BIRTH | Mary was born on 21 August 1649 in Newbury, Essex co., MA[10]. A duplicate record gives a date of 31 August 1649. |
DEATH | She died sometime after the birth of her second child in 1673. |
MARRIAGE | On 23 June 1669 when Mary was 19, she married Edmund JAMES, in Bradford, Essex co., MA[1,11]. This marriage is listed in the Bradford, Essex co., MA vital records as "Michell, Mary, and Edmund James". Edmund died before the birth of his second child on 15 April 1673[12]. |
CHILDREN (surnamed JAMES) |
i. | Edmund JAMES |
ii. | Benjamin JAMES | Please see his own page. |
GENERATION | Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great (G8) Grandfather |
1. Torrey, Charles, New England Marriages Prior to 1700.,
(Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Society).
[Torrey]. 2. Underhill, Lora Altine, Descendants of Edward Small of New England, and the Allied Families, (Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1910), [Small], 1297. 3. Cross, Roselle Theodore, My Children's Ancestors; data Concerning about Four Hundred New England Ancestors of the Children of Roselle Theodore Cross and His Wife Emma Asenath (Bridgman) Cross, (Twinsburg, Ohio: The Champlin Press, 1913), [CrossAnc], 52,59. 4. The Essex Antiquarian, (13 vols.)(n.p., 1897-1909), [EssexAnt], 10:178. 5. New England Historic and Genealogical Register. Vols. 1+, (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Register, 1845+), [NEHGR], 41:385. 6. Underhill, Lora Albine Woodbury, The Mitchells from Kittery, (Cambridge: privately printed, 1911), [Mitchell (#1)], 1297. 7. Newbury, Essex co., MA Vital Records. [NewburyVR], II:328. 8. Ibid. II:661. 9. Ibid. II:331. 10. Ibid. I:324. 11. Bradford, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [BradfordVR], pp. 230 & 246 [Ct. R.]. 12. [NewburyVR], I:244. 13. [NewburyVR], I:321. 14. Ibid. II:660.
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