We Had Some Chickens
Words & Music:
We had some
chickens, no eggs would they lay.
We had some
chickens, no eggs would they lay.
My wife said,
"Honey, this isn't funny.
We're losing
money. Why won't they lay?"
One day that
rooster came into our yard.
He caught those
chickens right off their guard.
They're laying
eggs, now, just like they used ter.
Well, since that
rooster, came into our yard.
We had some
cows, no milk would they give.
We had some
cows, no milk would they give.
My wife said,
"Honey, this isn't funny.
We're losing
money. Why won't they give?"
One day that
rooster came into our yard.
He caught those
cows right off their guard.
They're giving
eggnog, now, just like they used ter.
Well, since that
rooster, came into our yard.
We had some
trees, no sap would they give.
We had some
trees, no sap would they give.
My wife said,
"Honey, this isn't funny.
We're losing
money. Why won't they give?"
One day that
rooster came into our yard.
He caught those
trees right off their guard.
They're giving
Chiclets, now, just like they used ter.
Well, since that
rooster, came into our yard.
We had a gas pump, no gas
would it give.
We had a gas pump, no gas
would it give.
My wife said,
"Honey, this isn't funny.
We're losing
money. Why won't it give?"
One day that rooster came
into our yard
And caught that gas pump
right off its guard.
It's giving Gulf gas just
like it used-ter
Ever since that rooster came
into our yard.
We had a rooster, no love
would it give.
We had a rooster, no love
would it give.
My wife said,
"Honey, this isn't funny.
We're losing
money. Why won't it give?"
But, then that rooster came
into our yard
And caught my rooster right
off its guard.
He's laying hens now just
like he used-ter
Ever since that rooster came
into our yard.
Use your imagination!! What else could the rooster help??