BIRTH | Alexander was probably born ca. 1610 or earlier, most likely in England (based upon the fact that he was married before 1630). | ||||
DEATH | He died before 26 June 1660 in Portsmouth, Rockingham co., NH[4] (the date administration of his estate was granted to his widow). | ||||
MIGRATION | We currently know nothing of Alexander and Ann's emigration to New England. | ||||
RESIDENCE & TOWN SERVICE | Alexander lived in Portsmouth, Rockingham co., NH[5] where he served on the Grand Jury in 1657 & 1659[3]. | ||||
OCCUPATION | He was a Merchant in Portsmouth, Rockingham co., NH; and was also listed as a Ferryman in 1652 (probably between Portsmouth & the island town of New Castle)[3]. | ||||
WILL | All that is known of his will is that administration on his estate was granted to his widow Ann on 16 June 1660[5,29]. | ||||
Before 1630, Alexander married Ann [surname not known][1,2,6], in Portsmouth,
Rockingham co., NH[7,8,9,10]. Ann also was probably born ca. 1610 or before, most
likely in England. She died before 26 June 1661 in Portsmouth, Rockingham co., NH[4].
Ann's will was dated 5 November 1660 and was proved on 26 June 1661. It names her son John; James Leech, his wife and four children - small sums & clothing; Jane Fursen; Widow Mary Walford and her four children; and servants Richard Pierce & Thomas Paine[5]. I believe that Jane Fursen is another daughter in the family. Ann refers to her by name, as she does with her other children, and Jane's bequest is a very personal one that mirrors the one given to Mary. Unfortunately, there is no mention of a "Fursen/Furzen" marriage of any kind in Torrey, so further proof will require some digging. Note too the incredible largesse in her bequest to her servant Richard Pierce, who not only gets his freedom, but money, clothing and tools with which to set about in whatever business he chooses. Her other servant, Thomas Paine, is treated very differently. No freedom & only a small monetary bequest. Makes you wonder... James Leech is the person I would like to identify. He is clearly not a widower, as the will mentions his wife & four children. I don't believe he is a son-in-law (modern meaning), either, since Ann's language with her own daughter(s) is on a full name basis & involves the bestowing of items which a mother would give to a daughter at the time. Is he a brother? Cousin? Foster child to Ann & Alexander? With luck, he is a blood relative and could provide additional clues to Ann's parentage.
That said, here is her will, verbatim: I Ann Bachelor being weake of Body, but in prfect memory doe ordaine this as my last Will & Testament, heereby revokeing all former Wills, Legacyes &bequests wtever. Impr My debts & funerall charges being paid out of my whole estate I give & bequeath unto my Sonn Jno Bachelor ye true sum'e of thirtye pounds, my son being alive at my death, if hee bee not alive at my Death then I will ye said Sum'e unto his widdow & theyr joynt Children equally to bee divided among them. I give unto James Leech twenty shillings, unto his wife twenty shillings, & unto theyr foure children ten shillings a peice I give unto Jane ffurzen my best hatt & blue pettycoate I give unto Mary Walford Widdow my best pettycoate & twenty shillings & unto her foure Cheldren ten shillings a peice If in Case I dye before my Servant Richard Peirce his time bee out wt time remaines I give him, wth an Axe, handsaw, Adze, Augre a calking Iron or two togither wth two suits of Apparell & three shirts I give more unto my said servant Rich : Peirce forty shillings. I give unto Tho : Paine wn his time is expired forty shillings & Executours for ye better performance of this my will I make Joshua Moodey & Mr Elias Stileman & desire Mr James Pendleton to bee my overseer. In wittnes wrof I have heere unto set my hand in ye day and yeare above written
Mary X Walford The marke of Ann X Hart. [Proved June 26, 1661.] [Inventory, Nov. 27, 1660; amount, £96.1.0; signed by William Seavey, James Leach, and Samuel Haines.][28] |
CHILDREN | 2. | i. | Mary BATCHELDER | Please see her own page. |
3. | ii. | John BATCHELDER | Most of the information on John comes from his Mother's will dated 5 Nov 1660 and proved 26 June 1661. Names son John; James LEECH, his wife and 4 children; Jane FURSEN; Widow Mary WALFORD and her 4 children; and servants Richard PIERCE and Thomas PAINE. John was married and had children by 1661[4]. |
GENERATION | Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great (G11) Grandfather (Walford) |
GENERATION | Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great (G9) Grandfather (Amazeen) |
FAMILY NUMBER | 4032 and 2146 |
1. Research of Charlie Gale [],
received by Carolyn Depp in April 2002.
(Much of his early data is based on the research of Dana B. Cobb,
a descendant of Ephraim AMAZEEN and Hannah TARLTON.) 2. Direct Descendants of John AMAZEEN, Research collected by Norma Karram [], received by Carolyn Depp in Apr 2002. [alternate address =]. 3. Noyes, Sybil, Charles Thornton Libby and Walter Goodwin David, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, (Portland, ME: Anthosensen Press 1928-1939; rpt Baltimore: Gen. Publ. Co., 1972), [GDMNH], 80-81 (Batchelder); 713 (Walford). 4. Amazeen.ged, received from Carolyn Depp in July 2002. 5. [GDMNH], 80-81 (Batchelder); 713 (Walford). 6. Ibid. 80-81 (Batchelder); 713 (Walford). 7. Torrey, Charles, New England Marriages Prior to 1700., (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Society). [Torrey]. 8. [GDMNH], 80-81 (Batchelder). 9. Pierce, Frederick Clifton, Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler of England...Who Settled the Town of New Hampton, N.H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua, and John Batcheller, of Essex Co., Mass., (Chicago: W. B. Conkey Co., 1898), [Batchelder], 41. 10. Leach, Fayette Phelps, Lawrence Leach of Salem, Mass..., 3 vols., (East Highgate, Vt.: F. P. Leach., 1924-26), [Leach], 1:6. 11. [GDMNH], 64 (Amazeen); 80-81 (Batchelder); 713 (Walford). 12. Harrison, Metcalf Henry and Hammond Otis Grant, New Hampshire State Papers: Probate Records of the Province of New Hampshire, [NHStatePapers], I(31):467. 13. New England Historic and Genealogical Register. Vols. 1+, (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Register, 1845+), [NEHGR], 9:221. 14. [GDMNH], 80-81 (Batchelder); 713 (Walford). 15. Ibid. 64. 16. Ibid. 64 (Amazeen); 712 (Walford). 17. Chamberlain, George Walter, History of Weymouth, Mass., 4 vols., ([Boston: Wright & Potter Co.], 1923), [Weymouth], 4:732. 18. Stackpole, Everett S., Old Kittery and Her Families, (Lewiston, ME: Lewiston Journal Press, 1903), [Kittery], 34. 19. [GDMNH], 80-81 (Batchelder); 713 (Walford). 20. Anderson, Robert Charles, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633., (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society), [GreatMig.], III:1903. 21. Ibid. III:1905. 22. Provincial Papers, Documents and Records Relating to the Province of New Hampshire from 1686 to 1722., 40 volumes, ed. Nathaniel Boulton, (Manchester, NH: 1867-1943), [NHPP], 31:42. 23. Ibid. 712 (Walford). 24. Ibid. 488 (Moore). 25. Ibid. 64 (Amazeen); 712 (Walford). 26. Savage, James A., A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, 1860-1862., (Boston 1860-1862; rpt Baltimore 1955), [Savage], 1:47 27. [GDMNH], 64 (Amazeen). 28. Probate Records of the Province of New Hampshire, vol. 1 1635-1717, State Papers Series Vol. 31, eds. Albert Stillman Batchellor, Otis Grant Hammond, Ezra Scollay Stearns, (Concord, NH: Rumford Printing Co., 1907), [NHProbV1], 50-51. 29. Ibid. 46 [Court Record 26 June 1660 in Deeds, Vol. 2, p. 416].
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