BIRTH & DEATH | Thomas was born on 18 February 1692/3 in Reading, Middlesex co., MA[15] and died in Concord, Middlesex co., MA on 4 October 1739; "in the 47th year of his age"[16]. He is buried in The Hill Burying Ground, Concord, Middlesex co., MA[16]. |
RESIDENCES | Thomas settled his family in the West Parish of Reading, Middlesex co., MA, near and south of the Prescott place[17]. After the birth of their youngest child, John, this family completely disappears from the Reading vital records. They are not in Wilmington or Woburn (the towns which spawned from the West Parish), either. By the 1730s-40s, they were in Concord, Middlesex co., MA |
MARRIAGE | On 19 January 1713/4 when Thomas was 20, he married Abigail GEARY/GARY of Stoneham, Middlesex co., MA, daughter of Benjamin GEARY & Abigail GOULD, in Reading, Middlesex co., MA[18]. Their marriage record is in the Reading vital records as "Garey, Abigail of Charlestown". Wyman says they married "Jan. 12 (or 19) 1714-15" and recommends the Hodgman article in Savage[20]. |
CHILDREN | 4. | i. | Elizabeth HODGMAN | Please see her own page. |
5. | ii. | Josiah HODGMAN | Josiah was born on 2 August 1720 in Reading, Middlesex co., MA[21]. He lived in Concord, Middlesex co., MA, where his children's births were recorded. On 16 April 1745 when Josiah was 24, he first married Rebecca BUSS, in Concord, Middlesex co., MA[31]. On 31 May 1749 when Josiah was 28, he second married Dorathy WHEELER, in Concord, Middlesex co., MA[32]. |
6. | iii. | Benjamin HODGMAN | Benjamin was born on 18 December 1722 in Reading, Middlesex co., MA[21] and married Elizabeth MERIAM. |
7. | iv. | Jonathon HODGMAN | Jonathon was born on 26 January 1724/5 in Reading, Middlesex co., MA[21] and married Mary (Mercy) BUTTRICK. |
8. | v. | Thomas HODGMAN | Thomas was born on 11 May 1727 in Reading, Middlesex co., MA[21]. He lived in Concord, Middlesex co., MA, where his children's births were recorded and married Elizabeth BlLOOD. |
9. | vi. | David HODGMAN | David was born on 3 March 1729 in Reading, Middlesex co., MA[21] and died in Concord, Middlesex co., MA on 2 August 1738; "in the 10th year of his age"[16]. He, too is buried in The Hill Burying Ground, Concord, Middlesex co., MA[16]. |
10. | vii. | Timothy HODGMAN | Timothy was born on 22 April 1731 in Reading, Middlesex co., MA[21] and married Ann LEE. |
11. | viii. | John HODGMAN | John was born on 18 January 1732/3 in Reading, Middlesex co., MA[21] and married Lois PARLING. |
GENERATION | Great-great-great-great-great-great (G6) Grandfather |
1. Reading, Middlesex co., MA Vital Records
[ReadingVR], 531. 2. ????, Genealogical History of the Town of Reading, ????, [ReadGen], 92. 3. Wyman, Thomas Bellows, The Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, 2 vols., (Boston: D. Clapp and Son, 1879), [Charlestown], I:507. 4. Ibid. II:977. 5. Toler, Grace Cabot, Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Richard Blood - Baptist Hicks and Allied Families, 1470 to 1933, ([Mounds, Ill.: The Independant Press 1933]), [Blood Anc.], 63. 6. Torrey, Charles, New England Marriages Prior to 1700., (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Society). [Torrey]. 7. Salem, Essex co., MA Vital Records. [SalemVR], III:507 [Ct. R.] 8. [ReadingVR], 368. 9. Hoyt, Daniel Webster, The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury, Mass., with Some Related Families of Newbury, Haverhill, Ipswich, and Hampton, and of York County, Maine, 3 vols., (Providence: [Snow & Farnham], 1897-1917), [Salisbury Fam], 765. 10. The Genealogical Magazine, (Salem, Mass.: Salem Press, 1890+), [GenMag or Putnam's Mag.], 4:90. 11. Hodgman, Fred C., Hodgman, A Partial Genealogy..., (Valley Falls, R.I., 1916, typescript), [Hodgman (ms)], 1,17. 12. Bailey, Frederic William, Early Massachusetts Marriages prior to 1800, 3 vols., (New Haven: Bureau of American Ancestry, 1897-1914), [Bailey: Early MA Mar.], 3:78. 13. [ReadingVR], 243. 14. [Hodgman (ms)], 1,2. 15. [ReadingVR]. 16. Concord, Middlesex co., MA Vital Records, [ConcordVR], 432. 17. [ReadGen], 93. 18. [ReadingVR], 368,349. 19. [Charlestown], I::402 20. Ibid. I:507. 21. [ReadingVR], 127. 22. Waters, Henry F., The Newhall Family, (Salem: Essex Institute, 1882; repr., Rutland, VT: Tuttle Antiquarian Books), [Newhall(1882)], 77-8. 23. Ibid. #217; 18:281-282. 24. Lynn, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [LynnVR]. 25. [Newhall(1882)], 77. 26. Ibid. 43,77. 27. Lynn, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [LynnVR], PR 125 - First Congregational Church of Lynnfield. 28. Essex co., MA Deeds, [EssexDeeds or ELR], 77. 29. Ibid. Book 84, Leaf 187. 30. [Newhall(1882)], #490; 48:219-220. 31. [ConcordVR], 161. 32. Ibid. 175.
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