BIRTH | Thomas was born on 8 June 1600 in Fulham, England. |
DEATH | He died in Lynn, Essex co., MA on 25 May 1674; he was 73[7,8,9]. |
MIGRATION | Family Lore has Thomas, Sr. and family emigrating to Salem, Essex co., MA in 1630. Proof of his migration is not yet found. |
FREEMAN | Freeman evidence not found by Charles Newhall[5]. |
Thomas immediately moved to Lynn, Essex co., MA and was one of its first settlers.
He was granted 30 acres in the 1638 land distribution. He was also part of the group which first
settled Southampton, Long Island, NH.
Alonzo Lewis maintained that he "...lived on the wast side of Federal street, a few rods south of the mill brook, owning all the lands, on that side, between the Turnpike and Marion Street...&34; This was disproved and shown to be Anthony Newhall's land by Waters[16]. |
EDUCATION | As to the extent of his education, Thomas only made "his mark" on his will. Charles Newhall (quoting James Newhall) maintains that Thomas knew how to write (although he had yet to find an actual signature) and made a mark only because of "infirmity, rather than ignorance"[10]. |
Thomas' will was signed on 1 April 1668, proved on 30d:4m:1674[11] and the
estate administered on 25d:4m:1674. "The last will and testament of Thomas Newhall Senior of Lyn in the county of Essex hauinge his prefect memory and understandinge iMprimis I bequeath my Spirritt to the Lord that gaue it and my Body to the dust from whence it was taken. I bequeath my twelf acres of salt marsh to my sonn Thomas Newhall and my sonn John Newhall, the six acres that my sonn Thomas shall haue is three Acres in Rumley marsh neere the Island, and the rest is a pcell lyinge in the Towne marsh caled Gaines his neck and another pcell lyinge in the Towne marsh adioyninge to my Brother ffarington and the six acres yt my sonn John shall haue lyeth in the last Deuission in Rumley marsh, but if my soon John should haue noe child before he dyeth then the six Acres I giue to my sonn John, to returne to my sonn Thomas & his heires for euer but if my sonn John should haue a child or childeren, then the sd six Acres to bee att his owne disposse foreuer. I bequeath to my sonn Thomas Brownes his children twenty Pounds equally to be deuided betweene them and the sixteene Pounds wch he hath alredy of mine in his hands is to be pt of this Twenty pounds I giue to his childeren. I bequeath to my sonn Richard Hauen his childeren twenty pounds to be equally deuided amongst them, namly betweene Joseph Hauen, Richard Hauen, Sarah Hauen, Nathaniell Hauen & Moses Hauen this not to be pd vntill they com to the age of twenty one yeares, I bequeath to my tow daughters, Susana Hauen & Mary Browne each of them a paire of sheetes & each of them too pillow beares. Alsoe I constitute & make my lawfull & sole executor & to pforme this my last will & testament, my sonn Thomas Newhall. I doe alsoe bequeath to my sonn Thomas Newhall his childeren thirty pounds, and that this is my tru will & testament I haue sett to my hand this first of aprill, 1668:"
Thomas (his T mark) Newhall, senier.
Inventory taken 25d:4m:1674 by Oliver Purchas and Robert (his mark) Burges:
Waters says that the thirty acres referred to were the 30 acres he received in the 1638 Land
Distribution[14]. |
MARRIAGE | On 12 June 1618 when Thomas was 18, he married Mary Jane PENDLETON/WOOD/WOODARD, in England[7,9,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31] Mary Jane was born circa 1601 in England and died in Lynn, MA on 25 September 1665; she was 64[7,9,11]. |
CHILDREN | 16. | i. | Susanna NEWHALL |
Susanna was born circa 1624[45] and died in Lynn, Essex co., MA on 7 February 1682;
she was 58[15]. She is Waters #3 and married Richard HAVEN, who is another
West Country emigrant[47]. She was in Lynn, Essex co., MA ca. 1645[47].
She gave the following deposition in 1661[46]: "The testimonye of Susanna Haven aged about thirtye seuen years sworne saith that the wife of Will. Longlye came to my housbands house (it was the weeke of boston county court last) : and I asked her what news at boston, she said John Hathorne was cast and the bulls were recouered from him and that the magistrats said they might charge him the said Hathorne with fellony but sayed she, that which is worse then all this is; that John hathorne had put more into a writing then should be & that it was forgerye and that the magistrats did very much check him for it -- & further saith not. Sworne in Court at Salem..." She was also deposed on 5 November 1678, where she states her age as being "about fifty six"[47]. Estate: Richard wrote his will on 21 May 1701, with John Burrill, Jr.; Joseph Burrill & Sarah Ballord as witnesses. The will was proved on 14 June 1703. Again, Waters gives the "highlights": "...In it he mentions son John, son Nathaniell, grandson Joseph, son of son Richard Haven dec'd, son Moses, dau. Hannah Gooddell, son in law, John Tarbox, dau. Sarah Whitney, grandson Westol Cogswell, grand dau. Hannah Parker, gr. dau. Hannah Gooddell, son Moses Haven's children, dau. Hannah&339;s children. The homestead, which he left to his son Moses, except that part of it where his daughter Hannah's house stood, lay North of Mill Street and next East of the lot which William Longley sold to Thomas Browne in 1663. It embraces all those house lots lying West of the extension of Federal Street and running from Mill Street back to tht eRocks or to the road leading to Fresh Marsh..."[48]
They had the following children (surnamed Haven): |
17. | ii. | Thomas NEWHALL, Jr. | Please see his own page. |
18. | iii. | Mary NEWHALL |
Mary was born in 1637 in Lynn, Essex co., MA[75]. Mary died after 21 April 1701; she
was 64[76,77]. She is Waters #6. Mary married Thomas BROWN, son of Nicholas
BROWN[78,82,83]. Thomas may have had a previous wife, "but Mary was undoubtedly
the mother of all his children from and after 1658, when her name, as his wife, first appears on
the records..."[78]
Thomas was "of Grawton Middlesex" co., MA in June of 1663. At that time he bought his homestead in Lynn, Essex co., MA from William Longley. This was six acres of land "bounded E. with land of Richd Haven, W. with land of John Newhall, S. on Mill Street and N. on the common." Note the abuttal between William Longley's land and John Newhall's was the fence which played a part in the lawsuit between the Longleys and Thomas Newhall[78]. Mary's Court Depositions: "The deposition of Mary Browne aged about thirty one years whoe testifieth and sait, That her cousin John Haucks being at my brother John Newhal his house whoe was ye constable; at a tyme when shee this deponant was there & did heare ye said Jahn Hawckes say; yt Daniell Hutchens said that hee would dliuer up all the cattle yt ye constable had attached, and then this deponany opposed yt saying and asked hom whether hee did not say yt hee would deliuer up all his right yt hee had in them, then John Hawckes said, yea hee did speake such words: & further saith not. Sworne in Court at Salem 1d:5m:1668. Attestes Hillyard Veren Clerics."[78,79] "The testimony of Mary Browne aged about fower & tewenty years of age sworne saith that spaking with the wife of William Longlye about John Hathorne, attached a cow or soe; it had not bin much, but to attach all that they had, it was more then he need to haue don: I sayd to her, I suppose he esteemes his name more then all your estate, shee sd againe to me, his name; is his name so good, or what is his name worth, has he redeemed his name spaking in a slite derideing waye (to my understanding) and spaking further to mee about that which Andrew Mansfeild had said against the sd Hathorne, sayes she what was that; a great peece of busienes; of his mane and reputation & further saith not-- ye aboue written is sworne to in Court at Salem ye 25d:4m:1661 as atestes Hilliard Veren Clerics."[80,81] Thomas Browne, Sr.'s non cupative will was written down from oral testimony of witnesses on 9 October 1693. It read&358; "Memorandum: about two years since though in ye last sickness of Thomas Browne thereafter named he declared ye following sentences as his last will & testament who dyed about 6 weeks agoe."[82] Waters says that this will is not on record, but remains on file in the office of the Register of Probate in Salem, Essex co., MA[82]. Mary was appointed administratrix of her husbandıs estate on 9 October 1693, with John Newhall, Sr. (brother) and Ebeneezer Browne (son) as surities on the bond of administration[82]. The will "mentions his wife, his eldest son Thomas, sons Joseph, John, Daniel and Ebeneezer, and daughter Norwood, and constitutes his 'brother John Newhall' and Robert Potter, Senr, overseers. The witnesses to this will were Jeremiah and Mary Shepard, and John Newhall, Senr. The widow rendered an account of administration" on 26 August 1695, when distribution was made to the children. Daughter Norwood is actually Mary, who married Thomas Norwood[84].
They had the following children (surnamed Brown/Browne): |
19. | v. | Francis NEWHALL | Francis was baptized on 24 October 1619. No more is known. |
18. | vi. | John NEWHALL |
John was born in England[16] and died before 7 April 1718[85].
He is Waters #5. He was called "John Newhall, Sr." and his cousin John (Anthony's
son) was called "John Newhall, Jr." or "John, son of Anthony Newhall".
Upon this Johnı' death, his cousin was called "John Newhall, Sr."
John served in the King Philip's war[69]. He was granted administration at large of his son Joseph's estate on 4 February 1711/12 and signed the bond as "John Newhall Se."[86]. On 3d:12m(February):1657 John married first Elizabeth LAIGHTON[87], daughter of Thomas LAIGHTON, in Lynn, Essex co., MA[58,66,7,88,19,89,18,90,17,91]. Elizabeth died on 22d:8m(October):1677 in Lynn, Essex co., MA[7,58,66]. Elizabeth gave a deposition in the matter of Thomas Newhall's case of battery against the wife of William Longley: "The testimony of Elizabeth Newhall ye wife of John Senier and Mary Haven who sayth yt Thomas Newhall Junior was desiered for to howld a poole [pole] for to rone a line between Will Longley and John Newhalls: then came ye two dafters of ye sayd Longley; namely Mary Longley & Anna Longley and threue stons at ye dayd Thomas Newhall; afterward ye sayd Anna toke up a peace of a pulle and stroke ye sayd Newhall severall blows with it, & presently after ye wife of ye sayd Longley came with a broad axe in hir hand and cam to ye sayd Newhall and violently stroke at ye sayd Newhall with ye sayd axe, but ye sayd Newhall sliped aside & soe ye sayd axe mised him: orwise wee can not but thinke but yt hee had bine much woulded if not killed: then presently after ye wife of Will Longley layd howld upone ye poole with hir dafters to pull ye poole away from ye sayd Newhall: but ye sayd Newhall pulled ye poole from ym. All this time ye sayd Newhall did stand upon ye land of John Newhalls. Taken upon oath 28d:1m:1663"[59] On 17 July 1679 John second married Sarah FLANDERS[87], daughter of Stephen FLANDERS, in Lynn, Essex co., MA[7,19,58,92,24,93,17,18,88] who was born in 1654[7].
They had the following children: |
Line 1: G8 Grandparents (Direct to Marian via Thomas) - 1792/1793 Line 3: G9 Grandparents (Direct to Marian via Thomas) - 3648/3649 Line 4: G8 Grandparents (Newhall, Breed, via Thomas) - 1816/1817 |
WATERS #1 1. Kristin Carole Hall Family Notes, Newhall. 2. Waters, Henry F., The Newhall Family, (Salem: Essex Institute, 1882; repr., Rutland, VT: Tuttle Antiquarian Books), [Newhall(1882)], 1-2. 3. Newhall, Charles L., The Record of My Ancestry, (Southbridge, Mass., 1899), [NewhallAnc], 5. 4. Ibid. 5-6. 5. Ibid. 6. 6. [Newhall(1882)], 29. 7. Torrey, Charles, New England Marriages Prior to 1700., (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Society). [Torrey]. 8. [Newhall(1882)], 2. 9. [NewhallAnc], 7. 10. Ibid. 8. 11. [Newhall(1882)], 2. 12. The Probate Records of Essex County, [Essex Prob], II:404-405. 13. Essex Quarterly Court Files, [EQCF], volume 22, leaves 9,10. 14. [Newhall(1882)], 2-4. 15. Ibid. 6. 16. Lewis, Alonzo, & James Newhall, History of Lynn, Essex County, Mass., including Lynnfield, Saugus, Swampscot, and Nahant, 16219-[1893], (Lynn: George C. Herbert, [1890]), [Lynn Hist.], 482. 17. Preston, Mary Isabella, Bassett-Preston Ancestors; a History of the Ancestors in America of Marion Bassett Luitweiler, Howard Murray Bassett, Preston Rogers Bassett, Isabel Bassett Wasson, and Helen Bassett Hauser, Children of Edward M. and Annie (Preston), (New Haven: The Tuttle Morehouse & Taylor Co., 1930), [Bassett-Preston], 199. 18. Brown, Cyrus Henry, Brown Genealogy vol. 2, (Boston&358; The Everett Press Co., 1915), [Brown (#5)], 12. 19. DeForest, Louis Effingham, Our Colonial and Continental Ancestors: The Ancestry of Mr. and Mrs. Louis William Dommerich, (New York, N.Y.: The DeForest Publ. Co., 1930), [DommerichChart], 46. 20. Essex Institute Historical Collections, vol. 1+, (Salem, Mass., 1859+), [EIHC], 18:2. 21. Waters, Henry F., "The Newhall Family of Lynn, Massachusetts", Essex Institute of Historical Collections, (Salem: Essex Institute), [EIHC-Waters], 18:2. 22. Lineage Books of National Society Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, ([Washington], D.C., 1910), [LBDF&P], #320. 23. [Lynn Hist.], 125-126,484. 24. The Register of the Lynn Historical Society, Lynn, Mass., (Lynn, Mass., 1897+), [Lynn Hist. Soc.], 1906:88. 25. [Newhall(1882)], 2. 26. The Genealogical Magazine, (Salem, Mass.: Salem Press, 1890+), [GenMag or Putnam'sMag.], 6:313. 27. Holman, Alfred Lyman, Blackman and Allied Families, (Chicago&358; privately printed, 1928&341;, [BlackmanAnc], 136. 28. Dewey, William Tarbox, Dewey-French . . . 1633-1639, ([Montpelier?, Vt., 1900]), [Dewey-French or DeweyAnc], 29. 29. Dillon, Arthur Orison, The Ancestors of Arthur Orison Dillon, (The Author, 1927), [DillonAnc], 39,47. 30. Emberson, Myrtle Tedrow, One Hundred and One Ancestors of John Fay Hinckley, &$40;Los Angeles, 1928), [HinckleyAnc], 53. 31. Reynes, Clifton, Bishop's Transcriptions, [BishopsTrans], D/A/T 157. 32. [Newhall(1882)], 4. 33. [LynnHist.], 484. 34. [Newhall(1882)], 4. 35. [EQCF], Volume 3, Leaf 105. 36. [Essex Prob], 247-250. 37. Ipswich Quarterly Court Records, [IQCR], Volume 1, Page 61. 38. [Newhall(1882)], 6. 39. Olney Bishop's Transcripts. D/A/T 145. 40. The American Genealogist, [TAG], 65:66. 41. The Essex Antiquarian, (13 vols.)(n.p., 1897-1909), [EssexAnt], 7:21. 42. Flagg, Ernest, Genealogical Notes on the Founding of New England, (Hartford: Case, Lockwood & Brainard, 1926), [FlaggAnc], 284. 43. Essex Institute Historical Collections, vol. 1+, (Salem, Mass., 1859+), [EIHC], 1:150. 44. Snow, Nora Emma, The Snow-Estes Ancestry, 2 vols., (Hillburn, N.Y.: privately printed, 1939), [Snow-Estes], 2:65. 45. [Newhall(1882)], 4. 46. [EQCF], Volume 6, Leaf 96. 47. [Newhall(1882)], 6. 48. Ibid. 6-7. 49. Lynn, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [LynnVR]. 50. [Lynn Hist.], 66. 51. [Newhall(1882)], 4. 52. Ibid. 8. 53. [Lynn Hist.], 483. 54. [NewhallAnc], 11. 55. [Lynn Hist.], 78. 56. [Newhall(1882)], 8. 57. Ibid. 4. 58. [NewhallAnc], 9. 59. Ibid. 9-10. 60. Ibid. 10. 61. Ibid. 10-11. 62. [Newhall(1882)], 9-10. 63. [NewhallAnc], 11-12. 64. Ibid. 12. 65. [Newhall(1882)], 10-11. 66. Ibid. 13. 67. [NewhallAnc], 13. 68. [Newhall(1882)], 11-12. 69. [NewhallAnc], 14. 70. [Brown (#5)], 13. 71. Cooke, Harriet Ruth, The Driver Family: a Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of Robert and Phebe Driver, of Lynn, Mass., With an Appendix, Containing Twenty-Three Allied Families, (New York: J. Wilson & Son, 1889), [Driver], 53,54. 72. [EIHC], 16:248; 18:4,8. 73. [EIHC-Waters], 18:8-13. 74. Potter, Charles Edward, Genealogies of the Potter Families and Their Descendants in America to the Present Generation, with Historical and Biographical Sketches, (Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, 1888), [Potter(10 pts)], 9:1. 75. [Newhall(1882)], 4,14,16. 76. Ibid. 16. 77. [EQCF], Volume 18, Leaf 181. 78. Ibid. Volume 8, Leaf 62. 79. [Newhall(1882)], 15. 80. Ibid. 15-16. 81. [EQCF], Volume 6, Leaf 96. 82. [Newhall(1882)], 14. 83. Ibid. 14,16. 84. Ibid. 14-15. 85. Ibid. 22. 86. Ibid. 13-14. 87. Ibid. 4. 88. [EIHC], 18:4,13. 90. [Driver], 54. 91. Dwight, Benjamin W., The History of the Descendants of John Dwight of Dedham, Mass., 2 vols., (New York: John F. Trow & Son, 1874), [Dwight], 1109. 92. New England Historic and Genealogical Register. Vols. 1+, (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Register, 1845+), [NEHGR], 27:170. 93. [Newhall(1882)], 2,13. 94. [EIHC-Waters], 18:18-20. 95. [LynnVR], G.R. 1. 96. [Newhall(1882)], 19. 97. Ibid. 18. 98. Ibid. 20. 99. Ibid. 18-19. 100. Ibid. 19-20. 101. Ibid. 6. 102. [EIHC-Waters], 18:6,18. 103. [Newhall(1882)], 5. 104. Ibid. 17. 105. Ibid. 17-18. 106. Ibid. 5-6. 107. Ibid. 7. 108. [NewhallAnc], 15. 109. [Newhall(1882)], 21. 110. [NEHGR], 8:310. 111. [EIHC-Waters], 18:13,21. 112. [Newhall(1882)], 413. 113. [NewhallAnc], 57. 114. Wyman, Thomas Bellows, The Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, 2 vols., (Boston: D. Clapp and Son, 1879), [Charlestown], 438,705. 115. [Newhall(1882)], 13,22. 116. [EQCF], Volume 77, Leaf 1. 117. [Newhall(1882)], 22-23. 118. Ibid. 12. 119. Savage, James A., A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, 1860-1862., (Boston 1860-1862; rpt Baltimore 1955), [Savage], 1:134 120. [EIHC], 16:248; 18:13,22. 121. [EIHC-Waters], 18:23-24. 122. [Newhall(1882)], 23. 123. Ibid. 24. 124. Ibid. 24-25. 125. [Lynn Hist.], 185,484. 126. [Newhall(1882)], 13,23. 127. [FlaggAnc], 253. 128. [EIHC-Waters], 18:13,23 50:155. 129. [DommerichChart], 30,46. 130. [Newhall(1882)], 25. 131. Ibid. 25-26. 132. Ibid. 26. 133. Ibid. 26-27. 134. [EIHC-Waters], 18:13,25. 135. [Newhall(1882)], 27-28. 136. [EIHC-Waters], 18:27-28. 137. [SalemVR] 138. [Newhall(1882)], 27. 139. [Essex Prob], #19378 or 19373. 140. [NewhallAnc], 13-14. 141. [Newhall(1882)], 12-13,27. 142. [EIHC], 16:248; 18:2,13. 143. The Annual Report of the Lindsay Family Association of America, 1-10, &@40;[Boston, 1904-1914]), [Lindsay], 217. 144. [Newhall(1882)], 13,27. 145. Ibid. 28. 146. Ibid. 28-29. 147. Ibid. 14,29. 148. Ibid. 30. 149. Ibid. 29-30. 150. [EIHC-Waters], 18:32. 151. [Newhall(1882)], 20,32. 152. Ibid. 18. 153. Ibid. 33. 154. [Essex Prob], #19321. 155. [Newhall(1882)], 32-33. 156. [EIHC-Waters], 18:20,30. 157. [Newhall(1882)], 20,30. 158. [EIHC-Waters], 18:20,30. 159. [Newhall(1882)], 20,30. 160. [LynnVR], 1:277. 161. [Newhall(1882)], 30-31. 162. Ibid. 20,33. 163. Ibid. 20,34. 164. Ibid. 34. 165. Ibid. 48. 166. Ibid. 44. 167. Ibid. 43. 168. Ibid. 25,43. 169. Ibid. 43-44. 170. Ibid. 46. 171. Ibid. 25,46. 172. Ibid. 45. 173. Ibid. 25,45. 174. Ibid. 55. 175. Ibid. 52,55. 176. Ibid. 56. 177. Ibid. 35. 178. Ibid. 23,39. 179. Ibid. 40. 180. Ibid. 40-41. 181. Ibid. 39. 182. Ibid. 39-40. 183. Ibid. 23,29. 184. [LynnVR], I:277 [Ct. R.]. 185. [Newhall(1882)], 41. 185. Ibid. 25, 41. 187. Ibid. 42. 188. Ibid. 41-42. 189. [EIHC-Waters], 18:232-233. 190. [Newhall(1882)], 25,42. 191. [LynnVR], G.R. 1. 192. Essex co., MA Deeds, [EssexDeeds], 43. 193. [EQCF], Book XLVII, Leaf 279. 194. [Newhall(1882)], 42-43. 195. [EssexDeeds] Book 47, Leaf 279. 196. [LynnVR], Ct. R. 197. [Newhall(1882)] 25,44. 198. Ibid. 44-45. 199. [LynnVR], II:263. 200. [Newhall(1882)] 27,49. 201. Ibid. 49. 202. Ibid. 27,49. 203. Ibid. 27,50. 204. Ibid. 50. 205. Ibid. 50-51. 206. [EIHC-Waters], 18:259; 16:259. 207. [LynnVR], C.R. 2. 208. Dover, Rockingham co., NH Vital Records, [DoverNHVR]. 209. [LynnVR], Flyleaf of book 6. 210. [Newhall(1882)], 102. 211. Ibid. 51. 212. Ibid. 51-52 213. Ibid. 53. 214. Ibid. 52. 215. Ibid. 54. 216. [LynnVR], I:278. 217. [EIHC-Waters], 18:264. 218. [Newhall(1882)], 33,60. 219. Ibid. 60. 220. Ibid. 61. 221. [LynnVR], P.R. 17 - the Mudge Family Bible. 222. Boston, Suffolk co., MA Vital Records. [BostonVR], Boston Marriages from 1700 to 1751. Document 150 - 1898 Volume 28. Page 228. 223. Ibid. Boston Marriages from 1700 to 1751. Document 150 - 1898 Volume 28. Page 255. 224. [Newhall(1882)] 33,58. 225. Ibid. 58. 226. Ibid. 33,59. 227. Ibid. 59. 228. Ibid. 32,57. 229. Ibid. 57. 230. Ibid. 46,48. 231. Ibid. 232. Ibid. 45,55. 233. [LynnVR], II:264. 234. [EIHC-Waters], 18:259-260. 235. [Newhall(1882)] 56,102. 236. [EIHC-Waters], 19:52. 237. [Newhall(1882)] 55,56. 238. Ibid. 40,41. 239. [EIHC-Waters], 18:281-282. 240. [Newhall(1882)] 43,77. 241. [LynnVR], P.R. 125 - First Congregational Church of Lynnfield. 242. [EssexDeeds] 77. 243. [Newhall(1882)] 77. 244. [EssexDeeds] Book 84, Leaf 187. 245. Reading, Middlesex co., MA Vital Records. 246. [Newhall(1882)] 77-78. 247. Ibid. 47. 248. [LynnVR], II:264 [C.R.1]. 249. Ibid. II:263 [C.R.1] 250. [EIHC-Waters], 19:56. 251. [BostonVR], Boston Births 1700-1800. Document 130 - 1883 Volume 24. Page 237. 252. [Newhall(1882)] 61,105. 253. Salem, Essex co., MA Vital Records. [SalemVR], East Church Records. 254. [Newhall(1882)] 105. 255. Original Document. In posession of Walter K. Hall. 256. Marblehead, Essex co., MA Vital Records. [MarbleheadVR], I:296 [C.R.2] Second Congregational (Unitarian) Church Records. 257. [SalemVR], V:183 [C.R.4] East Church Records. 258. [Newhall(1882)] 105-106. 259. [SalemVR], V:183. 260. [BostonVR], Boston Births 1700-1800. Document 130 - 1883 Volume 24. Page 240. 261. Ibid. Boston Births 1700-1800. Document 130 - 1883 Volume 24. Page 263. 262. Ibid. Boston Births 1700-1800. Document 130 - 1883 Volume 24. Page 270. 263. Ibid. Boston Births 1700-1800. Document 130 - 1883 Volume 24. Page 274. 264. [Newhall(1882)] 57-58. 265. [EIHC-Waters], 48:320; 266. Commonwealth of MA Vital Records, [MAVR], Death Records 1894, Volume 445, Page 506, #773 [Oliver N. Newhall]. 267. Kristin C. Hall Family Research Notes. Newhall Notes. 268. [MAVR], Death Records 1894, Volume 445, Page 506, #773 [Oliver N. Newhall]. 269. [Newhall(1882)] 78. 270. [EIHC-Waters], 48:219-220. 271. Amesbury Vital Records, [AmesburyVR], C.R. 3, p. 432. 272. [MAVR], David Johnson Newhall Death Record, 26 October 1901, Lynn, Essex co., MA, 1901, Volume 516, Page 563, Record 919. 273. [SalemVR], III:318 [P.R.533]. 274. Original Document. In posession of Alan M. Hall. 275. Andover, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [AndoverVR], I:106. 276. [MAVR], Death Records, 1850, Volume 48, Page 120, Lynn. 277. Newburyport, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [NewburyportVR], I:422. 278. [EIHC-Waters], 48:320. 279. [MAVR], Death Records 1894, Volume 445, Page 506, #773 [Oliver Nelson Newhall]. 280. Ibid. Birth Records 1857, Volume 105, Page 275, #114, Lynn [Henry Ernest Newhall]. 281. Original Document. In posession of Kristin C. Hall. 282. [MAVR], Death Records, 1880, Volume 319, Page 230, #5, Lynn. 283. Ibid. Death Records 1880, Volume 319, Page 230, #5, Lynn [Maria A. Sweetser]. 284. Ibid. Death Records 1931, Page 112, #723 [Henry E. Newhall]. 285. Ibid. Death Records, Page 224, #236. 286. 1850 Federal Census, ROCK New Castle, NH, Federal Archives, Waltham, MA, USC1850. 287. Ibid. MA: SALEM. 288. [MAVR], David Johnson Newhall & Harriet Attwood Carroll's Marriage Record, 22 November 1848, Lynn, Essex co., MA, 1848-1849, Volume 37, Page 178, Record 23. 289. [LynnVR], II:85. 290. Ibid. I:95 291. [MAVR], Death Records 1890, Volume 409, Page 337, #760. 292. Original Document. Family notations. 293. Ibid. In possession of Kristin C. Hall. 294. Ibid. 295. [MAVR], Arthur Blake Maddison & Marian Louise Newhall Marriage Record, 1 June 1922, Lynn, Essex co., MA, 1922, 455, A436015 - Registered Number 347, Intention Number 360. 296. [MAVR], Birth Records 1893, Volume 430, Page 451, #1104, Lynn [Marion Louise Newhall]. 297. Ibid. Marriage Records, 1877, Volume 289, Page 234, #329, Lynn. 298. Ibid. Marriage Records 1885, Volume 361, Page 277, #112 [Henry E. Newhall & Mary J. Newhall]. 299. Ibid. Death Records 1931, Page 224, #236, Melrose [Mary J. Newhall]. 300. Ibid. Marriage Records 1877, Volume 289, Page 234, #329, Lynn [Henry E. Newhall & Hattie S. White]. 301. [LynnVR], I:278 [P. R. 169]. 302. Ibid. I:94. 303. [MAVR], Arthur Blake Maddison Death Record, 7 May 1955, Lynnfield, Essex co., MA, 1955, 160, A436098 - Registered Number 14 in Lynnfield. 304. [MAVR], Barbara Maddison Birth Record, 14 January 1923, Swampscott, Essex co., MA, 1923, #8. 305. Marblehead, Essex co., MA Vital Records. [MarbleheadVR] 306. Paul, Edward Joy, The Ancestry of Katharine Choate Paul, Now Mrs. William J. Young Jr., (Milwaukee: Burdich & Allen, 1914), [Paul Anc.]. 307. [LynnVR], I:278 [P.R. 181]. 308. Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher, Good Wives: Image and Reality in the Lives of Women in Northern New England 1650-1750. (New York: Vintage Books, 1980, 1982, 1991), p. 23.
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