BIRTH | was born on 17 December 1718 in Andover, Essex co., MA as ³Barnerd, Rebecka²[19]. |
MARRIAGE | On 20 January 1735/6 when Rebecca was 16, she married Moses SCALES, son of James SCALES & Sarah CURTIS, in Andover, Essex co., MA[20]. Their marriage record reads ³Scales, Moses [Scales C.R. 1; resident Andover, int.] and Rebecca Barnard². |
CHILDREN (surnamed SCALES) |
i. | Hannah1 SCALES |
ii. | Hannah2 SCALES | Please see her own page. |
iii. | Sarah SCALES |
iv. | Rebecca SCALES |
v. | Lydia SCALES |
vi. | Mary SCALES |
vii. | Susanna SCALES |
viii. | Moses SCALES |
GENERATION | Great-great-great-great-great-great (G6) Grandfather |
1. Andover, Essex co., MA Vital Records,
[AndoverVR], II:389. 2. Ibid. II:46. 3. Torrey, Charles, New England Marriages Prior to 1700., (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Society). [Torrey]. 4. Essex Institute Historical Collections, vol. 1+, (Salem, Mass., 1859+), [EIHC], 54:37. 5. New England Historic and Genealogical Register. Vols. 1+, (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Register, 1845+), [NEHGR], 3:66. 6. Savage, James A., A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, 1860-1862., (Boston 1860-1862; rpt Baltimore 1955), [Savage], 1:120 7. The Essex Antiquarian, (13 vols.)(n.p., 1897-1909), [EssexAnt], 6:121; 7:41. 8. Tingley, Raymon Meyers, Some Ancestral Lines; Being a Record of Some of the Ancestors of Guilford: Solon Tingley and His Wife, Martha Pamelia Meyers, Collected by Their Son, Raymon Meyers Tingley, (Rutland, Vt.: The Tuttle Publishing Co., 1935), [Tingley-Meyers], 142. 9. Bixby, Willard Goldthwaite, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Joseph Bixby, 1621 to 1701, of Ipswich and Boxford, Mass., Who Spell the Name Bixby, Bigsby, Byxbie, Bixbee, or Byxbee and of the Bixby Family in England, Descendants of Walter Bekesby, 1427, of Thorpe. . . , 3 vols., (New York: W.G. Bixby, 1914), [Bixby], 501. 10. Jacobus, Donald Lines, An American Family, Botsford-Marble Ancestral Lines, (New Haven, Conn., 1933), [Botsford-Marble], 102. 11. Howe, Daniel Wait, Howe Genealogies, (Haverhill, Mass., Record Publishing Co., 1929), [Howe], 2:156. 12. Barnard Robert, Barnard. Robert Barnard, of Andover, Mass. and his Descendants, (Everett, Mass., 1899), [Barnard (1899)], 3. 13. [Barnard (1899)], 89. 14. [AndoverVR], II:46 and II:48. 15. Ibid. II:388. 16. Ibid. I:59. 17. Ibid. I:58 [Ct. R.]. 18. Ibid. I:60. 19. Ibid. I:61. 20. Ibid. II:296. 21. Boxford, Essex co., MA Vital Records, [BoxfordVR], 84.
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