BIRTH | Mary was born on 13 August 1709 in Lynn, Essex co., MA |
DEATH | She died in Lynn, Essex co., MA on 24d:6m(August):1793; she was 83. Mary is buried in The Friends' Burying Ground in Lynn, Essex co., MA. |
Mary's will was written on 14 March 1782 and probated on 6 August 1793.
* my beloved daughter Hannah Mower 1 silver pepper box / 2 large silver spoons, 1 round spring table and one GRISSET gown. |
MARRIAGE | On 28 October 1728 when Mary was 19, she married Nathan BREED, son of Samuel BREED & Anna HOOD, in Lynn, Essex co., MA[71]. |
CHILDREN (surnamed BREED) |
i. | Hannah1 BREED |
ii. | Hannah2 BREED | Please see her own page. |
iii. | Ezra BREED |
iv. | Abigail BREED |
v. | Zephaniah BREED |
vi. | John BREED |
vii. | Daniel BREED |
viii. | Alice BREED |
ix. | Anna BREED |
x. | Mary BREED |
xi. | Enoch BREED |
GENERATION | Great-great-great-great-great-great (G6) Grandmother |
1. Anderson, Robert Charles, George F. Sanborn, Jr. and Melinde Lutz Sanborn,
The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England 1634-1635.,
(New England Historic Genealogical Society),
[GreatMig1634-1635], I:193. 2. Ibid. I:192. 3. Hotten, John Camden, The Original Lists of Persons of Quality., (London 1874; rpt. Baltimore 1974), [Hotten], 98. 4. Coldham, Peter Wilson, The Complete Book Of Emigrants, (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing co., Inc., 1987), [Coldham], 143. 5. Lynn, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [LynnVR], II:425. 6. [GreatMig1634-1635], I:190. 7. Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Massachusetts, 1636-1686, 9 volumes, (Salem 1911-1975), [EQC], 5:367. 8. [GreatMig1634-1635], I:191. 9. [EQC], 4:158. 10. [GreatMig1634-1635], I:194. 11. [EQC], 5:61. 12. The Probate Records of Essex County, [EssexProb or EPR], 308:58-60, Case #2048. 13. Ibid. #2048. 14. [GreatMig1634-1635], I:190. 15. [EQC], 6:111. 16. Bodge, George Madison, Soldiers in King Philip's War, (1896), [Bodge], 164-66. 17. [EQC], 8:365. 18. Ibid. 8:440. 19. The Essex Antiquarian, (13 vols.)(n.p., 1897-1909), [EssexAnt], 7:77. 20. Essex co., MA Deeds, [EssexDeeds or ELR], 3:39. 21. [EQC], 2:239-30. 22. [EssexDeeds or ELR], 2:106-107. 23. Ibid. 3:51. 24. Ibid. 4:113. 25. Ibid. 5:81-82. 26. [Bodge], 406. 27. [EQC], 5:487. 28. [Bodge], 422. 29. [EssexDeeds or ELR], 9:59-60. 30. Ibid. 9:172-173. 31. Ibid. 9:11. 32. [GreatMig1634-1635], I:191-2. 33. Page, Lucius R., List of Freemen of MA, 1630-1691., [Page-Freemen], III:10-12. 34. [EQC], 6:400; 7:158. 35. Ibid. 4:429; 5:41; 8:440; 9:337,457. 36. Ibid. 2:385; 3:203; 4:66,251; 6:73; 7:1; 8:394. 37. Ibid. *:60. 38. Ibid. 5:198,356; 6:51,325; 7:124,222,319; 8:148. 39. Ibid. 3:335. 40. Ibid. 7:39. 41. Torrey, Charles, New England Marriages Prior to 1700., (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Society). [Torrey]. 42. Essex Institute Historical Collections, vol. 1+, (Salem, Mass., 1859+), [EIHC], 17:268. 43. Snow, Nora Emma, The Snow-Estes Ancestry, 2 vols., (Hillburn, N.Y.: privately printed, 1939), [Snow-Estes], 2:57,62. 44. Lewis, Alonzo, & James Newhall, History of Lynn, Essex County, Mass., including Lynnfield, Saugus, Swampscot, and Nahant, 16219-[1893], (Lynn: George C. Herbert, [1890]), [Lynn Hist.], 184. 45. Savage, James A., A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, 1860-1862., (Boston 1860-1862; rpt Baltimore 1955), [Savage], 1:136. 46. The Register of the Lynn Historical Society, Lynn, Mass., (Lynn, Mass., 1897+), [Lynn Hist. Soc.], 1906:86; 1913:156. 47. Cooke, Harriet Ruth, The Driver Family: a Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of Robert and Phebe Driver, of Lynn, Mass., With an Appendix, Containing Twenty-Three Allied Families, (New York: J. Wilson & Son, 1889), [Driver], 479. 48. Flagg, Ernest, Genealogical Notes on the Founding of New England, (Hartford: Case, Lockwood & Brainard, 1926), [FlaggAnc], 250. 49. Reports of the Two Reunions of the Massachusetts Branch of the Bassett Family Association, (Boston: Bailey Printing Co., 1902), [BassettReunion], 1:6,7,23. 50. [GreatMig1634-1635], I:193. 51. Shurtleff, Benjamin, The History of the Town of Revere, (Boston: 1937), [Shurtleff-Revere], 68. 52. [Snow-Estes], 2:8,59,66. 53. McIntire, Robert Harry, Ancestry of Robert Harry McIntire and of Helen Annette McIntire, His Wife, (Norfolk, Va., 1950), [McIntire Anc.], 74. 54. [EIHC], 45:51. 55. [FlaggAnc], 178,252. 56. [BassettReunion], 1:24,18; 2:15. 57. Bosson, Jennie (Hood), John Hood of Lynn, Mass., (Salem: Essex Institute, 1909), [Hood], 3. 58. Bassette, Buell Burdett, One Bassett Family in America, With All Connections in America and Many in Great Britain and France; Principally an Outline of What Ancestors Did to Help Make America; Mainly From Original Records Heretofore Published, ([Springfield, Mass.: F. A. Bassette Co. 1926]), [Bassett(1926)]. 59. Waters, Henry F., The Newhall Family, (Salem: Essex Institute, 1882; repr., Rutland, VT: Tuttle Antiquarian Books), [Newhall(1882)], 18. 60. [LynnVR], I:200 [Ct. R]. 61. The Salem Witchcraft Trials: A Documentary History of 1692, (Salem, MA: The Nova Anglia Company, 2001), [SalemWitch], 13. 62. Suffolk County Court Records (Originals), [SCCR-orig], #2701, page 24. 63. [LynnVR], 1:44. 64. [Shurtleff-Revere], 81. 65. [LynnVR], II:44 [C.R. 1]. 66. Ibid. I:45. 67. Ibid. II:425 [P.R. 5]. 68. Ibid. II:62. 69. ??????, "First Book of Intentions of Marriage in the City of Lynn", Essex Institute Historical Collections, vol. 1+, [EIHC-LynnInt], 16:71ff. 70. [LynnVR], II:39 [C.R. 1] and II:43 [C.R. 1]. 71. Ibid. II:62 [C.R. 1]. 72. Ibid. I:61. 73. Ibid. II:437 [P.R. 5].
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