.pdf of the de Dreux Family Register Report
.pdf of the de Dreux Family Descendant Chart

The Dreux family were of Capetian ancestry and descended directly from Louis VI, King of France. The counts of Dreux derived their name from their family stronghold, the château of Dreux[13] located near the boundary of Normandy & the Ile de France The family was also described as being ³of Braine², which is located a few miles from Soissons. In the 6th century, the Frankish kings held court there - in fact, it was the favorite residence of Lothar (Clothair) I, King of the Franks in that century (see his own pages)[6]. The stronghold was not a castle, but a villa with attending outbuildings, a cozy & self-sustaining get-away for the Frankish kings[5]. Robert I's descendants retained the county of Dreux until 1355. At that time, the family's sole heiress, Joan II, Countess of Dreux married Simon de Thouars. They had no sons and their three daughters preferred to sell their interests in the county to Charles VI, King of France[13].

The Dreux family eventually held and ruled the county (later duchy) of Bretagne (Brittany) in France for nearly two centuries. Brittany was a rather independent duchy and had interesting ties to Wales. The ill-fated Arthur, duke of Brittany was named not for his grandfather Henry II, king of England, overlord of much of what is now France and most powerful of the Angevins, but for the fabled Welsh King Arthur, who had been adopted by the Bretons as their nationalistic icon. This immediately elevated the boy to near-Messiah status in the eyes of his vassals (and distanced him from the hated Angevins) from the moment of his naming. Later, his namesake Arthur II de Dreux (see below) included some distinctly Welsh-sounding names (Gwened, Naoned) when he divided the duchy into eight "battles" in the early 1300s.

Name variations include Dreux, de Dreux and de Dreaux. Also, de Braine or de Braisne, which refers to the county of Braine-sur-Vesle that the family acquired via Robert I's third wife, Agnés de Vaudemont.

Generation Husband
Wife Person #s

Sarah [surname not known]

Hannah MOWER

David Johnson NEWHALL
Harriet Attwood CARROLL

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