BIRTH, OCCUPATION & DEATH | Richard was born in England circa 1596[1]. He died in "first of" January 1668/9 in Lynn, Essex co., MA aged about 73 years as "Moore, Richard, father of John"[1,2,3]. It is believed that Richard was from Devonshire and was a mariner[9]. |
Richard was a passenger on the Blessing -- John Lecester [Lester], Master --
embarking at London between 17 June and 13 July 1635 for passage to New England.
On the manifest, he is listed as "Richard More, aged 20". Richard came legally,
being among the " [who] are noted as having brought certification from the Minister
& Justices of their conformitie being no Subsedy Men, tooke ye oaths of Alleg: &
Supremacie..." His name appears within that of the Vassall family, so perhaps he was
affiliated with them or a servant of theirs[7,8] |
CITIZENSHIP & CHURCH MEMBERSHIP | He was made Freeman to the Massachusetts Bay Colony on 28 Feb 1643, probably in Salem, Essex co., MA, which means he must have been a member of the Church at Salem, as well. |
RESIDENCES | Richard was in Salem, Essex co., MA by 1638, when he received a land grant there, and had removed to Lynn, Essex co., MA by 1650. |
TOWN SERVICE | In Lynn, he served the town in modest capacities, being employed by Government in 1654; and a petitioner against imports in 1668[9]. Richard's will is dated 19 November 1688. |
MARRIAGE #1 | Circa 1640, before the birth of his eldest son John, Richard first married Alice [surname not known], in Lynn, Essex co., MA[2,9,10,11,12]. Alice died on 29 May 1661/2 in Lynn, Essex co., MA[1,2,13] and is listed in the Lynn death records as "Moore, Alce, w. Rich[ard]". |
CHILDREN | 2. | i. | John MOWER | Please see his own page. |
ii. | Samuel MOWER | Samuel was born circa 1642 in Lynn, Essex co., MA and died in Lynn, Essex co., MA on 22 November 1694; he was 52[3]. He is listed in the Lynn death records as "Moor, Samuell, sr." Samuel was a Blacksmith. All of Samuel's children are listed under "More" or "Moore" in Volume 1, page 266 of the Lynn VRs. Before 1676 when Samuel was 34, he married Joanna MARSHALL, daughter of Captain Thomas MARSHALL & Rebecca [surname not known], in Lynn, Essex co., MA[2,9,14,15,16]. Joanna was born on 14d:7m:1657 in Lynn, Essex co., MA[17]. | |
iii. | Thomas MOWER | Thomas was apparently estranged from his family. In his father Richard's will, the following legacy was left to Thomas: "...[that] he be paid five shillings if he be now alive and demand the same..."[6] | |
iv. | Mary MOWER | Mary was born in 15d:11m(January):1661/2 in Lynn, Essex co., MA[27], married [not known] CHILLE and had a daughter named Hannah. |
MARRIAGE #2 | On 6 November 1662 Richard second married Elizabeth [surname not known] of Ipswich, in Lynn, Essex co., MA[1,2,9,18,1,19]. |
GENERATION | G9 (Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great) Grandfather |
1. Lynn Historic Society Genealogies,
[LHSG], VI, #20. 2. Torrey, Charles, New England Marriages Prior to 1700., (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Society). [Torrey]. 3. Lynn, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [LynnVR], II:258. 4. Ibid. I:267 [Ct. R.]. 5. Ibid. I:255 [Ct. R.]. 6. The Probate Records of Essex County, [Essex Prob or EPR], I:305. 7. Coldham, Peter Wilson, The Complete Book Of Emigrants, (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing co., Inc., 1987), [Coldham], 149. 8. Hotten, John Camden, The Original Lists of Persons of Quality., (London 1874; rpt. Baltimore 1974), [Hotten], 93. 9. Smith, Edward L., Richard Mower of Lynn, (East Jaffrey, N.H.: The Monadnock Press, 1904), [Mower (1904)], 3. 10. The Essex Antiquarian, (13 vols.)(n.p., 1897-1909), [EssexAnt], 4:159; 11:19. 11. Essex Institute Historical Collections, vol. 1+, (Salem, Mass., 1859+), [EIHC], 43:287. 12. Conant, Frederick Odell, A History and Genealogy of the Conant Family in England and America, Thirteen Generations, 1520 to 1887, (n.p., privately printed, 1887), [Conant], 163. 13. Lynn, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [LynnVR], II:258 [Ct. R]. 14. The Essex Antiquarian, (13 vols.)(n.p., 1897-1909), [EssexAnt], 4:159. 15. The Genealogical Magazine, (Salem, Mass.: Salem Press, 1890+), [GenMag or Putnam's Mag.], 1:52. 16. New England Historic and Genealogical Register. Vols. 1+, (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Register, 1845+), [NEHGR], 54:224. 17. Lynn, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [LynnVR], I:259. 18. Essex Institute Historical Collections, vol. 1+, (Salem, Mass., 1859+), [EIHC], 42:134. 19. Lynn, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [LynnVR], II:254 [Ct. R.]. 20. Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, 1628-1686; 5 volumes in 6, Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, ed. (Boston: 1853-1854), [MCBR], Volume 5. 21. DeForest, Louis Effingham, Our Colonial and Continental Ancestors: The Ancestry of Mr. and Mrs. Louis William Dommerich, (New York, N.Y.: The DeForest Publ. Co., 1930), [DommerichChart], 43. 22. Lynn, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [LynnVR], II:246. 23. Reading, Middlesex co., MA Vital Records, 147. 24. Lynn, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [LynnVR], II:540 [G.R. 1]. 25. Ibid. I:267. 26. Ibid. I:266. 27. Ibid. I:269 [Ct. R.]. 28. Ibid. II:540 [P.R. 5]. 29. ??????, ³First Book of Intentions of Marriage in the City of Lynn², Essex Institute Historical Collections, vol. 1+, [EIHC-LynnInt], 16:71ff. 30. Lynn, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [LynnVR], II:538 [P.R. 5]. 31. Roxbury Land and Church Records, Sixth Report of the Boston Record Commissioners, (Boston: 1884), pp. 74-191, [RChR], C.R. 1. 32. Lynn, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [LynnVR], I:270. 33. Ibid. I:269. 34. Ibid. II:257. 35. Ibid. I:90. 36. Ibid. II:78 and II:257. 37. Ibid. II:540 [G.R. 1 and P.R. 5]. 38. Ibid. II:540. 39. Ibid. II:257 [P.R. 125] (three entries on this same page). 40. Ibid. I:269 [C.R. 1]. 41. Ibid. II:540 [C.R. 1]. 42. Ibid. II:540 [P.R. 6 and C.R. 1]. 43. Ibid. II:257 [C.R. 1]. 44. Ibid. II:258 [C.R. 1]. 45. Ibid. I:270 [P. R. 6]. 46. Ibid. 47. Newburyport, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [NewburyportVR], I:422. 48. Commonwealth of MA Vital Records, [MAVR], Death Records 1890, Volume 409, Page 337, #760. 49. Lynn, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [LynnVR], II:85 and II:257.
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