BIRTH | Thomas was born in 1630 or 1631-1632 in Lynn, Essex co., MA[49,50,51,52]. At the age of 2, Thomas was supposedly baptized in Lynn, Essex co., MA on 8 June 1632[55]. Okay, let's deal with this "First White Child Born In Lynn" Thing. The commonly accepted legend as reported in Lewis' History Of Lynn says that Thomas Newhall, Jr. was the First White Child Born In Lynn and was born in 1630. Further related is the claim that Thomas was baptised by the Reverend Stephen Bachiler upon his arrival to the Lynn settlement in 1632. By way of refute, Waters says it best: Thomas is "said to have been the first white child born in Lynn (1630), but according to his own depositions was born about 1631-1632..."[56] |
DEATH | Thomas died in 1687; he was 57[49,53] and was buried on 1 April 1687 in Old Burying Ground, Lynn, Essex co., MA[7,54]. |
MIGRATION | Family Lore has Thomas, Sr. and family emigrating to Salem, Essex co., MA in 1630. Proof of his migration is not yet found. |
OOCUPATION | In addition to his duties as a husbandman and farmer, Thomas, Jr. was apparently the local malster. This is shown by ht etools and malt house left in his will and the account of the 50th anniversary of Lynn given by Charles Newhall, where Thomas makes a present of his finest cider. The maltser was a fairly important and skilled occupation in colonial New England. The English emigrants brought with them their inante (and justified) mistrust of common water supplies. Wells in England were more often brackish harbors of disease than reservoirs of sweet-tasting, healthy water. Thus, the colonists drank beer, cider and when available in the summer milk. Some goodwives would lay in a months' long supply of beer or cider in their homes. Others would brew "small beer" on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. While these women were skilled brewmistresses, malting was not a skill for the everywoman. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, in her book Good Wives describes it as "the process of sprouting and drying barley to increase its sugar content...wisely left to the village expert."[308] Thus, Thomas' skills were not only in demand, but of great importance to the settlement. |
MILITARY | Thomas served in the local military. He was known as Corporal Thomas Newhall in Nicholas Potter's deed of 26 May 1675 and Ensign Thomas Newhall at the time of his death[64,66]. |
Thomas owned all the lands east of Federal Street, between the Turnpike and Marion Street (on the borders
of what is now Lynnfield), according to Alonzo Lewis. However, Charles Newhall uses the evidence given in
the various lawsuits involving Thomas to refute this and place his home near the center of town, near George
Keserıs tannery. However, in the New England colonial method of laying out towns, one's house was in the
center of town, near the Common and Meeting house and one's farmland, etc. was on the outskirts of the town
center. So, both men are probably correct.
On 30 November 1679, Thomas bought "threescore acres" from Ezekiel and Sarah Needham. This plot was "bounded easterly with the dividing line between Salem and Lynn, westerly by 'a certaine farme comonly caled Mr Humphries but now Major Rainsberryıs farme,' and southerly by the commons; which land the said Needham purchased of Daniel King, Senior, of Lynn, deceased."[67,68] Charles Newhall further postulates that Thomas, Sr. bought this land to portion off to his sons. Joseph received some of this parcel and Nathaniel appears to have come into possession of some of this land as well. |
EDUCATION | Thomas could read and write[53]. |
Newhall also tells this tale of Thomas Newhall's position within the town of Lynn: "...In 1679, the
fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of Lynn was celebrated in royal style. The banquet took place at the
'Anchor Tavern', and was attended by all the notables within quite a radius. Judge Newhall says in
'Lin: Her Jewels': 'At the end of the table where were seated the chief dignitaries of
the settlement, was Thomas Newhall, a man of respectability, though perhaps remarkable only as being the first
white person born on the soil of the Third Plantation, and as the owner of the mill which expressed the best
cider in the whole region. He was the father of ten children, eight or nine of whom were living at the time of
this celebration. They, in their turn, became fathers and mothers, the race increasing till, at the time of
the celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary it was almost beyond numbering. Much deference was
paid to him for the interest he took in all public affairs, and for his private virtues. He had brought as a
present to Mr. Turner [the landlord] a can of his very best cider'..."[69]
Regardless, of this account's accuracy, Thomas was a good citizen of the settlement of Lynn, as seen by the fact that his name often appears in Wills and Inventories of the time. This means that he was a trusted man of the community that people would trust to accurately execute or witness their wills or accurately take the inventories of their estates. Thomas was also the local maltser (evident by his malthouse and tools in his will and inventory) in addition to taking care of his house, family and farm. This was an occupation which took some skill. Beer was important in Colonial America. Settlers had brought their latent distrust of water supplies (which were often brackish and unhealthful in England) with them to the New World and so preferred to drink cider and beer or milk, if it was available in the summer. The making of beer was an essential skill for any Colonial goodwife. Some goodwives would make a batch every week or so and others would lay in a supply which would last for months. The town maltser would transform the villagers' barley into malt -- an essential ingredient to any good beer. |
In good English tradition, Thomas Newhall and neighbors often settled their differences in court: Thomas' deposition of 1683: "Thomas Newhall aged about fifty yeares testifyeth & saith that there was granted and laid out unto my Unkle Anthony Newhall and my Father Thomas Newhall two Lotts of thirty acres apeice [sic], according to ye Record of the Town of Lynne which were undivided, and I ever understood by Record & Comon account that Edward Burcham sometime an Inhabitant of Lynne had a Lott adjoyning to the said Lotts on the east, and further testifyeth yt the said Lotts are now lying in the Township of Redding...10 November 1683."[57]
Thomas was tried in March 1663 before the Quarterly Court for battery against the wife of William Longley[58].
Elizabeth [Leighton] Newhall (wife of John Newhall) gave a deposition in the matter of this case of
battery against the wife of William Longley:
Mary Longley gave the following deposition in this case:
In addition, litigation was brought in the matter of the death of Thomas' daughter, Elizabeth1, who drowned
in a pit dug by a neighbor: "We Robert Potter and John Newhall: understandin by Too Testimonies. That Thomas Newhalls child was drounded in a pett which pett we heard George Kesar saye he digged: farther we doe Testifie that George Keser had a Tanfatt in that pett. I John Newhall doe furder Testifie that George Keser did take up his fatt and left the pett open. Sworn in Court 29d:9m:1665"[61] "The deposition of Thomas Morris agede therten or fortenn years yestifyeth that when goodman Newels childe was drownde, & he saide in that holl that we rakede out the furtt & put watter in to keep alwifes to go a fishing & he went dowen & showed me the holl & I have sen durt pulled out of that holl: & I have senn John Newell: & Thomas Newell & Joseph Newell put watter and fish into that holl as they say the childe was drownd in & further sayth nott."[54]
The jury report came back: |
The Estate of Thomas Newhall: Inventory of his estate was taken on 8 April 1687 by John Fuller, Sr.; Ralph King & John Burrill and presented to the Court on 14 April 1687 by John Newhall, one of the executors. It is recorded in Suffolk co., but no evidence of will or inventory is in Court files[63]. The estate was appraised at £700. It included "...a long table and two forms, a cupboard, cupboard cloth and cushion and galss case, a table, six joined stools with a carpet and a joined chair and cushion. There were found five guns for fowling and training, at four pounds, two swords at twenty shillings and books at twelve shillings. Of live stock he had a mare and a colt, two horses, thirty-eight sheep and fourteen lambs, four oxen (two at Josephs), six cows, besides numerous calves, yearlings, two-year-olds, four-year-olds and swine. In the inventory of real estate we find 'The Dwelling house and mault house & mault mill and house over it with all appurtenances belonging to the mault house and other prviledges with the Conveniences to the well, as also a six acre Lott adjoyning to the Dwelling house, and an orchard, appertaineing and an old Barne with all priveledges £170. 0s. 0d.; 18 acres adj. the house of John Newhall; Bloodıs neck marsh (7-1/4 acres); 3 acres of marsh at Burch Islands; 3 acres at E. side of Great Island in Rumney Marsh; 6-1/2 acres in Battieıs lot; 2 acres in Ramsdellıs neck; 1-1/2 acre in Town marsh; 7 acres at Fox Hill; 30 acres in Reading; two ten-acre lots; 30 acres possessed by Nathl Newhall in the country; and a six-acre lot, only some part taken off that fronts upon the highway..."[64,65] |
MARRIAGE | On 29d:10m(December):1652 when Thomas was 22, he married Elizabeth POTTER, daughter of Nicholas POTTER & Emma KNIGHT, in Lynn, Essex co., MA[49,7,17,70,22,71,72,73,74]. Elizabeth was born circa 1632 in Lynn, MA and buried on 22 February 1686/1687 in the Old Burying Ground, Lynn, Essex co., MA[7]. Some sources say that she was the daughter of Robert Potter instead of Nicholas Potter, but these sources are older and seem to have been disproved by later accounts. |
CHILDREN | 41. | i. | Thomas NEWHALL |
Thomas was born in 18d:9m(November):1653 in Lynn, Essex co., MA[66,108].
He is Waters #21. Thomas was a husbandman and weaver[109] and removed to Malden, Middlesex co., MA[67].
On 9 November 1674 when Thomas was 21, he married Rebecca GREENE, daughter of Thomas GREENE & Rebecca HILLS, in Malden or Charlestown109,7,110,111,19,112,113,114.
They had the following children: |
42. | ii. | John NEWHALL, 3rd |
John, 3rd was born on 14d:12m(February):1655/6 in Lynn, Essex co., MA[115,49].
John died in Lynn, Essex co., MA on 20 Jan or June 1738; he was 82[108,85]. He is Waters #22 and was
a Bricklayer or Mason[85].
This John was known as "John, Newhall, Tertius". However, by 7 April 1718, his uncle John (son of Thomas) had died. This meant that his uncle John (son of Anthony) moved up to be "John Newhall, Sr." and this John became "John Newhall, Jr." On that date, he gave a deposition calling himself "John Newhall, Jr." and gave his age as 62[85]. Estate: According to Waters, "His estate does not appear in Probate; but he seems to have conveyed his Real Estate to his only son Jacob" on 24 December 1734 by deed or gift[116]. "This deed describes various parcels, the first of which he calls 'my homestead where I lately dwelt with the dwelling house & all the other buildings standing thereon and said Homestead contains about twenty acres,' etc., bounded northerly and northwesterly on the country road, southwesterly and southerly on the Great Bridge River in part and partly on the marsh of Thomas Witt, sutheasterly and easterly partly on the marsh of Brook, so called. The witnesses to this deed were Richard Johnson, Solomon Newhall and Samuel Johnson..."[117] John's home was "next to the Great Bridge" and deeded to his son Jacob in 1734[67,118]. On 18 June 1677 when John was 22, he married Esther BARTRAM, daughter of William BARTRAM & Sarah [SURNAME NOT KNOWN], in Lynn, Essex co., MA[108,85,7,119,108,120,19,115]. She was born on 3 April 1658 in Lynn, Essex co., MA[49,85] and died on 28 September 1728; she was 70[85].
They had the following children: |
43. | iii. | Ensign Joseph NEWHALL | Please see his own page. |
44. | iv. | Nathaniel NEWHALL |
Nathaniel was born on 17 March 1660 in Lynn, Essex co., MA[108,130] and died on 24 December 1695;
he was 35[108,130]. According to Waters, Nathaniel lived ³an uneventful life as a farmer²[130].
He is Waters #24.
There was "...a deed of conveyance to Batholmew Gedney, Esq. of Salem, from the brothers Joseph and Nathaniel Newhall 'joynt tenants on a certain farm' in Lynn bounded 'East Northerly with ye line that parts Salem and Lynn being ye bounds of Clarke's farme so called and extending Northwestward and Southwestward until it comes to ye bounds of Humphryes farm so called.'..." The deed was dated 8 January 1696/7, but was put on record in 1719. The deed was acknowledged on 9 January 1696/7 at Salem when Joseph Newhall claimed that he had seen his brother Nathaniel sign it[131]. The only problem with this is that Nathaniel was long dead by this time. In fact, the intention of marriage for his widow's second marriage was published on that selfsame date. Fraud? Mis-entry? Hmm... Nathaniel left "...besides his homestead, a parcell of land also 'bought of the Pond farme' and some 'housinge and land and saltmarsh at Linn.'..."[130] Although, "by the [account of administration] brought into court 11 July 1704 by Mrs. Elizabeth Ingersoll, widow and [administratrix] of Nathaniel Newhall, it appears that this portion of the Pond farm had only been bargained for, not bought..."[130] Administration was granted to Nathaniel's widow, Elizabeth on 20 July 1696. She had moved to Topsfield, Essex co., MA by this time. Her surities were Samuel Simonds of Topsfield and Edward Norice of Salem[132]. "The Real Estate, less widow's dower, was settled on the eldest son Nathaniel, he giving bonds 23 Dec., 1706, to pay to the other children, Samuel, Jonathon and Elizabeth their portions. One of his sureties was his step-father John Ingersoll of Lynn. After the death of the widow the oldest surviving son, Samuel Newhall, joyner, was appointed administrator de bonis non on his fatherıs estate, 13 May, 1739 (Elisha Newhall and Ebenr Bancroft sureties), and the dower property was assigned to him 4 June 1739, he paying to the representatives of his brother Nathaniel, deceased, to his brother Jonathoan (of Lynn) and to his brother Isaac Stone of Lexington, in right of Elizabeth, his wife, their respective portions..."[133] Nathaniel also came into posession of some of the "threescore acres" bought by his father Thomas on 30 November 1679 from Ezekiel and Sarah Needham. This plot was "bounded easterly with the dividing line between Salem and Lynn, westerly by 'a certaine farme comonly caled Mr Humphries but now Major Rainsberry's farme,' and southerly by the commons; which land the said Needham purchased of Daniel King, Senior, of Lynn, deceased"[67,118]. He lived in north Lynn, near his brother Joseph[130]. By 1685 when Nathaniel was 24, he married Elizabeth SYMONDS, daughter of Samuel SYMONDS & Elizabeth ANDREWS, in Lynn, Essex co., MA[7,134,19]. She was born on 12 August 1663 in Salem, Essex co., MA[132].
They had the following children: |
45. | v. | Elizabeth1 NEWHALL | Elizabeth1 was born on 21 March 1662 in Lynn, Essex co., MA and died in Lynn, Essex co., MA circa 1665; she was 2[108]. She is Waters #25. Elizabeth1 is the child who drowned in the pit which George Kesar had originally dug for his tanning process. The Newhalls brought suit against him in the death of their daughter, but it was determined that Elizabeth's older brothers had further dug out the pit to keep alewives and, thus, Kesar was not responsible for the childıs death. |
46. | vi. | Elisha NEWHALL | Elisha was born on 3 November 1665 in Lynn, Essex co., MA and buried on 28 Feb 1686/7 in Lynn, Essex co., MA[108]. He is Waters #26. |
47. | vii. | Elizabeth2 NEWHALL | Elizabeth2 was born on 22 October 1667 in Lynn, Essex co., MA[108]. She is Waters #27. |
48. | viii. | Mary NEWHALL | Mary was born on 18 February 1669 in Lynn, Essex co., MA[108]. She is Waters #28. |
49. | ix. | Samuel NEWHALL | Please see his own page. |
50. | x. | Rebeca NEWHALL |
Rebeca born on 17 July 1675 in Lynn, Essex co., MA[108]. She is Waters #30. On 22 May 1697 when
Rebeca was 21, she married Ebeneezer PARKER, son of Hannaniah PARKER & Elizabeth BROWN[145].
They had the following children (surnamed PARKER):
i. Elizabeth |
Line 1: G7 Grandparents (Direct to Marian via Thomas) - 896/897 Line 3: G8 Grandparents (Direct to Marian via Thomas) - 1824/1825 Line 4: G7 Grandparents (Newhall, Breed, via Thomas) - 908/909 |
WATERS #4 1. Kristin Carole Hall Family Notes, Newhall. 2. Waters, Henry F., The Newhall Family, (Salem: Essex Institute, 1882; repr., Rutland, VT: Tuttle Antiquarian Books), [Newhall(1882)], 1-2. 3. Newhall, Charles L., The Record of My Ancestry, (Southbridge, Mass., 1899), [NewhallAnc], 5. 4. Ibid. 5-6. 5. Ibid. 6. 6. [Newhall(1882)], 29. 7. Torrey, Charles, New England Marriages Prior to 1700., (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Society). [Torrey]. 8. [Newhall(1882)], 2. 9. [NewhallAnc], 7. 10. Ibid. 8. 11. [Newhall(1882)], 2. 12. The Probate Records of Essex County, [Essex Prob], II:404-405. 13. Essex Quarterly Court Files, [EQCF], volume 22, leaves 9,10. 14. [Newhall(1882)], 2-4. 15. Ibid. 6. 16. Lewis, Alonzo, & James Newhall, History of Lynn, Essex County, Mass., including Lynnfield, Saugus, Swampscot, and Nahant, 16219-[1893], (Lynn: George C. Herbert, [1890]), [Lynn Hist.], 482. 17. Preston, Mary Isabella, Bassett-Preston Ancestors; a History of the Ancestors in America of Marion Bassett Luitweiler, Howard Murray Bassett, Preston Rogers Bassett, Isabel Bassett Wasson, and Helen Bassett Hauser, Children of Edward M. and Annie (Preston), (New Haven: The Tuttle Morehouse & Taylor Co., 1930), [Bassett-Preston], 199. 18. Brown, Cyrus Henry, Brown Genealogy vol. 2, (Boston&358; The Everett Press Co., 1915), [Brown (#5)], 12. 19. DeForest, Louis Effingham, Our Colonial and Continental Ancestors: The Ancestry of Mr. and Mrs. Louis William Dommerich, (New York, N.Y.: The DeForest Publ. Co., 1930), [DommerichChart], 46. 20. Essex Institute Historical Collections, vol. 1+, (Salem, Mass., 1859+), [EIHC], 18:2. 21. Waters, Henry F., "The Newhall Family of Lynn, Massachusetts", Essex Institute of Historical Collections, (Salem: Essex Institute), [EIHC-Waters], 18:2. 22. Lineage Books of National Society Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, ([Washington], D.C., 1910), [LBDF&P], #320. 23. [Lynn Hist.], 125-126,484. 24. The Register of the Lynn Historical Society, Lynn, Mass., (Lynn, Mass., 1897+), [Lynn Hist. Soc.], 1906:88. 25. [Newhall(1882)], 2. 26. The Genealogical Magazine, (Salem, Mass.: Salem Press, 1890+), [GenMag or Putnam'sMag.], 6:313. 27. Holman, Alfred Lyman, Blackman and Allied Families, (Chicago&358; privately printed, 1928&341;, [BlackmanAnc], 136. 28. Dewey, William Tarbox, Dewey-French . . . 1633-1639, ([Montpelier?, Vt., 1900]), [Dewey-French or DeweyAnc], 29. 29. Dillon, Arthur Orison, The Ancestors of Arthur Orison Dillon, (The Author, 1927), [DillonAnc], 39,47. 30. Emberson, Myrtle Tedrow, One Hundred and One Ancestors of John Fay Hinckley, &$40;Los Angeles, 1928), [HinckleyAnc], 53. 31. Reynes, Clifton, Bishop's Transcriptions, [BishopsTrans], D/A/T 157. 32. [Newhall(1882)], 4. 33. [LynnHist.], 484. 34. [Newhall(1882)], 4. 35. [EQCF], Volume 3, Leaf 105. 36. [Essex Prob], 247-250. 37. Ipswich Quarterly Court Records, [IQCR], Volume 1, Page 61. 38. [Newhall(1882)], 6. 39. Olney Bishop's Transcripts. D/A/T 145. 40. The American Genealogist, [TAG], 65:66. 41. The Essex Antiquarian, (13 vols.)(n.p., 1897-1909), [EssexAnt], 7:21. 42. Flagg, Ernest, Genealogical Notes on the Founding of New England, (Hartford: Case, Lockwood & Brainard, 1926), [FlaggAnc], 284. 43. Essex Institute Historical Collections, vol. 1+, (Salem, Mass., 1859+), [EIHC], 1:150. 44. Snow, Nora Emma, The Snow-Estes Ancestry, 2 vols., (Hillburn, N.Y.: privately printed, 1939), [Snow-Estes], 2:65. 45. [Newhall(1882)], 4. 46. [EQCF], Volume 6, Leaf 96. 47. [Newhall(1882)], 6. 48. Ibid. 6-7. 49. Lynn, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [LynnVR]. 50. [Lynn Hist.], 66. 51. [Newhall(1882)], 4. 52. Ibid. 8. 53. [Lynn Hist.], 483. 54. [NewhallAnc], 11. 55. [Lynn Hist.], 78. 56. [Newhall(1882)], 8. 57. Ibid. 4. 58. [NewhallAnc], 9. 59. Ibid. 9-10. 60. Ibid. 10. 61. Ibid. 10-11. 62. [Newhall(1882)], 9-10. 63. [NewhallAnc], 11-12. 64. Ibid. 12. 65. [Newhall(1882)], 10-11. 66. Ibid. 13. 67. [NewhallAnc], 13. 68. [Newhall(1882)], 11-12. 69. [NewhallAnc], 14. 70. [Brown (#5)], 13. 71. Cooke, Harriet Ruth, The Driver Family: a Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of Robert and Phebe Driver, of Lynn, Mass., With an Appendix, Containing Twenty-Three Allied Families, (New York: J. Wilson & Son, 1889), [Driver], 53,54. 72. [EIHC], 16:248; 18:4,8. 73. [EIHC-Waters], 18:8-13. 74. Potter, Charles Edward, Genealogies of the Potter Families and Their Descendants in America to the Present Generation, with Historical and Biographical Sketches, (Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, 1888), [Potter(10 pts)], 9:1. 75. [Newhall(1882)], 4,14,16. 76. Ibid. 16. 77. [EQCF], Volume 18, Leaf 181. 78. Ibid. Volume 8, Leaf 62. 79. [Newhall(1882)], 15. 80. Ibid. 15-16. 81. [EQCF], Volume 6, Leaf 96. 82. [Newhall(1882)], 14. 83. Ibid. 14,16. 84. Ibid. 14-15. 85. Ibid. 22. 86. Ibid. 13-14. 87. Ibid. 4. 88. [EIHC], 18:4,13. 90. [Driver], 54. 91. Dwight, Benjamin W., The History of the Descendants of John Dwight of Dedham, Mass., 2 vols., (New York: John F. Trow & Son, 1874), [Dwight], 1109. 92. New England Historic and Genealogical Register. Vols. 1+, (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Register, 1845+), [NEHGR], 27:170. 93. [Newhall(1882)], 2,13. 94. [EIHC-Waters], 18:18-20. 95. [LynnVR], G.R. 1. 96. [Newhall(1882)], 19. 97. Ibid. 18. 98. Ibid. 20. 99. Ibid. 18-19. 100. Ibid. 19-20. 101. Ibid. 6. 102. [EIHC-Waters], 18:6,18. 103. [Newhall(1882)], 5. 104. Ibid. 17. 105. Ibid. 17-18. 106. Ibid. 5-6. 107. Ibid. 7. 108. [NewhallAnc], 15. 109. [Newhall(1882)], 21. 110. [NEHGR], 8:310. 111. [EIHC-Waters], 18:13,21. 112. [Newhall(1882)], 413. 113. [NewhallAnc], 57. 114. Wyman, Thomas Bellows, The Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, 2 vols., (Boston: D. Clapp and Son, 1879), [Charlestown], 438,705. 115. [Newhall(1882)], 13,22. 116. [EQCF], Volume 77, Leaf 1. 117. [Newhall(1882)], 22-23. 118. Ibid. 12. 119. Savage, James A., A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, 1860-1862., (Boston 1860-1862; rpt Baltimore 1955), [Savage], 1:134 120. [EIHC], 16:248; 18:13,22. 121. [EIHC-Waters], 18:23-24. 122. [Newhall(1882)], 23. 123. Ibid. 24. 124. Ibid. 24-25. 125. [Lynn Hist.], 185,484. 126. [Newhall(1882)], 13,23. 127. [FlaggAnc], 253. 128. [EIHC-Waters], 18:13,23 50:155. 129. [DommerichChart], 30,46. 130. [Newhall(1882)], 25. 131. Ibid. 25-26. 132. Ibid. 26. 133. Ibid. 26-27. 134. [EIHC-Waters], 18:13,25. 135. [Newhall(1882)], 27-28. 136. [EIHC-Waters], 18:27-28. 137. [SalemVR] 138. [Newhall(1882)], 27. 139. [Essex Prob], #19378 or 19373. 140. [NewhallAnc], 13-14. 141. [Newhall(1882)], 12-13,27. 142. [EIHC], 16:248; 18:2,13. 143. The Annual Report of the Lindsay Family Association of America, 1-10, &@40;[Boston, 1904-1914]), [Lindsay], 217. 144. [Newhall(1882)], 13,27. 145. Ibid. 28. 146. Ibid. 28-29. 147. Ibid. 14,29. 148. Ibid. 30. 149. Ibid. 29-30. 150. [EIHC-Waters], 18:32. 151. [Newhall(1882)], 20,32. 152. Ibid. 18. 153. Ibid. 33. 154. [Essex Prob], #19321. 155. [Newhall(1882)], 32-33. 156. [EIHC-Waters], 18:20,30. 157. [Newhall(1882)], 20,30. 158. [EIHC-Waters], 18:20,30. 159. [Newhall(1882)], 20,30. 160. [LynnVR], 1:277. 161. [Newhall(1882)], 30-31. 162. Ibid. 20,33. 163. Ibid. 20,34. 164. Ibid. 34. 165. Ibid. 48. 166. Ibid. 44. 167. Ibid. 43. 168. Ibid. 25,43. 169. Ibid. 43-44. 170. Ibid. 46. 171. Ibid. 25,46. 172. Ibid. 45. 173. Ibid. 25,45. 174. Ibid. 55. 175. Ibid. 52,55. 176. Ibid. 56. 177. Ibid. 35. 178. Ibid. 23,39. 179. Ibid. 40. 180. Ibid. 40-41. 181. Ibid. 39. 182. Ibid. 39-40. 183. Ibid. 23,29. 184. [LynnVR], I:277 [Ct. R.]. 185. [Newhall(1882)], 41. 185. Ibid. 25, 41. 187. Ibid. 42. 188. Ibid. 41-42. 189. [EIHC-Waters], 18:232-233. 190. [Newhall(1882)], 25,42. 191. [LynnVR], G.R. 1. 192. Essex co., MA Deeds, [EssexDeeds], 43. 193. [EQCF], Book XLVII, Leaf 279. 194. [Newhall(1882)], 42-43. 195. [EssexDeeds] Book 47, Leaf 279. 196. [LynnVR], Ct. R. 197. [Newhall(1882)] 25,44. 198. Ibid. 44-45. 199. [LynnVR], II:263. 200. [Newhall(1882)] 27,49. 201. Ibid. 49. 202. Ibid. 27,49. 203. Ibid. 27,50. 204. Ibid. 50. 205. Ibid. 50-51. 206. [EIHC-Waters], 18:259; 16:259. 207. [LynnVR], C.R. 2. 208. Dover, Rockingham co., NH Vital Records, [DoverNHVR]. 209. [LynnVR], Flyleaf of book 6. 210. [Newhall(1882)], 102. 211. Ibid. 51. 212. Ibid. 51-52 213. Ibid. 53. 214. Ibid. 52. 215. Ibid. 54. 216. [LynnVR], I:278. 217. [EIHC-Waters], 18:264. 218. [Newhall(1882)], 33,60. 219. Ibid. 60. 220. Ibid. 61. 221. [LynnVR], P.R. 17 - the Mudge Family Bible. 222. Boston, Suffolk co., MA Vital Records. [BostonVR], Boston Marriages from 1700 to 1751. Document 150 - 1898 Volume 28. Page 228. 223. Ibid. Boston Marriages from 1700 to 1751. Document 150 - 1898 Volume 28. Page 255. 224. [Newhall(1882)] 33,58. 225. Ibid. 58. 226. Ibid. 33,59. 227. Ibid. 59. 228. Ibid. 32,57. 229. Ibid. 57. 230. Ibid. 46,48. 231. Ibid. 232. Ibid. 45,55. 233. [LynnVR], II:264. 234. [EIHC-Waters], 18:259-260. 235. [Newhall(1882)] 56,102. 236. [EIHC-Waters], 19:52. 237. [Newhall(1882)] 55,56. 238. Ibid. 40,41. 239. [EIHC-Waters], 18:281-282. 240. [Newhall(1882)] 43,77. 241. [LynnVR], P.R. 125 - First Congregational Church of Lynnfield. 242. [EssexDeeds] 77. 243. [Newhall(1882)] 77. 244. [EssexDeeds] Book 84, Leaf 187. 245. Reading, Middlesex co., MA Vital Records. 246. [Newhall(1882)] 77-78. 247. Ibid. 47. 248. [LynnVR], II:264 [C.R.1]. 249. Ibid. II:263 [C.R.1] 250. [EIHC-Waters], 19:56. 251. [BostonVR], Boston Births 1700-1800. Document 130 - 1883 Volume 24. Page 237. 252. [Newhall(1882)] 61,105. 253. Salem, Essex co., MA Vital Records. [SalemVR], East Church Records. 254. [Newhall(1882)] 105. 255. Original Document. In posession of Walter K. Hall. 256. Marblehead, Essex co., MA Vital Records. [MarbleheadVR], I:296 [C.R.2] Second Congregational (Unitarian) Church Records. 257. [SalemVR], V:183 [C.R.4] East Church Records. 258. [Newhall(1882)] 105-106. 259. [SalemVR], V:183. 260. [BostonVR], Boston Births 1700-1800. Document 130 - 1883 Volume 24. Page 240. 261. Ibid. Boston Births 1700-1800. Document 130 - 1883 Volume 24. Page 263. 262. Ibid. Boston Births 1700-1800. Document 130 - 1883 Volume 24. Page 270. 263. Ibid. Boston Births 1700-1800. Document 130 - 1883 Volume 24. Page 274. 264. [Newhall(1882)] 57-58. 265. [EIHC-Waters], 48:320; 266. Commonwealth of MA Vital Records, [MAVR], Death Records 1894, Volume 445, Page 506, #773 [Oliver N. Newhall]. 267. Kristin C. Hall Family Research Notes. Newhall Notes. 268. [MAVR], Death Records 1894, Volume 445, Page 506, #773 [Oliver N. Newhall]. 269. [Newhall(1882)] 78. 270. [EIHC-Waters], 48:219-220. 271. Amesbury Vital Records, [AmesburyVR], C.R. 3, p. 432. 272. [MAVR], David Johnson Newhall Death Record, 26 October 1901, Lynn, Essex co., MA, 1901, Volume 516, Page 563, Record 919. 273. [SalemVR], III:318 [P.R.533]. 274. Original Document. In posession of Alan M. Hall. 275. Andover, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [AndoverVR], I:106. 276. [MAVR], Death Records, 1850, Volume 48, Page 120, Lynn. 277. Newburyport, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [NewburyportVR], I:422. 278. [EIHC-Waters], 48:320. 279. [MAVR], Death Records 1894, Volume 445, Page 506, #773 [Oliver Nelson Newhall]. 280. Ibid. Birth Records 1857, Volume 105, Page 275, #114, Lynn [Henry Ernest Newhall]. 281. Original Document. In posession of Kristin C. Hall. 282. [MAVR], Death Records, 1880, Volume 319, Page 230, #5, Lynn. 283. Ibid. Death Records 1880, Volume 319, Page 230, #5, Lynn [Maria A. Sweetser]. 284. Ibid. Death Records 1931, Page 112, #723 [Henry E. Newhall]. 285. Ibid. Death Records, Page 224, #236. 286. 1850 Federal Census, ROCK New Castle, NH, Federal Archives, Waltham, MA, USC1850. 287. Ibid. MA: SALEM. 288. [MAVR], David Johnson Newhall & Harriet Attwood Carroll's Marriage Record, 22 November 1848, Lynn, Essex co., MA, 1848-1849, Volume 37, Page 178, Record 23. 289. [LynnVR], II:85. 290. Ibid. I:95 291. [MAVR], Death Records 1890, Volume 409, Page 337, #760. 292. Original Document. Family notations. 293. Ibid. In possession of Kristin C. Hall. 294. Ibid. 295. [MAVR], Arthur Blake Maddison & Marian Louise Newhall Marriage Record, 1 June 1922, Lynn, Essex co., MA, 1922, 455, A436015 - Registered Number 347, Intention Number 360. 296. [MAVR], Birth Records 1893, Volume 430, Page 451, #1104, Lynn [Marion Louise Newhall]. 297. Ibid. Marriage Records, 1877, Volume 289, Page 234, #329, Lynn. 298. Ibid. Marriage Records 1885, Volume 361, Page 277, #112 [Henry E. Newhall & Mary J. Newhall]. 299. Ibid. Death Records 1931, Page 224, #236, Melrose [Mary J. Newhall]. 300. Ibid. Marriage Records 1877, Volume 289, Page 234, #329, Lynn [Henry E. Newhall & Hattie S. White]. 301. [LynnVR], I:278 [P. R. 169]. 302. Ibid. I:94. 303. [MAVR], Arthur Blake Maddison Death Record, 7 May 1955, Lynnfield, Essex co., MA, 1955, 160, A436098 - Registered Number 14 in Lynnfield. 304. [MAVR], Barbara Maddison Birth Record, 14 January 1923, Swampscott, Essex co., MA, 1923, #8. 305. Marblehead, Essex co., MA Vital Records. [MarbleheadVR] 306. Paul, Edward Joy, The Ancestry of Katharine Choate Paul, Now Mrs. William J. Young Jr., (Milwaukee: Burdich & Allen, 1914), [Paul Anc.]. 307. [LynnVR], I:278 [P.R. 181]. 308. Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher, Good Wives: Image and Reality in the Lives of Women in Northern New England 1650-1750. (New York: Vintage Books, 1980, 1982, 1991), p. 23.
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