BIRTH & DEATH | John was born in York co., ME[1] and died before 7 July 1713 (the date when his will was proved) in York, York co., ME[1]. |
RESIDENCE, OCCUPATION & MORE | John settled in York, York co., ME where he bought 30 acres at Braveboat Harbor adjoining his own land from Richard White in 1687[1]. He took Oath of Allegiance 22 March 1679-80, probably at the same time as his father William[1]. John was primarily a Shipwright; but, like his father, he was cited for "Retailing without a license" -- John's infraction coming in 1695[1]. |
He was appointed Administrator for his father's estate on 28 October 1691 and on mother's estate
28 October 1693[1].
John Brawn, the son of John Brawn, Sr. & Ann Dixon, a daughter of William Dixon, called John Moore "cousin" in 1703. John Brawn was born circa 1643 and never married. He then "favors" his "Moore cousins" in his will dated 8 October 1703 and proved on 29 May 1704[8]. John Moore's own will was undated will and proved on 7 July 1713. In it he named his widow Martha, 2 sons, his oldest daughter, Martha, and 3 other daughters[1]. |
MARRIAGE | Before 1679 John married Martha WALFORD[1,6,9], daughter of Jeremiah WALFORD & Mary BATCHELDER, in York, York co., ME[2,10,11]. Martha died after 1718[1]. We know that she was alive in 1718 because grants given to her husband John Moore in 1688-1700 were confirmed to his widow, Martha, and two sons during that year. |
CHILDREN | 12. | i. | Martha MOORE | Please see her own page. |
13. | ii. | John MOORE |
John was born on 20 December 1687 in York, York co., ME[1,7]. His birth record reads:
"Jno. More: the age or beath (births) of John Moore's Children by his wife Martha,
the dafter of _____ Walford of the Grate Island: John More, Borne Decem.r ye 20: 1687"
[26]. John's death date is unknown. He was still living in 1737.
In 1703 he was bequeathed one third of John Brawn, Jr.'s estate "when of age"[1]. This is part of the bequest given to John's father by his father's cousin John Brawn, Jr. John Brawn, Jr. was unmarried at the time of his death and preferred to give bequests to his "Moore cousins" in his will of 8 October 1703. Also, land grants given to John's father, John Sr., in 1688-1700 were confirmed to John, his mother, Martha and his brother Samuel in 1718. John first married Hannah JORDAN[1,7] and second married Mary WOODMAN [1,7]. Mary was born on 1 June 1701 in York co., ME and died after 1737; she was 35 [1,27]. John had four daughters, but I do not have their information or by which wife [1]. |
14. | iii. | Mary MOORE |
Mary was born on 23 May 1679 in York, York co., ME[1]. Her birth record reads: "Jno.
More: the age or beath (births) of John Moore's Children by his wife Martha, the dafter
of _____ Walford of the Grate Island: Mary More was Borne May 23th 1679"[1,26,28].
We are not sure of her death date, but the Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire says that
she survived her husband by "many years"[28]. In fact, she is included on "List
of Propietors" -- as "Roger Hunnewell's widow" -- for the town of Scarborough, Cumberland
co., ME on 22 June 1720[1].
In her father's will which is undated but was proved on 7 July 1713 she is referred to as "Marcy#4;, which is a common version of "Mary" at the time (as is "Mercy"). Mary married Roger HUNNEWELL, son of [not known] HUNNEWELLM & Elizabeth STOVER [1]. He was born circa 1675 in Maine[1] and died in Scarborough, Cumberland co., ME on 13 June 1720; he was 45[1,28]. Roger was baptized on 15 October 1693 at the age of eighteen[1,28]. This would seem to indicate that he became a member of a Baptist Church or, maybe he was just a late-comer. Roger was a Mariner. His sloop Yorkshire was noted entering Boston Harbor from Barbados on June 1714. Proof of his residence at York, York co., ME is given by the fact that he was a witness in proceedings at York from 1702 1708[1,28]. |
15. | iv. | Samuel MOORE |
Samuel was born on 14 January 1694/5 in York, York co., ME[1,7] and died sometime after 1757,
when he was reported still living[1,7]. Samuel's birth record reads: "Jno.
More: the age or beath (births) of John Moore's Children by his wife Martha, the dafter
of _____ Walford of the Grate Island: Samuel More, Borne Janawary ye 14: 1694"[1,26].
Also, land grants given to Samuel's father, John Sr., in 1688-1700 were confirmed to Samuel, his mother, Martha and his brother John in 1718. Samuel married Dorcas HILTON and they had 7 children[1,29]. |
16. | v. | Sarah MOORE |
Sarah was born on 7 January 1685/6 in York, York co., ME[1,7]. Her birth record reads:
"Jno. More: the age or beath (births) of John Moore's Children by his wife Martha, the
dafter of _____ Walford of the Grate Island: Sarah More, Borne Janawary ye 7: 1685"
According to the Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire, Sarah possibly first married Jonathan IRELAND, who appeared in court at York, York co., ME together with his wife "Sarah MORE" in July 1718. This Sarah also witnessed the will of John Wells in York, 1723[1,30]. My feeling is that this, and the marriage to Ichabod Austin were common-law marriages. Sarah's next marriage was to Ichabod AUSTIN[1,31]. Clearly they had a sexual relationship before marriage, since "Ichabod Austin (son of Captain Matthew Austin) was accused by Sarah Moore, daughter of John and Martha (Walford) Moore" of being the father of her son, Ichabod, born 12 Aug 1712."[1,7] Sarah next married Ephraim AYERS[1]. Their relationship is ascertained by the following entry in the York, York co., ME vital records: "Epharim Aires, his Children, born in York of Sarah his Wife, the daughter of John More"[1,7,32]. Note the difference in this record vs. those concerning Jonathon Ireland & Ichabod Austin. Sarah is referred to as "Sarah More" in those records, but here is referred to as "Sarah his Wife, the daughter of John More", thus seeming to indicate that Ephraim & Sarah were legally married. Regardless, Sarah seems to have been the wild child in this sibling unit. |
17. | vi. | Tabitha MOORE |
Tabitha was born on 10 January 1689/90 in York, York co., ME[1,7]. Her birth record reads:
"Jno. More: the age or beath (births) of John Moore's Children by his wife Martha,
the dafter of _____ Walford of the Grate Island: Tabatha More, Borne Janaw.r: ye 10 1689"
Tabitha first married Thomas VINCENT[1,7] and died in March 1719 in York, York co., ME[1]. They had two daughters who may have died young[1]. Tabitha second married William HARRIS of York, York co., ME. William was born in York, York co., ME[1,33]. They had 5 daughters by second husband between 1721 and 1732[1,33]. |
18. | vii. | Abigail MOORE | Abigail was born on 12 February 1691/2 in York, York co., ME[1,7]. Her birth record reads: "Jno. More: the age or beath (births) of John Moore's Children by his wife Martha, the dafter of _____ Walford of the Grate Island: Abagall More, Borne febuary ye 12: 1691" [1,26]. She may have died before her father[1,7]. |
GENERATION | Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great (G8) Grandfather |
1. Amazeen.ged, received from Carolyn Depp in July 2002.
2. Torrey, Charles, New England Marriages Prior to 1700., (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Society). [Torrey]. 3. Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Archives. 3:238. 4. Ibid. 3:199. 5. Noyes, Sybil, Charles Thornton Libby and Walter Goodwin David, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, (Portland, ME: Anthosensen Press 1928-1939; rpt Baltimore: Gen. Publ. Co., 1972), [GDMNH], 197 (Dixon), 490 (Moore). 6. Direct Descendants of John AMAZEEN, Research collected by Norma Karram [], received by Carolyn Depp in Apr 2002. [alternate address =]. 7. [GDMNH], 488 & 490 (Moore). 8. Ibid. 107. 9. Ibid. 488 (Moore). 10. Ibid. 488, 712. 11. New England Historic and Genealogical Register. Vols. 1+, (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Register, 1845+), [NEHGR], 109:303. 12. Research of Charlie Gale [], received by Carolyn Depp in April 2002. (Much of his early data is based on the research of Dana B. Cobb, a descendant of Ephraim AMAZEEN and Hannah TARLTON.) 13. [GDMNH], 488(Moore). 14. New Hampshire Genealogical Register, [NHGR], Vol 1, No. 1 (July 1903), p. 21. 15. [GDMNH]. 16. Harrison, Metcalf Henry and Hammond Otis Grant, New Hampshire State Papers: Probate Records of the Province of New Hampshire, [NHStatePapers], vol. 34, p. 212. 17. Dolbeer, John H., History Of Epsom, [Epsom]. 18. Harrison, Metcalf Henry and Hammond Otis Grant, New Hampshire State Papers: Probate Records of the Province of New Hampshire, [NHStatePapers], I(31):467. 19. York County, Maine Court Index 1686 - 1760 [Maine State Archives]. List of Plantiffs or Defendants of New Hampshire. 20. [GDMNH], 64 (Amazeen). 21. Ibid. 490 (Moore) & 594 (Rogers) 22. Ibid. 490 (Moore) & 196 (Dill) 23. Ibid. 196 (Dill) 24. Ibid. 734 (Welcom) 25. Ibid. 594 (Rogers) 26. Vital Records of York, York co., ME. [YorkVR] Book 1 or A (1682-1744). 27. [GDMNH], 64 (Amazeen). 28. Ibid. 488 (Moore); 362 (Hunnewell) 29. Ibid. 448 (Moore); 336 (Hilton) 30. Ibid. 369 (Ireland) 31. Ibid. 69 (Austin) 32. [YorkVR] Book 2 (1699-1746). 33. [GDMNH], 448 (Moore); 313 (Harris). |
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