BIRTH & DEATH | John was born in 1619 in England[1] and died in 1676; he was 57[1]. |
OTHER LEGAL MENTION | We know that John was witness to the will of John Pickering of Salem on 30d:5m:1655 - as "John Kitching", along with Edmond Batter, John Horne & Francis Lawes[2]. He also took inventory along with Jeffrey Massie on the estate of William Golt of Salem on 21 April 1660[3]. |
The Mary & John Clearinghouse lists him as #358 on their master list as "Kitchen, John (1612-1676)
of Salem MA. Possibly from Barrington, Somerset 14:37"[5]. They list him as a
passenger on an unnamed ship that sailed from Weymouth, Dorsetshire, England in March 1635 and arrived in
America on 5 May 1635[6]. Coldham claims that this ship sailed on 20 March 1636 from Weymouth
to New England. His source is the Public Record Office in Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 4DU, England
Regardless of year (although I am inclined to go with Coldham), the group of 103 passengers was primarily made up of roughly 20 families and their servants who had been gathered from the parishes of Batcombe and Broadway, Somersetshire, England by the Reverend Joseph Hull. Most of the passengers settled in the plantation at Wessaguscus - whose name was officially changed to Weymouth in July 1635. There are two John Kitchens on this trip. One was a servant of Zachary Bicknell and was 23 years old. The other was on the manifest list as "Joseph Chikin" and was a 16-year-old servant of the family of Zacheus Lovell[8,9]. Once freed, John settled in Salem, Essex co., MA. |
"Estate of John Kitchen of Salem.
The last will & Testement of John Kitchen the twentith day of December in ye year one thousand six hundred Seventy fiue, being in parfect Memory & understanding I doe bequeth My dwelling house & land belonging to it and about an Acre of Salt Marsh by Castill hill unto my wife dureing her life time & to my Son Robert after her decease Secondly I doe giue & bequeth My Orchard and Ground behind it vnto My son Robert Kitchen: prouided yt ye one halfe of ye produce of both be for my wifes use & to her dispossall dureing her life Thirdly as for ye rest of My estate i fiue to my wife to be for her use dureing her life time & after her decease to be dispossed of to ye rest of my children fouerthly i doe by this My will Make my wife & My Son Robert kitchen exseccetrice and exseccetor." John Kitchin Witness: Sam[ue]ll Shattocke, Abraham Cole. Proved in Salem court 30d:4m:1676 by Samuell Shattock who affirmed and Abraham Cole who made oath.
Inventory of the estate of John Kitchin taken May 30, 1676 by Edward Flint and Richard Croade: A dwelling house & a Small Barne with the Land upon wch the said howse & barne stands being by Estimation about a qrtr. of an acre, £160 Orchard & another ps. of Land adjoyning to it being in whole about Two acres of Land, £60 about an acre of Salt marsh lyeing in the Sowth field neer Castle hill, £7 one Cow, £3 a mare, £3 In the parlor his Lodfeing roome the goods there: a Feather bed & Furniture, £11 Trundle bed being likewise a Feather & Furniture, £4 cubbard, Table & Joyne stooles, £2 Small Table & 2 Carpetts, £1, 5s. Chest, box & a little Forme, 15s. pr. of cast dog Irons, 10s. Case of Bottles, 4s. 7 chaires, 15s. glass Bottles & small cups & a small pes of silver plate, cushen & cubbard cloth on the Cubbards head, £1 5s. his wearing Apparrell, £20 3 bibles & some other bookes, £1 In the parlor Chamber: Feather bed & furniture, £18 Trundle bedsteed, 6s. 3 blanketts, Rugg & Coverled, £2 10s. Cubbard with the Furniture in it, £3 Table & 6 Joyne stooles, £2, 5s. 6 Chaires, 12s. 3 Cushens stuffd, 9s. chest & a small Trunke, 12s. a wiccar baskett & looking glass, 6s. In the porch chamber: Feather bed, bedsteed & furniture £8 In ye garret: 5 bush of wheate, 4 bush of corne, £1 17s Tubbs, a wheel & some other Lumber, 6s. a hammocke, 8s. In the Kitchin: In pewter & brass, £10 6s. a pestell & morter, 4s. a still, 8s. pewter, 4s. Letten ware, 15s. earthen Ware, 15s. 3 doz. Trenchards, 3s. a Jack, Andirons, Fire Shovels, Tongs, 2 spitts & a pr. of Silliards, 2 smoothing Irons, hakes, Fenders & chafing dish with some other small Iron Things, £3 11. 3 Iron potts & a Kettle, £1 w Iron wedges, 2s 2 Little Tubbs & 4 Chaires, 8s. A meale Trough, 2s. Bowls & Trayes, 3s. In the shop: 4 bush malt, 16s 1 1-2 bush wheate, 7s. 6d. Tubbs & barrels in the cellar, 15s In Lynnen as Table cloths, napkins towels sheets & pillowbeers, £15 money £40 debts due, £6 saddle & bridle & 2 pillions & pillion cloth, £2 3 payles whereof Two with Iron hoopes & bayles, 4s. 6d. a Lynning wheel, 3s. 2 Chests, 4 Jarrs & a handsaw, 7s. A spade & a pr. billowes, 5s. total £398. 4s. Allowed 30d:4m:1676 upon oath of Robt. Kitchin. Essex County Quarterly Court Files, vol. 25, leaves 59, 60[4]. |
MARRIAGE #1 | Circa 1640 when John was 21, he first married Elizabeth [surname not known], in Salem, Essex co., MA[1,10,11,12]. |
CHILDREN | 1. | i. | Elizabeth KITCHEN | Elizabeth was born in 1643 in Salem, Essex co., MA and baptized as "Kitchin, Eliza[beth]" in Salem, Essex co., MA on 12d:1m:1643[16]. |
MARRIAGE #2 | After 28 October 1643 when John was 24, he second married Elizabeth GRAFTON, in Salem, Essex co., MA[1,10,13,14,15]. Elizabeth was born in 1625[1]. |
CHILDREN | 3. | i. | Mary KITCHEN | Please see her own page. |
4. | ii. | Robert KITCHEN |
Robert was born in 1655 in Salem, Essex co., MA and died in Salem, Essex co., MA on 28 October 1712; he was
57. He was baptized as "Kitchin, Rob[er]t" in Salem, Essex co., MA on 15d:2m:1655
Robert married Mary BOARDMAN, daughter of Major William BOARDMAN & Frances [surname not known]. She was born as "Bordman, Mary on 9 March 1655/6 in Cambridge, Middlesex co., MA[27] and died before 17 July 1688; she was 33. |
5. | iii. | Benjamin KITCHEN | Benjamin was born on 28d:6m:1660 in Salem, Essex co., MA[28] and died as "Kitchin, Benjamin" on 15d:7m:1660 in Salem, Essex co., MA[29]. |
6. | iv. | John1 KITCHEN | John1 was born in 1646 in Salem, Essex co., MA and baptized as "Kitchin, John" in Salem, Essex co., MA on 12d:__m:1646[17]. |
7. | v. | John2 KITCHEN | John2 was born in 1652 in Salem, Essex co., MA and baptized as "Kitchin, John" in Salem, Essex co., MA on 21d:1m:1652[17]. |
8. | vi. | Joseph KITCHEN | Joseph was born in 1645 in Salem, Essex co., MA and baptized as "Kitchin, Joseph" in Salem, Essex co., MA 0n 20d:2m:1645[17]. |
GENERATION | Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great (G8) Grandfather |
1. Torrey, Charles, New England Marriages Prior to 1700.,
(Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Society).
[Torrey]. 2. The Probate Records of Essex County, [EssexProb or EPR], I:255. 3. Ibid. I:316. 4. Ibid. III:78-80. 4. Mary & John, vols. 1+, (Toledo, OH: Mary & John Clearinghouse), [MaryJohn], ??:174. 6. Ibid. 20:32. 7. Coldham, Peter Wilson, The Complete Book Of Emigrants, (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing co., Inc., 1987), [Coldham], 175-6. 8. Banks, Charles E., Planters of the Commwealth, (1930), [Banks-Planters], 125-128. 9. [MaryJohn], 20:31. 10. Salem, Essex co., MA Vital Records. [SalemVR], 2:135. 11. Essex Institute Historical Collections, vol. 1+, (Salem, Mass., 1859+), [EIHC], 51:127; 64:60. 12. New England Historic and Genealogical Register. Vols. 1+, (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Register, 1845+), [NEHGR], 106:40. 13. [EIHC], 3:231; 48:273; 51:127; 64:52. 14. [NEHGR], 77:312; 106:38,40. 15. The Genealogical Magazine, (Salem, Mass.: Salem Press, 1890+), [GenMag or Putnam's Mag.], 1:118; 2:4. 16. [SalemVR], I:496 [C. R. 1]. 17. Ibid. I:496 [C. R. 1]. 18. Ham, John R., Dover, New Hampshire Marriages, 1623-1823, (Dover, NH., 1880-1902), typescript, [DoverNHMar], 87. 19. [NEHGR], 6:329. 20. Noyes, Sybil, Charles Thornton Libby and Walter Goodwin David, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, (Portland, ME: Anthosensen Press 1928-1939; rpt Baltimore: Gen. Publ. Co., 1972), [GDMNH], 307. 21. Perley, Sidney, The History of Salem, Massachusetts, 3 vols., (Salem: Sidney Perley, 1924), [Salem], 2:4; 3:32. 22. [SalemVR], III:464 [Ct. R.]. 23. Nicely, Charlotte, Hanson Relatives, (Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1977), [Hanson-Nicely]. 24. Harrison, Metcalf Henry and Hammond Otis Grant, New Hampshire State Papers: Probate Records of the Province of New Hampshire, [NHStatePapers], Probate Records - 3:191. 25. [GDMNH], 1821. 26. Probate Records of the Province of New Hampshire, vol. 1 1635-1717, State Papers Series Vol. 31, Albert Stillman Batchellor, Otis Grant Hammond, Ezra Scollay Stearns, (Concord, NH: Rumford Printing Co., 1907), [NHProbV1], 659-661. 27. Cambridge, Middlesex co., MA Vital Records, [CambridgeVR], I:73 [C.R. 1]. 28. [SalemVR], I:496 [Ct. R.]. 29. Ibid. V:379.
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