"A" You're Adorable

Words & Music:

Buddy Kaye, Fred Wise & Sidney Lippman (1948)


Anyone have the chords for the verse?


When Johnny Jones was serenading Mary,

He sure could quote a lot of poetry.

But he'd much rather tell 'er

What he learned in his speller

When they both attended P.S. 33:


C                  A7

A you're adorable, B you're so beautiful,


C you're a cutie full of charms.

Dm7                    Em7         A7

D you're a darling and E you're exciting and

Dm7        G7      C  D9 G7

F you're a feather in my arms.

C                      A7

G you look good to me, H you're so heavenly,


I you're the one I idolize.

Dm7                         Em7         A7

J we're like Jack and Jill, K you're so kissable,

Dm7      G7                 C

L is the love light in your eyes.



F6     Dm6    Em7   Am7

M----, N----, O---, P,

Dm7     G+        C

I could go on all day.

F6     Dm6    Em7    Cm

Q----, R----, S----, T,

G              D7                     G7

Alphabetically speaking, baby, you're OK!


C                        A7                         D7

U made my life complete, V means you're very sweet, W, X, Y, Z.

Dm7                Em7         A7

It's fun to wander through the alphabet with you

   Dm7      G7       C    D9 G7   C

To tell you what you mean to me!


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This page's content is copyrighted ©1977-2008 by Kristin C. Hall. Please drop me a line (via "dink (at) media (dot) mit (dot) edu") if you wish to use it or link to it or correct it! Please send comments, suggestions, fixes and general mischievious mayhem to the web diva via the above email address. (sorry, spambots have forced me to remove my automatic mail link.) Many thanks...and enjoy!

Note to lawyers and any other litigious-minded folk:
I am not trying to screw anyone out of royalties, etc. I have posted these only as a helpful resources for teachers, camp counselors and people who like to "sing along with Mitch", if you will. If you do not want your work posted to these pages, please just email me (via "dink (at) media (dot) mit (dot) edu") and I shall remove it.