Notes Transcribed by Kristin Hall about the Neal Family Notes from the Newcastle, NH Town Records

all notes are verbatim and sic

    Kristin Hall Neal Family Notes from the Newcastle, NH Town Records

  1. Abbie Neal - 5/26/1838-1/12/1914
  2. Izette Neal (Abbie's Geo's. sister) d. 3/14/1887, age 53
    m. Wm. Trefethen (1/6/1828-4/8/1896)
    s.? Judson 12/28/1863-5/17/1938
  3. Both above d. Abigail : Wm. Neal (just a hunch - Izette later known as George's sister)
  4. Newcastle/Portsmouth records are unpublished.
  5. Return to NEAL family page.
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