland proved more interesting still. He was uninhibited by the pious manners of the Newbury folk. At supper, before Goodman Emery could half finish prayer, "Mr Grenland put on his hatt and spread his napkin and stored the sampe and said Com Landlord light supper short grace." Mary was both enticed and troubled by his attentions. When he pulled her toward him by her apron strings, she resisted at first, only giveing way, as she said, "to save my apron." One minute she rebuked him for acting "An uncivell part." The next she was laughing and eating samp with him out of one dish and with one spoon. Late one night Betty was in bed with Mary, who was nursing her baby, when Henry Greenland knocked on the window. Frightened, the women made no answer. "Bettye, Bettye," Greenland called, "Will you let me stand here and starve with the cold?" Betty answered that they were already in bed, that they would not let him in, that they were afraid of him. When he continued to pleased, protesting that he "would doe them noe hirt, but desired to smoke a pipe of tobacco," Betty let him in. Still in bed, Mary told her to rake up the fire to give Mr. Greenland some light. While the maid bent over the hearth, Greenland pulled off his clothes and climbed into bed with Mary, who fainted. "Sir," cried Betty, "what have you done? You have put the woman into a fitt." "The Devell has such fitts" said Greenland, scrambling out of bed. "It is nothing but a mad fitt." "What offence have I given that you should spede such words?" Mary exclaimed. Seeing that his conquest was conscious, Greenland jumped back into bed. "Lord help me," she cried. At that moment Henry Lessenby, a neighbor's servant, just happened to walk by. He had earlier observed Greenland's attentions to goody Rolfe. Hearing the cry, he ran to the Rolfe door and knocked loudly. "Lye still," whispered Greenland, "for now there are two witnesses, we shall be tried for our lives." But Lessenby was not to be discouraged by silence. He climbed through the window, stumbled into the room in the dark, and felt his way to the bedside. In the dim light from the fireplace he discerned a gentleman's clothes on a box by the bed. Reaching for the pillow, he felt a beard. Just as he suspected, it was Greenland. Lessenby might have raised a commotion, but he cholse instead to act the part of the stage servant who, loving a secret, is drawn through vanity or cupidity into the intrigues of his betters. As he later reported it, "The woman and I went adore [outdoors] to Consider what was best to be done so we thought becas he was a stranger and a great man it was not best to make an up rore but to let him go way in a private maner." ... Goody rolfe had a pious mother and an observant sister. At meeting on Sunday, Sarah Bishop saw that Mary had been crying and alerted their mother. Goody Bishop visited the Rolfe house the next morning. As she approached, she met a boy rushing out with a glass -- to get liquor for Dr. Greenland, he said. For two hours she sat in the house, watching and observing and waiting for Greenland to leave. Finally she had a chance to question Mary, who seemed to fear telling her mother all that had happened. Mary admitted that the gentleman had "with many Arguments inticed her to the act of uncleanness," but she insisted that "God had hitherto helped her resist him." "Will you venture to lay under these temptations & concealed wickedness?" exclaimed the mother. "You may Provoak God to Leave you & then you will come under Great Blame." "I know not what to doe," Mary sighed. "Hee is in Creditt in the Towne, somoe take him to be godly & say hee hath grace in his face, he have an honest loke, he have such a carrige that he deceive many: It is saide the Governer sent him a letter Counting it a mercy such an Instrument was in the Country, and what shall such a pore young woman as I doe in such, my husband being not at home?" Goody Bishop was troubled. "These things are not to bee kept private," she insisted. "Goodman Emery beeing a grand Jury-man must present them." But when confronted, Goodman Emery proved unwilling to act the part of moral guardian. (Had he seen too much "merriness" on Mary's par?) He promised to keep closer watch on Greenland, to lock up the hard drink, and to see that the Doctor stayed home with half drunk, but he felt matters were best kept quiet for the moment. He could see no harm done. Goody bishop was not to be soothed by promised. One her way home, she encountered Goody Emery and explained to her all that had happened. The wife proved more sympathetic than the husband. Together the two women returned to the Rolfe house, pressed Mary and Betty further, and concluded that Greenland's actions had been "more gross" that they had first believed. "I dare not keep such things as these private upon my owne head," said Mary's mother as the two women parted. "Doe wisely," answered her friend. That night, having asked for God's direction, Goody Bishop revealed all that she knew to a "wise man" in the town, asking for his advice. He directed her to the magistrates. Henry Greenland was tried by jury at his own request, perhaps counting on his good reputation in the town, but was convicted of attempted adultery and fined the whopping sum of £30. The citizens of Newbury supported the pious mother against the dazzling stranger. John Rolfe returned from Nantucket avenged..."[25] On 29 March 1670, Benjamin Rolfe sued John Emery for cutting hay on John Musslewhite's land[22,26]. On 8 April 1679, "John Emerie, Sr., aged agout eighty-one years, testified that about forty years ago he saw laid out to William Estow then living in Nuberie a four-acre lot, being a house lot, and twelve acres of meadow, ... which land said Estow sold to William White, and White to tho[mas] Jones of Hampton, and Jones to deponents for William Ilsly, Sr., who had peaceably enjoyed it from 1643 to date"[22,27]. On 29 March 1680, "Richard Knoght, aged seventy-eight years, and John Emery, Sr., aged eighty-two years, deposed that in 1656 after the division between Rowley and Newbury was made, a committee was appointed, of which they were two, to lay out the land... Deponents were also of the committee at the second division in 1662..."[22,28] On 14 May 1653, John Emery, Sr. was one of seventeen Newbury men who dissented from a town vote to levy funds to support a free school[6,29]. In a 1678 dispute over the Newbury militia accounts, the following items are entered for "John Emery Sr.": "a new saddle & bridle" 28s; "sword & belt," 12s; "2 pounds powder & bullets," 4s.; "curing a soldier," 2s. 6d.; "2 pecks of wheat & a bridle lost," 7s.; "powder & bullets," 2s.; and "saddles & cloth," 23s[30].
Israell and Nathan Webster, sons of Jon. Webster, deceased, presenting their desires in writing,
together with their mother's consent, with Jon. cheny, sr., Robt. Long and Wm. Elsly as witnesses,
and said Israell Webster being present in court and manifesting his desire also, that his father-in-law
Jon. Emory and brother-in-law John. Emory, jr., might be appointed guardians, the court 25:9:162
appointed them guardians, and also ordered that the bond given into Ipswich court for security for the
children's portions remain in full force.
Petition of Israel Webster, aged eighteen years, and Nathan Webster, aged sixteen years, for appointment
of John Emery, sr., and John Emery, jr., as their guardians, signed also by Mary (her mark) Emery.
Witness: John Cheney, sr., Robert Long and William Elsly. The estate of Rev. Joseph Every of Newberry contains the line that "Due to him from John Emery, carpenter...£7"[37]. |
His will was dated 1 May 1680 and proved on 27 November 1683. "John Emry, Sr., of Newbery, ...
in this eighty-third year of my age," bequeathed to "my daughter Ebenezer Hoag one acre and
half of upland at the west end of my home lot joining to that parcel of land which I formerly gave
her"; to "my son Jonathan Emry ... all my lands in Newbery both upland and meadow together
with my freehold and rights of common ... the one half whereof I have formerly given him ... upon
condition and in consideration that the said Jonathan shall manage & manure that one-half of the
said [land] both upland and meadow for the use and proper behoof of me the said Emry and my wife
his mother ... and also the said Jonathan is to pay fifty pounds: to the estate; "Mary my
wife shall have £10 to dispose of at her decease to whom she pleases"; to "my grandchild
Mary Emerson," £10; residue of estate to be equally divided between my six children and said
Mary Emerson""my sons John Emry and Abram Merrell" overseers, or if one of them dies,
"Joseph Bayle in his room"[31,32].
Note that the published transcript of this will has a number of errors as compared to the record book version of the same document[31,33]. The inventory of the estate of "John Emery Senior of Newberry who deceased on the third of November 1683," was taken 13 Nov 1683 and totallyed £263 11s. Debts against this amount were £33 3s. 9d. £170 of this was real estate: "six acres of plowland witha small orchard," £48; "half a barn and housing," £15; "ten acres three quarters of pasture land," £43; and "eight acres of meadow," £64[3,34,35]. |
On 26 June 1620 when John was 21, he first married
Alice GRANTHAM, daughter of
Eleanor [surname not known], in Whiteparish, Wiltshire,
She is not in any New England record and died by 1647 at the very latest[3]. |
CHILDREN | 8. | i. | Alice EMERY | Alice was born circa 1622 in Romsey, Hampshire, England[11]. This birth year is estimated by the fact that her maternal grandfather Walter Grantham bequeathed to "Alice Emerye my grandchild six shillings eight pence and if she die to be paid unto her mother at the death of her grandmother." Walter Grantham's will was proved on 5 February 1622/3[11,85]. Before 1644 when Alice was 22, she married John CHATER, in Newbury, Essex co., MA[11,86]. In 1657, Barbara Ilsley deposed that "John chater brought a beast to his father Emery" the previous year[11,86,87]. This is part of a case in a controversy between John Chater & Nathaniel Weare over some steers. |
9. | ii. | Eleanor EMERY | Eleanor was born in 1624 in Romsey, Hampshire, England and was baptized there on 7 November 1624 as "Helena daughter of John Emmorie"[1,11]. Before 1641 when Eleanor was 17, she married John BAILEY, in Salisbury, Essex co., MA[11,88]. |
10. | iii. | John EMERY | Please see his own page. |
11. | iv. | Anne EMERY | Anne was born in 1632/3 in Romsey, Hampshire, England and was baptized there on 18 March 1632/3[1,11]. On 25 November 1648 when Anne was 16, she married James ORDWAY, in Newbury, Essex co., MA as "Emery, Anne, and James Ardway"[11,102]. |
On 29 October 1647 when John was 48, he second married Mary SHATSWELL,
in Newbury, Essex co., MA[3,57,72,73,74]. Torrey says that the date of 20 October is wrong.
Mary died on 28 April 1694 in Newbury, Essex co., MA[57,11,75]. Mary was the widow of John
Inventory of John Webster's lands and goods sworn to 29:7:1646, by his widow, Mary Webster,
who is appointed administratrix.
Petition of Mary, widow of John Webster, that her eldest son, John, should have the land called the farm,
of about 32 acres, which lyeth between Mr. Rogers oxe pasture and Thom. Bishop's farm, when he is
twenty-one years, he to pay Nathan, the youngest child, 5li. at fourteen years, or if he refuse, then
the 1-4 part of that land in kind or worth; that Mary, Stephen and Hannah may have the island bought of
the widow Androws, in equal portions, when they shall be twenty-one; that Elisabeth, Abigail and Israell
have 20 nobles each, when twenty-one; the dwelling house and 6 acres of land tied to make it good. The
Court, Nov. 4, 1646, granted that the estate be ordered as the widow desired and appointed her
administratrix, to give bond for security in such sum as the next Ipswich court shall approve and receive
of her the inventory amounting to 147li. 5s.
John Emery of Newbury married Mary, widow of John Webster, late of Ipswich, and she had power from the
Court to administer and dispose of his goods to his children. Some of the children now grown, almost
ready to receive their portions, John Emery petitions for liberty to sell the Island which is devided
to three of the children, and also the house and 6 acres of land which was bound to make good the 20li.
to the other three, and upon grant of this, binds himself to pay the children the full price he shall
sell it at, and to the other three children, who are to have 20 nobles, to make good to them the 8li.
apiece and to pay the daughters their portions at eighteen and the sons at twenty-one years.
The above petition was granted Oct. 14, 1651. In her will, dated 1 Augist 1693 and proved 1 June 1696, "Mary Emery of Newbury ... widow & relict of John Emery late of Newbury deceased" bequeathed to "my son Johnathan Emrye," £10 of what was given her in her husband's las will and forgave him a 30s. debt; to "Isrele's four daughters," 20s.; to "John Webster's son Isrell," 10s.; to "my daughter Sem[o]ns," a gown; to "Mary Fulk(?)," an apron; to "Abigail M[e]rell,"; a white handkerchief; to "Johanna Myles," a hood; to "my daughter Ebeneser the rest of my wearing clothes"; to "my son St[e]ven to pay to Hanah Emerson," 20s.; to "Ab[i]gall M[e]rell," 20s.; residue to "my son Stev[e]n Webster"[3,71]. |
CHILDREN | 12. | i. | Jonathan EMERY | Jonathan was born on 13 May 1652 in Newbury, Essex co., MA[11,103]. On 29 November 1676 when Jonathan was 24, he married Mary WOODMAN, daughter of Edward WOODMAN, Jr. & Mary GOODRIDG, in Newbury, Essex co., MA[11,57,101]. Mary was born on 29 September 1654 in Newbury, Essex co., MA[104]. |
13. | ii. | Ebenezer EMERY [daughter] | Ebenezer was born on 14 September 1648 in Newbury, Essex co., MA[11,105]. A duplicate record gives the date as 16 September. On 21 April 1669 when Ebenezer was 20, she married John HOAG, in Newbury, Essex co., MA as "Emery, Ebenezer, and John Hoog"[11,101]. Yes, she is a daughter and not a son. |
GENERATION | Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great (G10) Grandfather |
1. New England Historic and Genealogical Register. Vols. 1+,
(Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Register, 1845+),
[NEHGR], 89:376. 2. Anderson, Robert Charles, George F. Sanborn, Jr. and Melinde Lutz Sanborn, The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England 1634-1635., (New England Historic Genealogical Society), [GreatMig1634-1635], II:446. 3. Ibid. II:448. 4. Newbury, Essex co., MA Vital Records. [NewburyVR], II:589. 5. Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Massachusetts, 1636-1686, 9 volumes, (Salem 1911-1975), [EQC], 2:363. 6. [GreatMig1634-1635], II:447. 7. Ibid. II:450. 8. Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, 1628-1686; 5 volumes in 6, Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, ed. (Boston: 1853-1854), [MCBR], 1:378. 9. [EQC], 7:156. 10. Ibid. 1:110. 11. [GreatMig1634-1635], II:449. 12. [EQC], 1:212. 13. Ibid. 1:329. 14. Ibid. 1:366. 15. [MCBR], 3:367; 4:1:215. 16. [EQC], 1:367-8. 17. [MCBR], 4:1:362. 18. Ibid. 3:254; 4:1:66-7. 19. [GreatMig1634-1635], II:450-1. 20. [EQC], 4:121. 21. Ibid. 2:357. 22. [GreatMig1634-1635], II:451. 23. [EQC], 3:15. 24. Ibid. 3:48-55; 65-666; 70; 75; 88-90. 25. Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher, Good Wives: Image and Reality in the Lives of Women in Northern New England 1650-1750. (New York: Vintage Books, 1980, 1982, 1991), 89-92. 26. [EQC], 4:225-9, 291. 27. Ibid. 7:194. 28. Ibid. 8:168-73. 29. Ibid. 2:70. 30. Ibid. II:447. 31. [GreatMig1634-1635], II:447-8. 32. The Probate Records of Essex County, [EssexProb or EPR], 302:100-1. 33. [EQC], 9:132-3. 34. Ibid. 9:133. 35. The Probate Records of Essex County, [EssexProb or EPR], 302:101. 36. Ibid. I:402. 37. Ibid. I:3. 38. Drake, Samuel G., Result of Some Researches Among the British Archives for Information Relative to the Founders of New England: Made in the Years 1858, 1859 and 1860, (Boston 1860), [DrakesFounders], 56. 39. Ipswich Land Records, manuscript, Essex County Courthouse, Salem, MA, [ILR], 4:246. 40. Ibid. 3:263. 41. [EQC], 6:227. 42. Ibid. 1:146; 2:138, 195; 5:1. 79, 224; 6:63; 7:82. 43. Ibid. 1:232; 2:433; 3:436. 44. Ibid. 1:387. 45. Ibid. 1:417. 46. The Probate Records of Essex County, [EssexProb or EPR], I:83. 47. Ibid. I:425. 48. Ibid. II:433-4. 49. [GreatMig1634-1635], II:466. 50. [EQC], 3:67. 51. Ibid. 3:67-8. 52. Ibid. 4:124; 355-6; 359; 366. 53. Ibid. 4:361. 54. The American Genealogist, [TAG], 65:211-13; 17:96, 98. 55. Davis, Walter Goodwin, The Ancestry of Sarah Miller, 1755-1840, Wife of Lieut. Amos Towne of Arundel (Kennebunkport) Maine, (Portland 1930), [SarahMillerAnc], 21,23. 56. Davis, Walter Goodwin, The Ancestry of Phoebe Tilton, 1775-1847, the Wife of Capt. Abel Lunt of Newburyport, Massachusetts, (Portland 1947), [PhoebeTiltonAnc], 187. 57. Torrey, Charles, New England Marriages Prior to 1700., (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Society). [Torrey]. 58. Sumner, Edith (Bartlett), Ancestry of Edward Wales Blake and Clarissa Matilda Glidden with Ninety Allied Families, (Los Angeles, 1948), [Blake-Glidden], 92. 59. Sumner, Edith Bartlett, Ancestry and Descendants of James Hensman Coltman and Betsey Tobey, (Los Angeles, 1957), [Coltman Anc.], 66. 60. Sheppard, Walter Lee, The Ancestry and Descendants of Thomas Stickney Evans & Sarah Ann Fifield Both of Fryeburg, Maine, (Ann Arbor: privately printed, 1940), [Evans (1940)], 134. 61. [NEHGR], 54:313; 89:376. 62. Essex Institute Historical Collections, vol. 1+, (Salem, Mass., 1859+), [EIHC], 4:29, 513. 63. Crapo, Henry Howland, Certain Comeoverers, 2 vols., (New Bedford, Mass.: E. Anthony & Sons, 1912), [Crapo], 727,894,919. 64. Pillsbury, D.B. & F.H. Getche, The Pillsbury Family: Being a History of William and Dorothy Pillsbury (or Pilsbery) of Newbury in New England, and Their Descendants to the Eleventh Generation, (Everett, Mass.: Massachusetts Publ. Co., 1890), [Pillsbury], 739. 65. Coffin, Joshua, A Sketch of the History of Newbury, Newburyport and West Newbury, ([Hampton, N.H.: P.E. Randall], 1845), [Newbury Hist.], 301-2. 66. Hoyt, Daniel Webster, The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury, Mass., with Some Related Families of Newbury, Haverhill, Ipswich, and Hampton, and of York County, Maine, 3 vols., (Providence: [Snow & Farnham], 1897-1917), [Salisbury Fam], 152,862. 67. Emery, Rufus, Emery. Four Generations of the Descendants of John Emery, Sen., of Newbury, Mass., and Anthony Emery of Kittery, Maine. Prepared by the Genealogical Committee: Rev. Rufus Emery . . . Rev. Geo. F. Clark . . . John S. Emery . . . [and others], (Salem, Mass.: Emery Cleaves, [1889?], [Emery], 1. 68. Leonard, Clarence Ettienne, The Fulton-Hayden-Warner Ancestry in America, (New York: T. A. Wright, 1923), [Fulton Anc.], 464. 69. The Essex Antiquarian, (13 vols.)(n.p., 1897-1909), [EssexAnt], 1:140,1147; 4:114. 70. Preston, Mary Isabella, Bassett-Preston Ancestors; a History of the Ancestors in America of Marion Bassett Luitweiler, Howard Murray Bassett, Preston Rogers Bassett, Isabel Bassett Wasson, and Helen Bassett Hauser, Children of Edward M. and Annie (Preston), (New Haven: The Tuttle Morehouse & Taylor Co., 1930), [Bassett-Preston], 97. 71. The Probate Records of Essex County, [EssexProb or EPR], Case #8994. 72. [TAG], 19:96. 73. [NEHGR], 27:431. 74. [EssexAnt], 9:128. 75. [NewburyVR], II:590. 76. The Probate Records of Essex County, [EssexProb or EPR], I:52-3. 77. [GreatMig1634-1635], III:1657. 78. Ibid. II:443. 79. Ibid. II:441. 80. [NEHGR], 23:414+, 33:94, 243, 89:376. 81. Noyes, Sybil, Charles Thornton Libby and Walter Goodwin David, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, (Portland, ME: Anthosensen Press 1928-1939; rpt Baltimore: Gen. Publ. Co., 1972), [GDMNH], 221. 82. Ham, John R., Dover, New Hampshire Marriages, 1623-1823, (Dover, NH., 1880-1902), typescript, [DoverNHMar], 60. 83. [Salisbury Fam], 152. 84. Lineage Books of National Society Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, ([Washington], D.C., 1910), [LBDF&P], #272. 85. [TAG], 65:211. 86. [SarahMillerAnc], 15-17. 87. [EQC], 2:56.. 88. [PhoebeTiltonAnc], 180-1. 89. [TAG], 89:376. 90. [ILR], 4:150. 91. [EQC], 1:220. 92. The Probate Records of Essex County, [EssexProb or EPR], I:146. 93. [PhoebeTiltonAnc], 189. 94. [NEHGR], 27:423; 89:376. 95. [Pillsbury], 742. 96. [Blake-Glidden], 256. 97. [Salisbury Fam], 153, 343, 862. 98. [Crapo], 518,889,921. 99. Tingley, Raymon Meyers, Some Ancestral Lines; Being a Record of Some of the Ancestors of Guilford: Solon Tingley and His Wife, Martha Pamelia Meyers, Collected by Their Son, Raymon Meyers Tingley, (Rutland, Vt.: The Tuttle Publishing Co., 1935), [Tingley-Meyers], 264. 100. [Bassett-Preston], 98,313. 101. [NewburyVR], II:164. 102. Ibid. II:163. 103. Ibid. I:160. 104. Ibid. I:554. 105. Ibid. I:159. 106. [GreatMig1634-1635], II:444. 107. [NewburyVR], II:442; II:165. 108. Ibid. I:466. 109. Ibid. II:716. 110. Ibid. I:159 [P.R. 8]. 111. Ibid. II:589 [G.R. 15]. 112. Ibid. I:465. 113. Ibid. 114. Ibid. I:158. 115. Ibid. I:161. 116. Ibid. II:166. 117. Ibid. II:165. 118. Ibid. I:162 [+P.R. 18]. 119. Ibid. I:161 [+P.R. 18].
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