BIRTH | Richard was born circa 1706 in New Castle, Rockingham co., NH[20] |
DEATH | He died in New Castle, Rockingham co., NH circa February 1788; he was 82[20]. |
OCCUPATION | Richard, Jr. was a Mariner and a Fisherman[20]. |
PROOF OF PARENTAGE | Proof that John Yeaton, Sr. is Richard's father is shown through deeds[20]. Richard, a Mariner of Newcastle, sold to Samuel Cutt all the land in Epsom, Merrimack co., NH that belonged to John Yeaton of New Castle, Rockingham co., NH and Barnabus Crucy on a deed dated 7 May 1771[20,77]. His wife, Margaret, quitclaims with him. This shows that the Richard Yeaton who married Margaret Crucy was the son of John and Elizabeth (Randall) Yeaton[20,72]. This parentage is further proved when he sold land with "his mother the Widow Elizabeth Yeaton" (location and buyer unknown)[20,73]. Finally, this Richard is noted as "Richard Jr. of Star Island alias Gosport, Fisherman", when he sold land to "John Yeaton of New Castle, fisherman" on 23 January 1729, with no wife releasing dower[20,78]. |
MORE FAMILY PROOF | He, his father John & son Richard could be the "John, Richard and Richard, Jr. Yeaton" listed all together on the Inventory list of 1782[16]. |
RESIDENCES & REAL ESTATE | Richard sold land on 27 October 1757 in Portsmouth, Rockingham co., NH (buyer unknown), with his wife Margaret releasing her dower[20,76]. He sold land "that was my late father John's and my mother Elizabeth's" to Thomas Bell on 7 May 1763 (location of land unknown)[20,75]. He was also a land Grantee in Tophsam (now in Vermont) on 27 September 1763[20]. Finally, Richard sold land in Rockingham co., NH to his son (which son? which land?) in July 1774[20,74]. Richard was on the Newcastle Tax lists from 1741 to 1758 and 1766-1772[20]. |
LEGAL MENTION | "Mr. Richard Yeaton of Newcastle, Fisherman" was sued by Nathaniel Adams in 1765, over a defaulted loan of £167[20]. He also signed a petition from Newcastle dated 10 Feb 1778 and was reimbursed £6 for housing soldiers. on 21 Nov 1778[20,71]. |
MARRIAGE | Circa 1740 when Richard was 34, he married Margaret CRUCY, daughter of Barnabas CRUCY, in New Castle, Rockingham co., NH[20]. Margaret was born circa 1720 in New Castle, Rockingham co., NH[20] and died after 1774; she was 54[20]. Her brother Abraham Crucey married Margaret Marden on 25 Sep 1737 in Portsmouth, Rockingham co., NH[20,79]. |
CHILDREN | 37. | i. | Richard YEATON |
Richard was born circa 1745 in New Castle, Rockingham co., NH[20] and died before
1802; he was 57[20]. Richard was a Fisherman and Mariner[20].
He, his father Richard & grandfather John could be the "John, Richard and Richard, Jr.
Yeaton" listed all together on the Inventory list of 1782[16]. His is possibly
the "Estate of Richard Yeaton" noted on the Tax list of 1803[145];
Inventory of 1803[146] and Tax of 1804[147]. Richard Yeaton, Jr.
fined for not serving as Constable in 1770[148].
Circa 1775 when Richard was 30, he married Grace BELL[20]. She was born circa 1755[20] and died in New Castle, Rockingham co., NH on 10 August 1802; she was 47[20,149,150]. She is quite possibly the Grace Yeaton who was granted a retailer's license on 26 Dec 1801[151].
They had the following children: |
38. | ii. | Barnabus YEATON | Barnabus was born circa 1747 in New Castle, Rockingham co., NH[20] and died there after 1768; he was 21[20]. Barnabus was on the Highway tax list of 1771, Town Tax List of 1772 and Province Tax list of 1772[152]. He was also on the Province Tax list of 1774[153]; the Town Tax List of 1774[154]; and the State Tax list of 1776[155]. All lists were from New Castle, Rockingham co., NH. |
39. | iii. | John Crucy YEATON | Please see his own page. |
40 | iv. | Margaret YEATON | Margaret was was born circa 1755[20]. In November 1785 when Margaret was 30, she married George BELL Jr., in New Castle, Rockingham co., NH[20,175]. |
GENERATION | Great-great-great-great-great-great (G6) Grandfather |
1. New England Historic and Genealogical Register. Vols. 1+,
(Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Register, 1845+),
[NEHGR], 5:170, 219; 22:26, 455. 2. Research of Martin Hollick. Received 09.2002. [Hollick], His "Yeaton Register Report". 3. Jones, William Haslet, The Yeaton Family of New England 1650-1900 [WARNING!!! NOTORIOUSLY INACCURATE!!!!!], (Heritage Books: Bowie, MD, 1997) [Jones-Yeaton], . 4. Noyes, Sybil, Charles Thornton Libby and Walter Goodwin David, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, (Portland, ME: Anthosensen Press 1928-1939; rpt Baltimore: Gen. Publ. Co., 1972), [GDMNH]. 5. Parsons, Langdon B., History of the Town of Rye, NH From Its Discovery and Settlement to December 31, 1903, (1905; repr. Bowie, MD: Heritage Press 1992), [RyeHist], 571. 6. Harrison, Metcalf Henry and Hammond Otis Grant, New Hampshire State Papers: Probate Records of the Province of New Hampshire, [NHStatePapers], 32:443. 7. Ibid. 31:785-6. 8. Ibid. 32:133. 9. Ibid. 32:134. 10. Maine Probate Abstracts 1687-1775, [MeProb], 3/82. 11. New Castle, Rockingham co., NH Town Records, [NCTR], 2:199. 12. [NHStatePapers or NHSP], 3:802. 13. New Hampshire Provincial Deeds, New Hampshire Division of Records Management & Archives, Concord, New Hampshire. [NHProvDeed or NHPD], 9:151. 14. [Hollick], LDS records fragment of New Castle Records; His "Yeaton Register Report". 15. Ibid. Yeaton New Castle Town Records compilation, Fragments LDS Film #985185. 16. [NCTR], 6:394. 17. [NHStatePapers or NHSP], 35:519-20. 18. Ibid. 32:251-3. 19. Ibid. 32:288. 20. [Hollick], "Yeaton Report". 21. Ibid. Yeaton New Castle Town Records compilation, Fragments LDS Film #985185. 22. NHSOG. 1:21-2. 23. [NHProvDeed or NHPD], 51:125. 24. Holbrook, Jay Mack, New Hampshire 1732 Census, (Holbrook Research Institute, Oxford, MA:1981) [1732Census], 73. 25. [NHProvDeed or NHPD], 52:125-6. 26. Ibid. 19:176-7. 27. Ibid. 19:314-5. 28. Ibid. 21:458. 29. Ibid. 24:476-7. 30. Ibid. 18:200. 31. [NCTR], volume 6. 32. Ibid. 7:4. 33. Ibid. 2:113. 34. Ibid. F, 2:127. 35. Ibid. F, 2:134-5. 36. Ibid. F, 2:157-8. 37. Ibid. 2:175, 177. 38. Ibid. F. 39. Ibid. F, 2:185. 40. Ibid. 2:216. 41. Ibid. 7:12. 42. Ibid. F, 2:235-6. 43. Ibid. F, 2:257, 259. 44. Ibid. 7:15. 45. [Hollick], LDS records fragment of New Castle Records. 46. Ibid. Yeaton New Castle Town Records compilation, Volume 2 1696-1839: LDS Film #15240 - 2:317. 47. Ibid. Yeaton New Castle Town Records compilation, Volume 2 1696-1839: LDS Film #15240 - 2:318. 48. Ibid. Yeaton New Castle Town Records compilation, Volume 2 1696-1839: LDS Film #15240 - 2:319. 49. George Frost Papers, Historical Collections, Baker Business Library, Harvard Busines School, [FrostPapers], C:67. 50. [NHProvDeed or NHPD], 52:296, 298, 301. 51. York County Genealogical Society Journal. "The Yeatons of York County, Maine" by Joseph C. Anderson II; [YCGSJ], 8(1993):44-54. 52. Master Tate's Diary. 53. [NHProvDeed or NHPD], 44:452-4. 54. Ibid. 44:519-22. 55. Ibid. 23:524. 56. Ibid. 47:439-40. 57. Ibid. 11:238. 58. Ibid. 22:290-1. 59. Ibid. 17:247. 60. Ibid. 28:468-9. 61. Ibid. 22:455. 62. [NHStatePapers or NHSP], 37:188. 63. [NCTR], 7:107-8. 64. New Hampshire Genealogical Record, [NHGR], 2 (1904/5):35-7. 65. [NCTR], 3:250, 225. 66. [Hollick], Yeaton New Castle Town Records compilation, Volume 3 1756-1858: LDS Film #15240 - 3:225, 250. 67. NHSOG. 1:21-22. 68. [Hollick], "Yeaton Report". 69. Maine Genealogist. [MaineGen], 23(Aug 2001):113-5 - "Catharine, Wife of Samuel Yeaton of the Isles of Shoals and Falmouth, Maine" by Priscilla Eaton. 70. [NEHGR], 67:133-7. 71. [NHStatePapers or NHSP], 12:694-5. 72. [NHProvDeed or NHPD], 107:329. 73. Ibid. 52:298. 74. Rockingham co., NH Deeds, [RockDeed], 123:182. 75. [NHProvDeed or NHPD], 94:161. 76. Ibid. 53:515-16. 77. [RockDeed], 107:329. 78. [NHProvDeed or NHPD], 18:201. 79. Hammond, Priscilla (copied), A Record of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Portsmouth, NH and Vicinity 1699-1742, (Concord, NH:1939, a typescript) [EarlyPortsmouthVRs], p. 50. 80. Wentworth, John, The Wentworth Genealogy: England and America, 3 vols., (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1878), [Wentworth]. 81. Stackpole, E. S. and Meserve, W. S., History of the Town of Durham, NH (Oyster River Plantation), 2 vols., (The Town, n.d.; rep. Rumford Press, Concord, NH, 1913, repr. Somerworth, NH 1973), [Durham NH], . 82. [NHProvDeed or NHPD], 33:505-6. 83. Ibid. 32:350-1. 84. Ibid. 23:45-6. 85. Vital Records of Dover, NH 1686-1850, (Dover Historical Society, Heritage Books, Bowie, MD, 1990), [EarlyDoverNHVRs], p. 28. 86. [NHProvDeed or NHPD], 20:134. 87. NHSOG. 2:174. 88. Odiorne, James Creighton, Genealogy of the Odiorne family in America., revised by David W. Odiorne, (Arbortown Book Company, Ann Arbor, MI:1967), [Odiorne(1966)]. 89. [NHStatePapers or NHSP], 13:336. 90. [NHProvDeed or NHPD], 94:154-5. 91. Ibid. 55:553. 92. [RyeHist], 468. 93. Ibid. p. 468. 94. [NHStatePapers or NHSP], 18:217. 95. [NHProvDeed or NHPD], 67:152-3. 96. Hammond, Otis G., Notices from the New Hampshire Gazette 1765-1800, (Hunterdon House, NJ - reprint 1970), [Hammond-NHGazette], p. 106. 97. [NHStatePapers or NHSP], 35:209-11. 98. [NHProvDeed or NHPD], 50:546-7. 99. Stearns, Ezra S., William F. Whitcher & Edward E. Parker, Genealogical and Family History of the State of New Hampshire, 4 vols., (New York & Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1908), [Stearns], 1276. 100. [RyeHist], 571. 101. Hosier, Kathleen E., Vital Records Of Rye New Hampshire, (Heritage Books: Bowie, MD, 1992), [Hosier-RyeVR], 170-1. 102. [NHStatePapers or NHSP], 36:395:7. 103. [NHProvDeed or NHPD], 102:70-1. 104. Willey, Kenneth L., Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel of Eastport, ME 1818-1900, Camden, Picton Press, 1996), [Willey-Eastport], p. 90 (issue #23 February 1828). 105. Collections of the Dover, NH Historical Society, [1894], [CDNHHS], 1:137. 106. York County Genealogical Society Journal. "The Yeatons of York County, Maine" by Joseph C. Anderson II; [YCGSJ], 8(1993):44-54. 107. [NHStatePapers or NHSP], 6:867; 18:552. 108. Chipman, Scott Lee, Genealogical Abstracts From Early New Hampshire Newspapers, (Heritage Books, 2000), [Chipman-NHPapers], 1:38 - The Farmer's Weekly Museum Newspaper of Walpole, NH for 29 April 1799. 109. [Hammond-NHGazette], p. 159. 110. Index of Obituaries In Massachusetts Centinel and Columbian Centinel 1784 to 1840, compiled by the American Antiquarian Society, (Boston, G.K. Hall, 1984, 3 vols.), [Centinel], 1:414, 481. 111. [NHProvDeed or NHPD], 103:17-19. 112. [RockDeed], 90:545-6. 113. Ibid. 105:159. 114. [NHProvDeed or NHPD], 80:537. 115. Ibid. 100:384-6. 116. Wyman, Thomas Bellows, The Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, 2 vols., (Boston: D. Clapp and Son, 1879), [Charlestown], II:1060. 117. Charlestown Vital Records, [ChVR], 1:414, 481. 118. New Hampshire Gazette. [NHGazette], 23 October 1821. 119. York County Genealogical Society Journal. "The Yeatons of York County, Maine" by Joseph C. Anderson II; [YCGSJ], 8(1993):44-54. 120. [NHStatePapers or NHSP], 37:403. 121. Ibid. 39:277. 122. Strafford co., NH Probate Records. [StraffProb], #789. 123. [NHStatePapers or NHSP], 13:427. 124. Ibid. 34:73-4. 125. [NHGazette], 27 January 1801. 126. [NHProvDeed or NHPD], 99:332. 127. Index of Obituaries in Boston Newspapers 1704-1795, by the Boston Athanaeum, (G.K. Hall, Boston, 1968), [BosObit], 3:599. 128. [NHStatePapers or NHSP], 13:433. 129. Ibid. 36:307-11. 130. [Hollick], "Yeaton Report". 131. [NCTR]. 132. New Hampshire Genealogical Record, [NHGR], vol. 2 (1904/5):35-7. 133. Meloon, Ian, New Castle, NH Records, (Portsmouth, NH: Portsmouth Library), [Meloon]. 134. [RyeHist], 523. 135. Ibid. pp. 523, 571. 136. Perley, Sidney, Historic Storms of New England: Its Gales, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Showers with Thunder and Lightning, Great Snow Storms, Rains, Freshets, Floods, Droughts, Cold Winters, Hot Summers, Avalanches,[etc.]..with Incidents and Anecdotes, Amusing and Pathetic., (Salem, Mass.: The Salem Press Publishing and Printing Company; rpt. 2001 Beverley, MA: Commonwealth Editions, Memoirs Unlimited, Inc.), [Perley]. 137. [NHStatePapers or NHSP], 13:296. 138. Sawyer, Eleanor Grace, Sawyer Families of New England, 1636-1900, (Camden, ME: Penobscot Press, 1995) [Sawyer]. 139. [MaineGen], 23(Aug 2001):113-5 - "Catharine, Wife of Samuel Yeaton of the Isles of Shoals and Falmouth, Maine" by Priscilla Eaton. 140. [NEHGR], 17 (1863):150, 151, 154 - "Records of Falmouth". 141. Marblehead, Essex co., MA Vital Records. [MarbleheadVR], II:469. 143. [MaineGen], 23(Aug 2001):113-5 - "Catharine, Wife of Samuel Yeaton of the Isles of Shoals and Falmouth, Maine" by Priscilla Eaton. 143. Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder. [MHGR}, 3 (1886):101-2. 144. Young, David C. and Elizabeth Keene Young, Vital Records from Maine Newspapers 1785-1820, (Heritage, Bowie, MD, 1992), [VRMN], p. 677. 145. [NCTR], 6:682. 146. Ibid. 7:128. 147. Ibid. 6:695. 148. [Hollick], Yeaton New Castle Town Records compilation, Volume 4 1701-1849: LDS Film #15241 - 4:84. 149. Index of Obituaries In Massachusetts Centinel and Columbian Centinel 1784 to 1840, compiled by the American Antiquarian Society, (Boston, G.K. Hall, 1984, 3 vols.), [Centinel], 5:5085. 150. [NHGazette], 10 August 1802. 151. [Hollick], Yeaton New Castle Town Records compilation, Volume 3 1756-1858: LDS Film #15240 - 3:218. 152. [NCTR], vol. 6. 153. Ibid. 6:265. 154. Ibid. 6:269. 155. Ibid. 6:285. 156. [Odiorne(1966)], p. 51. 157. [NCTR]. 158. [NCTR], 6:401; 7:76. 159. Ibid. 6:404. 160. Ibid. 6:436. 161. Ibid. 6:467. 162. Ibid. 6:488. 163. Ibid. 7:85. 164. Ibid. 6:508. 165. Ibid. 6:563. 166. Ibid. 7:88. 167. Ibid. 6:585. 168. Ibid. 6:593. 169. Ibid. 6:618. 170. Ibid. 7:111. 171. Ibid. 6:653. 172. Ibid. 6:669. 173. Ibid. 6:720. 174. Ibid. 7:148. 175. Ibid. 3:263, 232. 176. [NHGazette], 12 May 1807. 177. Strafford co., NH Deeds. [StraffDeed], 18:211. 178. [NEHGR], 81 (1927)-84 (1930); 82:302 - "Records of The South Portsmouth Church of Portsmouth, NH" by Alfred Gooding. 179. [NHStatePapers or NHSP], 39:459. 180. Stackpole, Everett S., Old Kittery and Her Families, (Lewiston, ME: Lewiston Journal Press, 1903), [Kittery]. 181. [NHProvDeed or NHPD], 80:396. 182. [NHStatePapers or NHSP], 7:57-8. 183. Anderson, Joseph C. and Lois W. Thurston, Vital Records of Kittery, Maine to the Year 1892, (Picton Press: Camden, ME, 1991), [EarlyKitteryVR], p. 222. 184. Ibid. pp. 122-3. 185. [StraffDeed], 10:309. 186. [NHGazette], 9 June 1812. 187. [NEHGR], 81 (1927)-84 (1930) - 82:302 - "Records of the South Portsmouth Church of Porstmouth, NH" by Alfred Gooding. 188. Locke, Arthur Horton, Portsmouth and Newcastle, New Hampshire Cemetery Insriptions, (Portsmouth, NH, privately printed, 1907), [PortsNCCem], p. 44. 189. Portsmouth, Rockingham co., NH Town Records, [PortsTR], 11:174. 190. [Hollick], Yeaton New Castle Town Records compilation, Volume 4 1701-1849: LDS Film #15241 - 4:194. 191. [NHGazette], 4 January 1831. 192. [RockDeed], 121:112; 124:297. 193. [Hollick], "Yeaton Report". 194. [EarlyDoverNHVRs], p. 157. 195. Chipman, Scott Lee, New England Vital Records From The Exeter News-Letter 1847-1852, Picton Press, Camden, ME, 1994), [Chipman-Exeter], p. 84. 196. [StraffDeed], 138:54; 139:210. 197. Wentworth, William Edgar, Vital Records 1790-1829 From Dover, New Hampshire's First Newspaper, (Picton Press, Camden, ME, 1995), [Wentwroth-DoverVR], p. 326. 198. [EarlyDoverNHVRs], p. 158. 199. [NHStatePapers or NHSP], 11:595. 200. [NEHGR], 81 (1927) -84 (1930); 82:302 - "Records of the South Portsmouth Church of Portsmouth, NH" by Alfred Gooding. 201. [MHGR}, 3 (1886):185. 202. [Hollick], "Yeaton Report". 203. Young, David C. and Benjamin Lewis Keene, Abstracts of Death Notices (1833-1852) and Miscellaneous News Articles (1833-1924) from the Maine Farmer", (Heritage Books, 1997), [MEFarmer], 9 November 1839, p. 385. 204. York Deeds, (Portland, Maine 1887), [YorkDeed], 72:170. 205. [MHGR}, 3(1886):104. 206. [Hosier-RyeVR], 196. 207. [RyeHist], 398. 208. [Hosier-RyeVR], 170-1. 209. Ibid. p. 264. 210. Ibid. p. 86. 211. [NHStatePapers or NHSP], 13:364. 212. Ibid. 13:367. 213. Ibid. 13:369-71. 214. [RyeHist], 389. 215. [Hollick], LDS Record fragments for New Castle. 216. [Stearns], 1276. 217. Young, David C. and Robert L. Taylor, Death Notices from Freewill Baptist Publications 1811-1851, (Heritage Books, Bowie, MD, 1985), [Freewill], p. 374. 218. Ibid. p. 86. 219. [NHGazette], 8 September 1812. 220. Ibid. 24 May 1814. 221. [Jones-Yeaton], pp. 222-4. 222. [Hosier-RyeVR], p. 219. 223. Ibid. pp. 295-6. 224. [Centinel], 5:5084. 225. [NHGazette], 16 April 1816 and 7 May 1816. 226. [NCTR], 3:226, 263. 227. [NHGazette], 27 December 1814. 228. [NEHGR], 81 (1927) -84 (1930); 82:302 - "Records of the South Portsmouth Church of Portsmouth, NH" by Alfred Gooding. 229. [NCTR], 7:79. 230. Ibid. 6:207. 231. Ibid. 6:219. 232. Ibid. 6:275. 233. Ibid. 6:276. 234. Ibid. 6:296. 235. Ibid. 6:316. 236. Ibid. 7:66. 237. Ibid. 7:72. 238. Ibid. 6:362. 239. Ibid. 6:373. 240. Ibid. 6:387. 241. Ibid. 6:401, 7:76. 242. Ibid. 6:473. 243. Ibid. 6:623. 244. Ibid. 6:633, 640. 245. Ibid. 6:661. 246. [Hollick], Yeaton New Castle Town Records compilation, Volume 2 1696-1839: LDS Film #15240 - 2:412. 247. [NCTR], 2:412. 248. Ibid. 3:232, 260. 249. [NEHGR], 81 (1927) -84 (1930); 82 (1928):415 - "Records of the South Portsmouth Church of Portsmouth, NH" by Alfred Gooding. 250. Ibid. 81 (1927) -84 (1930); 82:145-6 - "Records of the South Portsmouth Church of Portsmouth, NH" by Alfred Gooding. 251. [NHGazette], 26 November 1805. 252. [Chipman-NHPapers], p. 221 -The Farmer's Weekly Museum Newspaper of Walpole, NH of 6 Dec 1805. 253. [RockDeed], 140:229; 174:55. 254. [PortsTR], 11:166. 255. [NHGazette], 9 February 1808. 256. Ibid. 18 November 1806. 257. [Chipman-NHPapers], I:269 The Farmer's Weekly Museum Newspaper of Walpole, NH of 5 Dec 1806. 258. [NHGazette], 18 November 1806. 259. [Chipman-NHPapers], 1:269, The Farmer's Weekly Museum Newspaper of Walpole, NH of 5 Dec 1806. 260. [NEHGR], 81 (1927) -84 (1930); 82:146 - "Records of the South Portsmouth Church of Portsmouth, NH" by Alfred Gooding. 261. [Chipman-Exeter], p. 33, 1 March 1852. 262. [NHStatePapers or NHSP], 7:655. 263. [Chipman-Exeter], p. 71, 29 January 1849. 264. [Freewill], p. 263. 265. [NHGazette], 16 November 1824. 266. [Chipman-Exeter], 164. 267. [PortsTR], 11:184. 268. [NHGazette], 5 August 1806. 269. Ibid. 13 January 1807. 270. [PortsTR], 11:294. 271. [Chipman-Exeter], p. 37, 12 April 1842. 272. [Hollick], Yeaton New Castle Town Records compilation, Volume 2 1696-1839: LDS Film #15240 - 2:349. 274. [Hollick], "Yeaton Report". 274. [Hollick], "Yeaton Report". 275. [MarbleheadVR], I:562. 276. Ibid. I:562 [C.R.2.]. 277. Ibid. I:562 [C.R.3.]. 278. Ibid. II:706. 279. [NEHGR], 88(1934):70 - "Early Vital Records of Poland, ME". 280. [MEFarmer], p. 385 - Maine Farmer of 18 February 1847. 281. [NEHGR], 88(1934):70 - "Early Vital REcords of Poland, ME". 282. Ibid. 88(1934):70 - "EArly Vital Records of Poland, ME". 283. [MHGR}, 3(1886):192. 284. [MarbleheadVR], I:562 [C.R. 2]. 285. [NCTR], Family Records - 3:403. 286. [Chipman-Exeter], p. 213 (27 July 1857). 287. [NCTR], 3:214. 288. [RyeHist], 572. 289. [NCTR], 3:277, 273. 290. [Odiorne(1966)], p. 51. 291. [NCTR], Family Records - 3:403; Family Records - 3:409. 292. [Chipman-Exeter], p. 225 (12 October 1857). 293. [NCTR], 6:720. 294. [Hollick], Yeaton New Castle Town Records compilation, Volume 3 1756-1858: LDS Film #15240 - 3:216, 278. 295. Ibid. "Yeaton Report" & Yeaton New Castle Town Records compilation, Volume 3 1756-1858: LDS Film #15240 - 3:289. 296. [NCTR],3:389 . 297. [Hollick], Yeaton New Castle Town Records compilation, Volume 3 1756-1858: LDS Film #15240 - 3:227, 273. 298. [NCTR], 3:219. 299. Ibid. 3:217, 281. 300. Ibid. Family Records - 3:405. 301. Ibid. 3:155, 306. 302. Research of Carline Depp & Martin Hollick 303. [Chipman-Exeter], p. 278 (26 June 1865). 304. Ibid. p. 38. 305. [PortsTR], 11:210. 306. [StraffDeed], 35:412. 307. [PortsTR], 11:197. 308. [Hollick], "Yeaton Report". 309. [NCTR], 3:213, 273. 310. McDuffee, Franklin, The History of the Town of Rochester, New Hampshire 1722-1890, (2 vols., 1892, reprinted as one volume, Somersworth, NH, 1988), [McDuffee]. 311. Candage, Charles Samuel and Ralph Ernest Peak, Heard-Hurd Genealogy 1610-1987: Some Descendants of John and Elizabeth (Hull) Heard of Dover, New Hampshire, (Picton Press, Camden, ME, 1988), [Heard-Hurd]. 312. Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790: New Hampshire, (GPO, 1907, reprinted Genealogical Publishing Co., 1992), [1790NHHeads], p. 96. 313. [NHGazette], 16 November 1830. 314. [StraffDeed], 27:515-6. 315. [NHGazette], 1 May 1821. 316. Newburyport, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [NewburyportVR], 528. 317. Scobie, Robert, Genealogical Abstracts from the New Hampshire Spy 1786-1793, (Heritage Books: Bowie, MD: 1995), [Scobie], Entry #1084. 318. [NHGazette], 10 January 1804. 319. Ibid. 7 January 1817. 320. Ibid. 29 March 1825. 321. Ibid. 13 December 1803. 322. [Chipman-Exeter], p. 81 (7 May 1849). 323. [NHGazette], 23 April 1811. 324. [Chipman-NHPapers], I:363. 325. [Chipman-Exeter], 172. 326. Jones, William Haslet, Vital Statistics of Epsom, NH 1727-1927, (Heritage Books, 1999), [Jones-Epsom], pp. 62-4. 327. [RyeHist], 468. 328. Lowell, Middlesex co., MA Vital Records, [LowellVRs], III:423. 329. 1800 Federal Census, ROCK New Castle, NH #921, Federal Archives, Waltham, MA, USC1800, #921. 330. Research of Charlie Gale [], received by Carolyn Depp in April 2002. (Much of his early data is based on the research of Dana B. Cobb, a descendant of Ephraim AMAZEEN and Hannah TARLTON.) 331. Amazeen.ged, received from Carolyn Depp in July 2002. 332. [NCTR], Vol. 3 (1756-1858), p226 and 269. (Page 223 indicates New Castle published their intentions on 23 Mar 1793.). FHL #15240. 333. Ibid. Family Records - 3:411. 334. Ibid. Family Records - 3:412. 335. [PortsTR], 11:466. 336. New Hampshire Vital Records, [NHVR]. 337. Minot, Androscoggin co., ME Vital Records. [MinotVR], Volume1, 1786-1846, LDS#0011550. 338. [NCTR], 3:159, 307. 339. Ibid. 3:410. 340. Ibid. 3:410, 159, 307. 141. [MarbleheadVR], I:562 [C.R.1.]. 342. [Hollick], Received 09.2002. Yeaton New Castle Town Records compilation, Volume 3 1756-1858: LDS Film #15240 - 3:337. 343. [NCTR], 3:142, 299. 344. Ibid. Family Records - 3:403; 3:407. 345. Ibid. 3:158-9, 306. 346. Ibid. Family Records - 3:407. 347. Ibid. Family Records - 3:409. 348. Ibid. 3:169, 315. 349. Ibid. Family Records - 3:409; Marriage Records - 3:169, 315. 350. Ibid. Family Records - 3:403; 3:288. 351. Ibid. 3:173, 319. 352. Ibid. Family Records - 3:288. 353. [Odiorne(1966)], p. 74. 354. [NCTR], 3:167, 311. 355. [NCTR], Family Records - 3:409. 356. [NCTR], 3:160, 308. 357. Ibid. 3:325. 358. [NHGazette]. 359. 1850 Federal Census, ROCK New Castle, NH, Federal Archives, Waltham, MA, USC1850. 360. [NCTR], 3:131,139,295. 361. [Hollick], Yeaton New Castle Town Records compilation, Volume 3 1756-1858: LDS Film #15240 - 3:291. 362. Ibid. Yeaton New Castle Town Records compilation, Volume 3 1756-1858: LDS Film #15240 - 3:137, 291. 363. Ella Hall Recollections given to Walter Hall in 1942. Subsequently transcribed by Heather Hall and Kristin Hall. 364. Hall Family Record, Memoranda Page, Written Records in Family Bibles. 365. Gravestone, New Castle Cemetery, New Castle, Rockingham co., NH 366. Hall Family Record 2, Deaths Page, Written Records in Family Bibles. 367. Abbie Neal Hall Obituary, Newpaper. 368. 1886 Portsmouth, NH City Directory. Number 14, Page 75. 369. 1894 Portsmouth, NH City Directory. Number 18, Page 142. 370. 1895 Portsmouth, NH City Directory. Number 19, Page 158. 371. 1897 Portsmouth, NH City Dictionary. Number 19, Page 158. 372. 1903 Portsmouth, NH City Directory. Number 23, Pages 125-126. 373. 1905 Portsmouth, NH City Directory. Number 24, Page 124. 374. Family Notes Transcription. Notes originally in Walter K. Hall's, Barbara M. Hall's or Heather Hall's hand. 375. 1901 Portsmouth, NH City Directory. Number 22, Page 121. 376. [Hollick], Yeaton New Castle Town Records compilation, Volume 3 1756-1858: LDS Film #15240 - 3:300.
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