A Hundred Pipers

Words & Music:

Traditional, The Isles


      G                   C                 G                   D

Wi' a hundred pipers, an' a', an' a', wi' a hundred pipers, an' a', an' a',

G                 C                         G                   D       G

We'll up an' gie them a blaw, a blaw, wi' a hundred pipers, an' a', an' a'.

O it's owre the border awa', awa'; it's owre the border awa', awa'!

We'll on an' we'll march to Carlisle ha'

Wi' its yetts, its castle an' a', an a'.



      G                   C                 G                   D       D7

Wi' a hundred pipers, an' a', an' a', wi' a hundred pipers, an' a', an' a',

G                 C                         D                   G

We'll up an' gie them a blaw, a blaw, wi' a hundred pipers, an' a', an' a'.


Oh! our sodger lads looked braw, looked braw,

Wi' their tartan kilts an' a', an' a',

Wi' their bonnets an' feathers an' glitt'rin' gear,

An' pibrochs sounding loud and clear.

Will they a' return to their ain dear glen?

Will they a' return oor Heilan' men?

Second sichted Sandy looked fu' wae.

An' mithers grat when they march'd away.




Oh! wha' is foremos o' a', o' a',

Oh wha' is foremost o' a', o' a',

Bonnie Charlie the King o' us a', hurrah!

Wi' his hundred pipers an' a', an ' a'.

His bonnet and feathers he's waving high,

His prancing steed maist seems to fly,

The nor' win' plays wi' his curly hair,

While the pipers play wi'an unco flare.




The Esk was swollen sae red an' sae deep,

But shouther to shouther the brave lads keep;

Twa thousand swam owre to fell English ground

An' danced themselves dry to the pibroch's sound.

Dumfoun'er'd the English saw, they saw,

Dumfoun'er'd they heard the blaw, the blaw,

Dumfoun'er'd they a' ran awa', awa',

Frae the hundred pipers an' a', an ' a'.





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Note to lawyers and any other litigious-minded folk:
I am not trying to screw anyone out of royalties, etc. I have posted these only as a helpful resources for teachers, camp counselors and people who like to "sing along with Mitch", if you will. If you do not want your work posted to these pages, please just email me (via "dink (at) media (dot) mit (dot) edu") and I shall remove it.