The Yellow Rose Of Texas

Words & Music:

J.K. (1836)


This full explanation of the history of this song from "The Handbook Of Texas Online" ( is so wonderful, you have to go read it for yourself.  This song has a great backstory.  You can find a great acoustic arrangement of this in the February 2006 issue of Acoustic Guitar.



There's a yellow rose in Texas that I am going to see,


No other soldier knows her, no soldier, only me;


She cried so when I left her, it like to broke my heart,

    D7        G                  D7        G

And if I ever find her, we never more will part.




She's the sweetest rose of color this soldier ever knew,


Her eyes are bright as diamonds, they sparkle like the dew;


You may talk about your dearest May and sing of Rosa Lee,

        D7               A7           G         D7     G

But the Yellow Rose of Texas beat the belles of Tennessee.


When the Rio Grande is flowing and the starry skies are bright,

She walks along the river in the quiet summer night;

She thinks if I remember, when we parted long ago,

I promised to come back again and not to leave her so.




Oh, now I'm going to find her, for my heart is full of woe,

And we'll sing the song together,  that we sung so long ago;

We'll play the banjo gaily,  and we'll sing the songs of yore,

And the Yellow Rose of Texas shall be mine forevermore.




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This page's content is copyrighted ©1977-2008 by Kristin C. Hall. Please drop me a line (via "dink (at) media (dot) mit (dot) edu") if you wish to use it or link to it or correct it! Please send comments, suggestions, fixes and general mischievious mayhem to the web diva via the above email address. (sorry, spambots have forced me to remove my automatic mail link.) Many thanks...and enjoy! tr

Note to lawyers and any other litigious-minded folk:
I am not trying to screw anyone out of royalties, etc. I have posted these only as a helpful resources for teachers, camp counselors and people who like to "sing along with Mitch", if you will. If you do not want your work posted to these pages, please just email me (via "dink (at) media (dot) mit (dot) edu") and I shall remove it.