Count of Boulogne

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Coat of arms of the county of Boulogne.
Coat of arms of the county of Boulogne.

The county of Boulogne (Dutch: Bonen) was a historical region in the Low Countries. It consisted of a part of the present-day French dˆ©partement of the Nord (French Flanders), in parts of which there is still a Flemish-speaking minority.

In Roman times, Boulogne was situated in the Roman provinces of Belgica and inhabited by Celtic tribes, until Germanic peoples replaced them and made an end to roman imperial rule.

Its most important city was Boulogne-sur-Mer.

Today the historic county of is an integral part of France.


[edit] History

thumb|left|200px|The county of Boulogne. The city of Boulogne-sur-Mer became the centre of the county of Boulogne in the 9th century. The founder of the dynasty of the counts of Boulogne seems to have been Hernequin of Boulogne, the son of Ragnhart. Hernequin married Bertha of Ponthieu around 850.

Later that century it was frequently raided by the Vikings. There is some uncertainly about the early counts. There are number of people called count but the first definite count does not appear until the 11th century.

Boulogne later became influential in the history of England, when Eustace II of Boulogne accompanied William the Conqueror's invasion in 1066.

Boulogne was also a major participant in the First Crusade; Eustace III of Boulogne's brothers, Godfrey of Bouillon and Baldwin of Bouillon, both became king of Jerusalem, and Eustace himself was offered but declined the title.

Count Renaud of Boulogne joined the imperial side at the Battle of Bouvines in 1214, and was defeated by Philip II of France.

Boulogne passed under nominal royal control in 1223 when it was given to Philip II's son Philip Hurepel. Hurepel revolted against Blanche of Castile when Louis VIII of France died in 1226. When Philip died in 1235, for unknown reasons the county passed to Adelaide of Brabant, Matilda's niece, and her husband William X of Auvergne, count of Auvergne, rather than Matilda and Philip's descendants.

Boulogne was attacked numerous times during the Hundred Years' War. In 1477 Bertrand VI of La Tour gave up the county to Louis XI who incorporated it into France, except for a brief period of English rule under Henry VIII of England (see Siege of Boulogne).

[edit] Counts of Boulogne

[edit] Uncertain counts

  •  ?-? : Hernequin
  •  ?-? : Odakar V or Odokar the Great
  •  ?-? : Inglebert I
  •  ?-? : Odakar VI
  •  ?-? : Arnoul II

[edit] House of Flanders

[edit] House of Boulogne

[edit] House of Blois

[edit] House of Alsace

[edit] House of Dammertin

[edit] House of Auvergne

[edit] House of Burgundy

  • 1360-1361 : Philip III (son of, also duke of Burgundy, count of Auvergne, count of Artois and count of Franche-Comptˆ©)

[edit] House of Auvergne

Auvergne, married)

[edit] House of La Tour d'Auvergne

After the death of John V, count of Boulogne, the county of Boulogne was integrated into the royal domain.