(b. ca. 1610) - possibly England

(First Generation - Sisley Family)


ALL WE KNOW We know nothing of Henry or his as yet unnamed wife, save their parentage of Elizabeth. If she was born circa 1628, Henry and his wife must have been born circa 1610. It is possible that Elizabeth is the only member of the family who emigrated to America. Perhaps she is one of the many Lynn, Essex co., MA folks who came from the Sherrington/Fulham, Buckinghamshire area of England.

CHILDREN 2. i. Elizabeth SISLEY Please see her own page.

GENERATION Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great (G8) Grandfather & Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great (G10) Grandfather
FAMILY NUMBER 1814 and 8090
SOURCES 1. Lynn, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [LynnVR], II:477 [Ct. R.].

2. Torrey, Charles, New England Marriages Prior to 1700., (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Society). [Torrey].

3. The Essex Antiquarian, (13 vols.)(n.p., 1897-1909), [EssexAnt], 9:143.

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